CliqueClack TV

30 Rock – Does NBC have a diversity problem?

This week's '30 Rock' set up what appears to be a big story arc as Jack tried to get congressional approval of the NBC and Kabletown merger.

- Season 5, Episode 3 - "Let's Stay Together"

The merger of NBC and Comcast Kabletown was back in the forefront this week on 30 Rock. Jack testified before congress for approval of the deal and it set up what appears to be a big a story arc for the season. Queen Latifah guested as a congresswoman who looks to be standing in the way of the big merger, and we haven’t seen the last of her. She championed for diversity at NBC, and when that fell flat on its face, despite Jack’s best efforts, she gave him an ultimatum to improve.

I have to say that the final act of the episode, with Representative Bookman touring NBC was a blast. The episode did a really great job of setting up all the jokes. There were the paper recycling signs which mistakenly designated the bathrooms for “colored” and “white.” There were the separate craft service tables for Tracy’s new show and TGS. Finally, there was Jack inadvertently taking away the diversity hire spot in the page program by hiring Kenneth back. It all went horribly wrong in a delightfully funny way.

Jenna had some great lines in this episode, too, as she turned into her own pageant mother. She was trying to help Kenneth nail his audition into the page program, but ended up turning him into a gaudy, sparkling nightmare. I can only imagine what a tiny little Jenna would have been like with a stage mom like that — terrifying. With all the jokes about Jenna’s relationship with Mickey Rourke, I’m really hoping that we see him make a cameo.

I have to admit, after complaining about the guest stars last week, that I really enjoyed the appearance by Rob Reiner in this episode, lampooning the current politicians in congress. He played a fictionalized version of himself after Jack complained about Washington being filled with out of work actors. He did a great job, and I loved his excitement over the Sex and the City walking tour.

My favorite quotes of the night:

“What if we have to stay overnight and all their aren’t enough rooms so we have to share a room and I forgot to bring a shirt to sleep in and the stores are all closed…” – Jonathan, on his trip with Jack

“I’m gonna have to reinvent you. Break you down completely and build you up from scratch. Just like Mickey Rourke did to me, sexually” – Jenna

“Why is it that NBC looks about as diverse as a Wilco concert?” – Representative Bookman, to Jack

“Magnolia Bakery?!? Oh, sorry hips!” – Rob Reiner, excited about his Sex in the City walking tour.

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | 30 Rock | Episode Reviews | Features | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “30 Rock – Does NBC have a diversity problem?”

October 7, 2010 at 11:32 PM

This was a good episode. It’s weird–I don’t actually laugh at 30 Rock, but this show did make me smile a lot. The NBC and Comcast in-jokes worked very well (especially the L&O cancellation ones!), and Queen Latifah was surprisingly good as the senator. I thought the Jenna/Kenneth material was the weakest part. The super-seriousness of the African-American public affairs show was absolutely perfect. It was nice to see Jonathan back–I don’t remember seeing him so far this season until now.

It’s ironic that this season, NBC has “Undercovers”, with two black lead characters. And they’ve got President Blair Underwood on “The Event” (what? his character has a name? no, he’s just Blair Underwood :) It dampens “30 Rock’s” argument about the lack of NBC diversity a little.

I prefer episodes like this, where Liz remains somewhat sane, Tracy is used in moderation, and Jack carries the understated comedy. “30 Rock” was heading for my “why am I still TiVoing this?” list–it’s got a reprieve for a while. “The Office”, on the other hand, is thisclose to getting its season pass deleted–plus, now I’ve got the annoying “Sweeney Todd” music stuck in my head.

October 8, 2010 at 8:24 AM

I have to admit I was one of the people who tended to complain about NBC’s lack of diversity back in the day; but, when it yielded poorly developed characters, I just gave in. Although that doesn’t represent NBC today, seeing the Bookman character proved an old school blast from the past. Plus, Rob Reiner? Hilarious.

Am I the only one who laughed at Liz’s guest spot on the Ruby Dee/Ossie Davis-like talk show? Also, am I the only one who has just started to notice that 30 Rock dates its guest actor appearances? Last year, Julianne Moore typically yelled when she’d return. Last Week Matt Damon gave a date for his return and this week Latifah did the same.

October 8, 2010 at 9:00 PM

My favorite line from the episode:
“I lost my mood ring, and I don’t know how I feel about that.” – Tracy Jordan

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