CliqueClack TV

Quibbling Siblings – Our favorite new comedy

Every week brother and sister team Bob and Debbie take on a new topic and debate. This week: The best new comedy of the season.


Last week we picked our favorite new dramas of the season, and it was a really easy choice for me. This week, let’s make things a little more interesting and discuss the best new comedy of the year. Honestly, this is a much tougher decision for me. As I see it there are three strong contenders: Modern Family, Community, and Cougar Town. I think on a different day I may have a different favorite, but I’m going to commit for the column: Community. I think it’s the least watched of those three, but man when it is at its best (see the paintball episode), there is no better comedy on TV.

Yes, Modern Family is extremely clever, very funny, and never had a bad moment all season. I can’t really argue with that. Cougar Town had some huge laughs for me, and I have to give them props for shoving so many jokes into an episode. With all that being said, though, as I sit here, I really want to watch a new episode of Community. There is something about the characters and their relationships that just works perfectly for me. The writing  really improved over the course of the season and the riffing on pop culture is the best that I have seen since the peak of The Simpsons. The show is always cleverly mocking our expectations on classic comedy bits or staging movie remakes (Goodfellas, Good Will Hunting, every action movie ever made…). I love it.

What is your choice?


Perhaps we’re more alike than we think … those are the very three comedies that sprang to my mind immediately, and as I write this, I’m still not sure which my favorite will be by the time I finish my discourse.

I completely agree with you about Modern Family. While logically and certainly ratings-wise (shout-out to Brett!) I feel it should maybe be considered the best new comedy, I don’t think it was my favorite.

Community is the only show of the three that I remember certain episodes as standing out, my three favorites being Halloween, paintball and the naked pool game. There were great moments in both Modern Family and Cougar Town, and some great episodes too, but Community delivered some truly memorable start-to-finish episodes. And I’ll admit that I was very excited the other night when I caught the last four minutes of the Halloween episode.

One of the best things about Cougar Town is not only the massive amounts of jokes that you already mentioned, but the fact that they make fun of the actors’ real-life quirks. The episode that poked fun at Cox’s and Miller’s botox / plastic surgery was great, and who can forget Grayson’s tiny eyes? I guess Andy’s bald head was a given.

Actually, it’s quite nice having a few sitcoms that I enjoy watching. That hasn’t happened in years and years, and for a while, How I Met Your Mother was the only one I was watching.

Have I talked myself around actually choosing a favorite yet?


Get off that fence, Lady! Seriously, you need to pick one.

I wonder if we are perhaps undervaluing Modern Family because all the episodes were so good. Is it because the show was so consistently funny that no episodes stand out above others?

I have to agree with you, though, that the state of television comedies is the best that it’s been for as long as I can remember. I really hope the trend continues into the new season, but comedy is really, really tough.

Alright, Deb, time for you to get your choice on the record.


So I have to choose, eh? After careful consideration, my favorite new comedy is … oh, computer … malfunction … can’t … type….


Cop out! You are such a disappointment.

Photo Credit: NBC

5 Responses to “Quibbling Siblings – Our favorite new comedy”

July 1, 2010 at 10:47 AM

Commougartown Family!

Can’t we all be such comedy fans that we love all shows equally? :-)

July 1, 2010 at 10:56 AM

The Middle, hands down. Modern Family has strong situations, but it tries to be too funny, and many times fails as a result. Manny was great once or twice, but now he’s overkill. Brick, on the other hand? Debbie, how can you ignore your “son?”

July 1, 2010 at 11:08 AM

Heh, The Middle did cross my mind, but it wouldn’t be my favorite b/c I only like the Brick parts. OK, I love the Brick parts, the Brick parts are phenomenal … but the other comedies are better.

Off topic, I only just found the toolbar that allows everyone to italicize etc. — I really thought that everyone knew code except me! :-)

July 1, 2010 at 12:20 PM

I’ve only seen Community and Modern Family, and I’ve gotta go with Community. It seems like they started to get the characters down towards the middle of the season. Troy, Abed, and Jeff were pretty solid from the get-go, but I think Britta, Pierce, and Annie all got significantly better over the course of the season. Also, the fringe characters like The Dean, Vaughn, Starburns, and Senor Chang are excellent

July 3, 2010 at 1:55 AM

Community is my favorite, with Modern Family close behind. I’ve never bothered to watch Cougar Town – the name of that show turned me off. But I’ve heard good things about it, so maybe I will eventually try an ep or two.

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