CliqueClack TV

CommercialClack – Life Cereal

Tara is back with Michael this week and made him face his Mikey dilemma. But really. Don't we all remember Mikey?

Michael: *sigh* I involuntarily rolled my eyes at this commercial when I saw we were doing it. It was a source of continual “Let’s get Mikey!” jokes all through grade school. A burden I bared.

Tara: Yes, I did pick this one. It was my turn. But I didn’t think of how you must have been teased about it. Shows how popular it was. No one quotes commercials anymore.

Michael: It could have been worse. Case in point: My good friend Ricky Riccardo (note there are two “c’s” in his name). Worse still, the guy was a “junior.” Talk about shouldering a burden! Having to listen to an incessant amount of “Rickeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee … !!!” chortles throughout the day would have worn down the staunchest of constitutions….

Tara: Poor dude. Bet they always told him he “had some ‘splaining to do!” as well, huh? I myself was bombarded with the stupid song “Ta-ra-ra-boom-dee-ay!” Yuck. However! Who was cuter than Mikey, um … Mike-ey?? *chortle*

Michael: What a coincidence! That was our rallying cry in high school!

Tara: Yeah, yeah. Let’s talk about the commercial. It’s one example of the power of television to me, as who has not said, “He likes it! Hey Mikey!” at some point. I mean, maybe it’s when you’re at a frat party watching some blockhead funnel beer … but still!

Michael: It’s common knowledge there are no blockheads in frat houses. Let alone blockheads named Mikey….

Tara: Ha! I guess you didn’t go to Michigan State. By the way … they will KILL Michigan this weekend. Go Green! Go White! Um … are we off track? It’s been that kinda day for me.

Michael: … hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm … well … let me ask you something: What is the deal with the two kids who shove the bowl at Mikey? I mean … why do they get so excited over something that Mikey might hate? Or like, for that matter? Does that make sense to you? Were the ad execs who came up with this little ditty just on a tear to fool kids into eating Life Cereal? Riddle me that …

Tara: The execs obviously were tortured by bigger brothers as kids and drew on it for inspiration. And made a kagillion bucks in the process. Plus! Have you ever had Life Cereal, especially Cinnamon Life? It’s fabulous! What’s not to like? It’s not like Mom was shoving Spam topped with greasy eggs on them.

Michael: … eeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww….

Tara: I have no response to that, you rocket scientist.

Michael: But! It’s a good response and I like it. I like everything.

Photo Credit: Quaker Oats Company

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4 Responses to “CommercialClack – Life Cereal”

October 8, 2010 at 12:24 PM

No other options for the poll like: “Yes, I quote this commercial EVERY chance I get?”

October 8, 2010 at 3:39 PM

I quoted it until each time I did someone one inform me that Mikey died in a Pepsi/Pop Rocks incident. An urban myth, of course.

October 8, 2010 at 3:44 PM

Nope, he didn’t die, just joined the world of radio advertising in New York. Maybe death is better?

October 8, 2010 at 4:23 PM

There are no blockheads in frats anymore. They were replaced with D-bags.

As for the commercial: I have quoted it at random times throughout my life and the ad is way older than I am. That shows how timeless the quote is.

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