CliqueClack TV

Leverage + country music = one fun hour of TV

Just put aside for a moment, if you will, the fact that Nate and Sophie finish each other's sentences and enjoy the country kitsch of this week's episode of 'Leverage.'

- Season 3, Episode 6 - "The Studio Job"

“How’s it going, Parker?” – Nate
“I don’t think I’m being weird enough.”- Parker
“Somehow I doubt that.” – Nate

There were so many things I loved about this episode of Leverage, which is completely weird, because I pretty much loathe everything about country music, from the clothes to the twang. With the exception of a few Southern rock bands and Kenny Rogers (don’t ask), I just can’t listen to country. Simon Cowell and I, we’d get along great because I just don’t get it.

That said, the hokey country kitsch was a perfect subject for an episode of Leverage. I really liked how it made the different personalities of the team members stand out, especially the women: Parker was at her weirdest as not-Bjork and the little snippets of her trying to understand the fiddle con were great. Sophie snubbing ribs was hilarious. As much of a grifter as she is, she just couldn’t fit into the country scene. I hear you, Sophie, but I do love ribs.

Something else the Leverage folks seem to be doing this season is showing the different members of the team becoming more involved with the clients. Last week, Hardison was cozy with the client, this week, Eliot was, well, more than cozy with the client, but who can blame him — that was Alona Tal! Hey Alona, loved you in Supernatural, lukewarm about you in Veronica Mars, but very nice to see you.

Speaking of guest appearances, I think John Schneider just keeps getting more awesome with age. He’s come a long way from the good ol’ boys’ Bo Duke and I really began to appreciate him again when he guested on Dirty Sexy Money before its demise. Back to Leverage — his Kirkwood was the perfect scumbag, and we got to hear him sing — bonus!

Speaking of singing (See how I’m doing that? It’s one step up from stream-of-consciousness, but you’re enjoying it, I just know it.), it’s about time we got to hear Christian Kane sing on Leverage. Even Lindsay on Angel piped up sooner than the third season (OK, maybe not, I’m talking out of my … big mouth here, but the dude’s in a band — let him sing!)

Speaking of Simon Cowell (I did too — back in the first paragraph), the scene with the “pitchy” references was such a shout-out to American Idol, or should I say Leverage made huge fun of American Idol and the term they coined, and then use incorrectly every week — is that even possible? Eliot getting in a snit and Hardison just keeping at him was so much fun.

Did you have as much fun this week as I did?

Photo Credit: TNT

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | Leverage | TV Shows |

5 Responses to “Leverage + country music = one fun hour of TV”

July 19, 2010 at 3:07 PM

Just have to ask – Did you breathe while typing this? You could feel your excitement coming through.

I am thoroughly enjoying this season so far!

July 19, 2010 at 3:27 PM

HA! I guess I barely breathed, but I just had so much fun watching this episode and writing it up as well! :-)

July 20, 2010 at 2:59 AM

I really thought this episode was going to suck after seeing the preview but I too really enjoyed it. Was the song real? Or was it written. For the show?

Ribs, ribs, and more ribs … classic!

July 21, 2010 at 12:02 AM

I have loved Leverage form the start and I also love country music. One thing I can not find yet is the name of the songs preformed, I would love to download them.

July 21, 2010 at 8:44 AM

Christian Kane wrote the song for the show and it’s available on iTunes:

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