CliqueClack TV

Leverage – I’m fishing for a major heist….

Though it was definitely not my favorite episode of the season, tonight's 'Leverage' showed us a badder side of Hardison and a clever ending.

- Season 3, Episode 7 - "The Gone Fishin' Job"

“You’re seriously going to let Whitman get away with this?” – Eliot
“Eliot, I stole you a train. Have a little faith.” – Nate

I suppose the above quote hits home for me tonight. I admit that I didn’t love this episode of Leverage as I was watching it and I still think it was one of the weakest this season, but I didn’t have the faith I should have. As always, the payoff that the ending delivered was top-notch.

The briefcase switch was brilliant and I know they’ve done it before, but I really love it when they make a guy look like he’s turned against his own men. Actually, I take that back — I’m not sure that Leverage has done it before (but I bet they have … I’m far too lazy to go looking that up tonight), but I know that Burn Notice does it often.

Something about this episode still just didn’t click for me. As much as I love Eliot and Hardison, I wasn’t feeling their struggle through the wilderness running from the militia dudes, and let’s face it — it was stupid not to get on the train. Now, if I were Hardison and the baddest ass I knew (Eliot of course) didn’t think it was a smart idea to fight the militia, you can bet I’d follow his lead. Hardison has definitely changed since the first season, when he was just a non-confrontational computer nerd who didn’t ever want to be the face of the con. Though he hasn’t completely let go of his former self:

“I have fear. And doubt. And really serious regrets. I should be fine.” – Hardison, after Eliot told him that overconfidence is bad

I’m really feeling the need for a good ol’ fashioned heist. It’s been a while since they’ve planned a con around a major theft. Which reminds me, I’ve got to get watching Hustle….

Worth mentioning:

  • Eliot has a compass in his head … of course he does.
  • Note to self: Never take a spin class where Parker is the instructor.
  • As someone who lives much, much closer to snotty Metrowest than Fitchburg, I can safely say I enjoyed the Leverage version of a Fitchburg accent.
  • Of course Hardison would enjoy virtual fishing. That fits.

How was this episode of Leverage for you? I just get worried we might head down the season two path….

Photo Credit: TNT

One Response to “Leverage – I’m fishing for a major heist….”

July 26, 2010 at 9:26 AM

I enjoyed the episode but it did run a little slow.
Parker as a collection agent has me on the fence. I almost would have liked her to get a real deadbeat first and then the oncology call. Too much of an anvil, I got it the company is bad, but then showing her pounding the delete key was funny.

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