CliqueClack TV

Entourage – Is Turtle working out of Vince’s house?

Vince is finally the giant movie star that he always aimed to be ... but what will he do when asked to perform his own stunt? Plus Turtle becomes a businessman.

Some good and some bad on last night’s season seven premiere of Entourage. Certainly it was great having the boys back — what I enjoyed the most about the episode was just getting back into their lives.

Turtle has finally gotten his little business venture off the ground. I think it’s sad social commentary that his car service is probably more successful just because the drivers are fun to look at, but reality is what it is. That being said, I didn’t feel as if we got any perspective on how his business fits into the rest of Turtle’s life. How can he remain so plugged into Vince’s life if he has his own thing going?

And the plot with Alex (Dania Ramirez) the driver was just dull. And it didn’t go anywhere … unless Alex quit because she feels the same way about Turtle and wants to date him, but not if he’s her boss. That would have made sense. But the progression otherwise? Not so much.

Loved seeing Vince on-set. I mentioned in my preview that my hope for the season is that we get to see more of working Vince. Which isn’t to say that I don’t enjoy seeing him live his life. Actually, in watching all of season six in preparation for last night’s premiere, I saw the scene where Drama is in the hospital after his anxiety attack during his audition. After examining Drama, the doctor turns to Vince and tells him he did a great job in “Gatsby.” And Vince seems genuinely appreciative of the compliment … I also love that Vince, the one who’s so innocent and childlike in the face of his fans. Yes he then beds most of them, but I think he’s always been more confident in his looks than his talent (which I argue he has).

The stunt thing was okay; I wonder if this will be a turning point for Vince, where the legend grows as he starts to do that sort of thing. Just think of the caliber of actors who were mentioned as doing their own stunts — Robert De Niro, Will Smith, Tom Cruise — this might be setting Vince up for the top of the heap.

I actually enjoyed seeing where Drama is right now. His holding deal is about to expire, and he still has no project developed for him by the studio. I don’t want to see him go up and down for the rest of the series … instead, I think this rise up would be a good place to leave him, assuming he makes it. Drama the successful TV actor will take nothing away from Vince the movie star — the show makes that hierarchy clear — and it’ll be nice to see a guy who’s been struggling in the business for half of his life get an actual “big” break. And I loved when he asked Lloyd (and then Ari) for a team of his own.

Eric’s boring these days as a slave to the man. Okay, he’s not exactly working a traditional 9-5, but did we see him doing anything work-related last night? In fact, have we seen him do anything work-related since closing down The Murphy Group? I like a worrying, hustling, creative Eric. Engaged Eric who does something vague at some office somewhere is dull.

Unfortunately, the most disappointing thing about the episode was Ari. Apparently becoming the head of the biggest agency in the world (are Barbara and Andrew gone?) means he needs to repeat that a lot in order to explain why he won’t do certain things, or why he needs to do others himself. A season of “because I’m bigger than you” got old before it even began. I prefer an Ari with reason to resent the world for giving him the short straw. Hopefully he’ll get back there at some point.

A rocky start, but even a rocky Entourage is better than most anything else. Welcome back!

51EP7eTEWsL. SL160 Entourage season 7 Vinnie and the Chasers are back!51WmA%2BimfyL. SL160 Entourage season 7 Vinnie and the Chasers are back!

Photo Credit: HBO

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

11 Responses to “Entourage – Is Turtle working out of Vince’s house?”

June 28, 2010 at 2:58 PM

Did you really like this episode? It did not feel like a welcome back to me. The only scenes that made me perk up (mildly) had Ari in them.

I’m pretty close to ditching this show.

June 28, 2010 at 3:58 PM

. . . . .

For a season premiere, this had to be one of the biggest SnoozeFests on HBO … or television for that matter. I like this show, but I was pretty much bored to tears.

Vince is killing me. He’s languishing and boring as all get out right now. Not even the possibility (and that’s all it was – a possibility) of him getting harmed could spice up the premiere half hour of the season. *snooze*

Turtle is killing me. The business he has is not only craptastic, but he is a comment away from delving into harassment territory. I see this venture going up in flames … the sooner, the better. And, when it does, then will the story line get interesting where Turtle is concerned. *snore*

E is killing me. He is the biggest wimp of the bunch right now as far as I’m concerned. When he gets uppity, he’s at his best. When he’s in a dilemma, I dig him. Right now? No. *snarf*

Drama is killing me. The thing I’ve like about Drama from the very start is … I hate his freakin’ guts. I loathe him. I despise him from my very core. He’s whiney, stupid, obtuse, unfeeling, tactless, mentally blind, imperceptive, observant only for his own benefit, boorish; slow, dim as a bulb left to its last hour of life. Each and every time he comes on, I turn to my wife and state: “Have I told you I hate Drama?!?” Each. And. Every. Time. I love to hate him. *oozes hate*

Ari is about the only one I enjoy right now. He’s an asshat extraordinaire. But – on occasion – with foibles. The good thing: Word has it there will be some major stumbling blocks on the horizon where Ari is concerned. Then, the series will pick up and go into high gear for me.

