CliqueClack TV

So You Think You Can Dance – And then there were four

The quartet left standing are the cream of this season's crop. They're all strong, they're all worthy in their own way.

- Season 7, Episode 19 - "Two Get Eliminated"

Here’s where we are at this stage of the game:

With Jose Ruiz and Billy Bell leaving So You Think You Can Dance during the elimination round, we’re left with only four qualified dancers: AdéChiké Torbert, Robert Roldan, Kent Boyd and Lauren Froderman.

AdéChiké will not win. While he’s got the chops, there have been too many instances where he’s been flawed in his performances. Technically, he’s a superb dancer (don’t get me wrong — each of the remaining four are superb in their own way) but he won’t make it to the final round because of some of those flaws. Robert will not win. While he, too, brings it each week, the fans won’t be behind him as they will be with the remaining two.

Kent is an outstanding specimen. We’ve watched him soar and grow over the course of this competition and he’ll be fighting Lauren to the very last. He’s got a definite contingent behind him rooting him on and he’ll give Lauren a run for her money.

But it’s Lauren who will ultimately be left at the top of the heap, I’m certain.

If you watch her dance, you can’t help but notice she puts 110% into her performances … each and every time. Her moves are amazing … precise … sometimes other-worldly. Her technicality dead on, jaw-dropping. Throughout the season we’ve seen her rise to the occasion no matter the dance form or choreography she’s been given. All around, the best contestant left standing.

Nigel Lithgoe finally announced what we’ve all been waiting for: the grand switchover from the judges to the fans in making the decision who stays and who goes from this point on. It’s high time we have our say in the matter.

But before we get to the remainder of the season, let’s conduct our own little poll as to who you think will win the competition, shall we? Vote below.

Side Notes: Allison Iraheta, American Idol Season 8 finalist, performed “Don’t Waste the Pretty” accompanied by Australian rock guitarist Orianthi. Was it me … or was the entire segment one big hot wall of sound mess? Christian TV? Why do we care about him and, better question, who told him he could sing? And lastly, SYTYCD Powers That Be? Can you please do something … anything … with Cat Deeley‘s flyaway hair before next week’s broadcast? She’s becoming Medusa before our very eyes….

Photo Credit: Fox

5 Responses to “So You Think You Can Dance – And then there were four”

July 30, 2010 at 10:40 AM

Michael Noble’s critique is spot on. I love Lauren, but somehow those screaming tweens every week for Kent cannot be overlooked. It is a toss up for the win, but I agree with MN’s opinion that Lauren deserves to win this. She has so much skill coupled with heart and passion for the dance! Simply amazing dancer, who has excelled at everything that has been thrown at her. What a trooper! Kent has grown week after week, and is a very strong and competent dancer. Definitely down to Kent & Lauren for the win!

August 2, 2010 at 12:52 AM

. . . . .

Thank you, Patti.

I am not ignorant of the fact the bubblegum contingent could well put Kent in the top spot in the end.

We simply must hurry up and wait and see what happens.

July 30, 2010 at 7:41 PM

I don’t like Lauren. I don’t notice any of those qualities you say. She hasn’t good lines nor posseses the technique. Compared to the three remaining dancers she is in diapers.

But I think she will win because this is SYTYCD and somehow not the best dancers win. As I said in yesterday’s comment she is a Sabra-alike that will win but then will remain gone. She has nothing special about her.

That passion you notice that I don’t I saw in the perfect solo Billy did. His contemporary with Ade (Stacey rocks) was the best this season (with Napitabs choreo with alex).

It’s a shame this season of SYTCYD has been so poor tho. Too much broadway and not the good one and the ballroom has been specially bad too.

Keeping Jose till the very last didn’t help either. Well, let’s hope Canada version will remain better.

August 2, 2010 at 12:55 AM

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I don’t see how you cannot see the talent that exudes from Lauren.

As mentioned, I’m certain she will win. Whether she does or not is another story all together …

August 2, 2010 at 5:12 AM

Sorry Michael, but I don’t see it. She seems pretty normal to me. She hasn’t good lines in my opinion and regular extensions. Maybe she dances with passion but that alone doesn’t cut it imo. I need to see something else on a dancer, being brilliant that is.

I saw that in Alex, for sure, in Billy too although it was clear from the beginning audience didn’t like him and even Robert has something… but I don’t see that in your girl.

And I still think she is going to win.

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