CliqueClack TV

NCIS – Does Alejandro just get deported now?

Not that I think Gibbs should be jailed for the revenge murder he committed years ago, but can you imagine if our government agencies covered up as many crimes as NCIS does?

- Season 8, Episode 1 - "Spider and the Fly"

I sat down last night to write my review of the season eight premiere of NCIS. I was all jazzed about the return of Gibbs and our favorite crew of government agents. Not only that, but we were blessed with the presence of Papa Gibbs (Ralph Waite) and the hit-or-miss Mike Franks (Muse Watson).

Then it dawned on me that the episode wasn’t very good. Add a dash of disappointment, and you can understand why I wasn’t able to put my thoughts together until today.

I had mostly enjoyed the last few episodes of season seven, with the build-up to Abby’s realization that Gibbs was the mystery shooter in her Mexico case, and Paloma Reynosa (Jacqueline Obradors) and Alejandro Rivera (Marco Sanchez) gunning for revenge for their father’s murder. But the cat-and-mouse game that the plot devolved into in the season eight premiere just wasn’t a very fun story.

I enjoyed the showdown between Papa Gibbs and Paloma. I’m not surprised that she blinked first by turning around (not literally) and walking out the door. And she should be ashamed of herself for not shooting up the storefront herself. But where were all the people you could hear shouting as soon as Papa Gibbs fired off his shotgun? How poor is the human response time to automatic weapon fire?

McGee up at the Canadian border was hilarious; he looked like he belonged in a Russian winter more than anything else. I recall that Sean Murray was mostly absent in the season seven finale; was that due to the contract dispute he only recently resolved?

The episode also had two side mysteries that were dropped on us somewhat inconspicuously. First there was Vance and Mossad Director Eli David, who was first on the phone for NCIS Director Vance, and later texted him a cryptic message: “I found him.” The second was an IM Tony received from his father, desperate to talk. Are we due a visit from Robert Wagner soon? He was great last season as Tony’s dad, and it would be awesome to see him back again.

But as for the main story, I just wasn’t so into it. I think there was simply too much happening. If Paloma was in town to hunt down Gibbs, fine. But that she was also crisscrossing the country on a drug expansion tour made the relevant story somewhat murky. What, so she was squeezing terrorizing Gibbs in between underground meetings?

It was exciting when brother Alejandro popped up at NCIS, but he felt all-bark-and-no-bite in his confrontations with Gibbs and Vance. And would he really be dumb enough to threaten Abby right in front of all those alpha males? From what we’ve seen he’s more tactical than that.

Reviewing it in this fashion, I guess the premiere was decent. Maybe I just wasn’t crazy about the way the case shifted the usual team dynamics that I so enjoy on this show. The episode was top-heavy with Gibbs, Vance, Franks, and Papa Gibbs. While that’s all well and good in general, for a season premiere I’d expect more Tony/McGee ribbing, and less Franks/Vance stare-downs.

But with the case resolved (I hope), next week should get back to the basics. I know I’m psyched for a new season of NCIS! How about you?

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Photo Credit: CBS

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | NCIS | TV Shows |

9 Responses to “NCIS – Does Alejandro just get deported now?”

September 22, 2010 at 12:26 PM

What did Eli David mean with the text to Vance…’I found him’???

September 22, 2010 at 12:28 PM

Ya…I didn’t get that…who did David find!!??

September 22, 2010 at 12:30 PM

Must be Alejandro…assuming that he had diplomatic immunity and they had to let him go.

September 22, 2010 at 2:29 PM

I don’t think it would be Alejandro. There has to be something connected to Ziva/Tony from the end of the previous season that I can’t think of right now. But I would doubt it would be connected to what was happening in the current episode.

September 22, 2010 at 1:42 PM

Jackson has a Winchester Rifle, not a shotgun. Both you and TV Squad have it wrong, I just went back and rewatched.

September 22, 2010 at 3:15 PM

I wonder if we will ever find out!!??

September 22, 2010 at 10:10 PM

They always bring this kind of mystery back at a later date, sometimes a much later date.

September 26, 2010 at 3:14 PM

I was kind of meh on the episode because I’m not really interested in Gibbs and his Franks/Shannon shooting stories. I liked Paloma but she did seem rather OTT and melodramatic.

Why was McGee complaining about Canadian beer? All he needed to do was mix one part Canadian beer and one part water, and it would be must like the beer from home.

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