Welcome back? Yes … but let’s get it moving, already …

June 28, 2010 at 6:09 PM

I think fans have mistakenly assumed that there’d be some grand progression to the characters that was never meant to occur. So people get frustrated when there’s no movement … when there shouldn’t necessarily be. People want personal growth on a show where that very thing would be the death of it. This is, and always should be, about the one grand success and his three hangers-on. Plus his agent. And the Mrs.

bsg, we hung through The Office together; certainly there must be room in your heart for Vinnie and the Chasers. ;)

As for you Michael, despite your negativity, for some reason I am tickled with excitement by the discovery that you watch this show. I think your brand of commentary is perfect for episodic discussions. Bring it! :)

June 28, 2010 at 6:32 PM

. . . . .


For me, there doesn’t need to be progression on this show … and I’ve’n’t wanted this from this series in the least. But there cannot be stagnation. And that’s exactly what was offered in this season opener. It was day-old dishwater without the possibility of being drained.

You should see me each time Drama comes on the screen: My face screws up and wrinkles appear that haven’t been there since … since … since … last season. Comments – snarly, hateful ones – ooze out the side of my mouth about his ‘abilities’ and inanity. Ooooooooooooooooooo … how I not heart Drama …..

Now, to be fair, I went back up there and re-read my commentary. And I didn’t see one bit of negativity … except for the paragraph on Drama.

And, by the way: Did I happen to mention I *hate* Drama … ?!?!?

Michael <——- Drama hater

June 28, 2010 at 11:28 PM

All of your “X is killing me” intros weren’t meant to be negative? :)

June 28, 2010 at 8:38 PM

Isn’t the point to Drama in the show in some essence to hate him. He’s always been the one who aspires to be known as anything but Vince’s brother. He wanted to be a movie star like Vince – remember all the “Any part’s for me” lines in all seasons. But he’s angry, whiny and he lives in his minimal past successes. I remember when I was on……. is heard over and over again. We know – nobody cares. What we’re all missing is, that’s Drama’s role. He’s THAT guy. They gave him his moments. When he was a real celebrity at Comic-Con, and when he bought the bar in NY and with Five Towns Mediocre success. Even the cast rips on him all the time. Call him old, ugly and gross. So fact it, you are all buying into exactly what he is meant for in that show. So Johnny Drama – KUDOS. Eric was boring. He lost his drive. I don’t mind him in the big company – he scratched and clawed his way there. But he’s content in the middle. We need feisty E Back. Turtle’s company is GENIOUS. It’s the upscale Hooters of the TAXI industry. I was kinda hoping that girl would press charges. Not because I don’t like Turtle. But he finally achieved something. Time to face the hardships! Vince need to beef up ANY bad-ass image for himself. He bombed in that awful Pablo Escobar movie no one can pronounce, made up for it in Gatsby – now it’s time to be a bad ass. Time to do your own stunts (with a stunt double playing Vince doing his own stunts). I was hoping the director would make Vince do a take 2. He said I’ll do it again, but I didn’t buy it that he would though.
Anyway, I am happy it’s back on – sorry I rambled. Hope it made sense though!

June 28, 2010 at 11:33 PM

Absolutely the point. And as I said in my preview, a successful Drama is a mean, particularly unlikable one. But I don’t think the writers are going for unbearable, which is how I’m reading Michael’s reaction.

Agreed on Eric. Not sure about Turtle, though. I like him as the driver with something on the side, not a guy with Vince on the side. So even knocking him down a peg or two would be taking him away from my comfort zone for him. And I like how Vince is. Everyone finds him to have no depth, but that’s who he is. Why is that wrong?

And you definitely made sense!

June 28, 2010 at 11:32 PM

. . . . .

Aryeh: Stating facts does not (necessarily) negativity make.

June 28, 2010 at 11:34 PM

I’m definitely going to enjoy that you watch this show! :)

July 4, 2010 at 7:24 PM


His vulgar comments and the way he acts make me laugh everytime he hits the screen, he is the man


July 4, 2010 at 11:54 PM

. . . . .

If you like whiny and insecure, then I agree:

Drama’s your man …

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