CliqueClack TV

Leverage – It’s all in the point-of-view

'Leverage's' best episode of the season just aired ... can the final two episodes live up to the awesomeness?

- Season 3, Episode 11 - "The Roshomon Job"

“Oh, you’re too kind, Mr. Gladstone, but it’s nothing compared to the beauty of your dagger.” – Sophie

I knew I was going to love this episode of Leverage from the moment I saw the previews last week. How can we go wrong with an entire episode of flashbacks, something I’ve been yearning for this whole season? And finally, it was going to be a real heist, not some lame, feel-good con (I know, heart of stone….). What I didn’t count on was the hysterical points-of-view through which the story would be told.

It started off cute with Sophie, and they carried it through with the other characters — Nate dipped in and out of the flashbacks, as the character within the flashback was telling the story to Nate. Very clever and unique, and a perfect way to intensify the fun of this episode.

Another fun gag they had throughout the episode was Sophie’s accent. I’m pretty sure that most British people speak a different language that we do which makes watching Being Human somewhat of an effort for me (though I love the show), so I could relate to everyone’s different take on Sophie’s accent, especially Parker’s unintelligible memory … too funny. And the quotes:

  • “Oh, blimey, governor, it’s loaded with sea roaches … that’s British for shrimp. We have a different word for a lot of things. It’s a bit stupid, isn’t it?” – -Sophie, in Eliot’s flashback
  • “Americans. Every accent sounds the same to you. I just … go on. I sound like one of the dwarfs in Lord of the Rings, but please continue.” – Sophie, in Hardison’s flashback
  • “I hate you all.” – Sophie, in Parker’s flashback, reacting to the fact Parker didn’t even hear words

The subtleties of the different flashbacks and the way they reflected the characters doing the flashing was so well done.

  • Will we ever know if Sophie had the hots for Eliot, or vice versa? Maybe Hardison’s camera phone picture of them dirty dancing could shed some light on the subject.
  • “I’m going to go sharpen this knife. Maybe walk around the halls in the dark. Don’t leave.” – Eliot, in Hardison’s flashback
  • The glee on Parker’s face in her own flashback when she handed the knife to Eliot as he was going to cut Hardison’s throat … awesome.

Even though Nate always seems to come out smarter than the rest of the team, it works and everything about his version of the flashback was believable. That’s what makes Nate Nate, and why the team needs him around. Not a thief, but the mastermind, completely.

I’m not sure the last two episodes of the season can possibly measure up to this masterpiece, but I’m sure hoping. What do you think?

Photo Credit: Karen Neal/TNT

5 Responses to “Leverage – It’s all in the point-of-view”

August 22, 2010 at 11:48 PM

This could have been the best episode of the series. I think we all knew Nate would be the victor in the end, but I guessed wrong at how he pulled it off.

August 23, 2010 at 3:14 AM

Very enjoyable until the shoe horning of the oil spill message at the end. It just didn’t need it at all.

August 23, 2010 at 9:31 AM

Agreed, but I was still riding the high of the rest of the episode so I barely noticed it! :-)

August 23, 2010 at 1:56 PM

Being British I did notice it (and the awful accent). It just sorta cheapened the episode.

Mind you I did enjoy the rest of the accent jokes!

August 23, 2010 at 5:38 PM

I think they were sort of poking fun at themselves with that part thought. I mean the oil magnate called the museum visitors “the little people”.

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