CliqueClack TV

Diary of a Curb Your Enthusiasm virgin – Who will they get to play Leo Bloom?

As grand a scheme as it sounds, what are the chances that a large enough group of people actually place stock in weather predictions to enable a weatherman to manipulate the daily forecast for golf?

(Season 4, Episodes 3-4)

I realize that this isn’t the first time it’s been mined for comedy, but shows should seriously consider laying off making jokes about dogs sticking their faces in peoples crotches. First of all it’s just a thing that dogs do … it’s meaningless in the context we put it in. Second of all, the implication is just gross. Is that really something we want to enjoy a good laugh over?

4.3 “The Blind Date”

I’m not completely sure why Larry felt the need to “keep” Michael (Patrick Kerr) the blind rehearsal pianist, but there Larry was cleaning for him, setting him up on a date, and generally taking care of him. All this just because Larry drove off Michael’s last girlfriend? She was lying to him!

I enjoyed the explosive Ben Stiller. First of all it was totally about time that Ben went off on Larry — loved his “Driving Mr. Larry” line — and second of all it reminds me of when Stiller was on Friends and he yelled at the chick and the duck. Good times.

Larry was great threatening Cheryl’s nephew and telling him that he was required to give Larry half of his Halloween candy. But what a totally random thing to throw into the episode. What was the connection to anything else that transpired?

I did not need to know that Cheryl sometimes pops into Jeff’s sexual fantasies. What kind of person tells their friend that? Not to mention, what kind of person who relies on said friend for a large part of their income tells their friend that? Jeff really has some serious problems.

As does Larry … did he really complain to Mel Brooks himself about toilet paper? Ben Stiller didn’t quit the show for that reason, but a part of me is willing to bet that had he not already quit and he’d heard about that….

4.4 “The Weatherman”

There’s something about Saul Rubinek (here as Saul Funkhouser) playing a dentist that reminded me of Barry on Friends. I don’t know why, but that’s the mental image I got. I’m not quite sure I understand how he hooks into the Marty Funkhouser (Bob Einstein) family, though. Marty I of course recognize from the most recent season of the show; does Saul return at some point?

Anyway, I greatly enjoyed the return of Shelley Berman as Larry’s father Nat, and not just because he and Larry got into it over a man sitting down while he pees. How in the world is it possible that Larry actually fell into the toilet? That’s crazy!

Funkhouser’s barefoot Russian cousin Tolie (Boris Lee Krutonog) was a hilarious character. I loved how weird he was, and how he tried to convince Larry that it was okay that he wanted to try on Larry’s glasses — after all, he was the guest, right? Great, great character.

And great (albeit short) Kathryn Joosten sighting as the lady at the reception desk. What’s up Mrs. Landingham!

A part of me is really excited to keep watching as this particular plot builds to a natural conclusion. I’m sure another part of me should be scared, but right now I’m just feeling positive anticipation … that part of me’s still naive!

51RTMS53ABL. SL160 Diary of a Curb Your Enthusiasm virgin – The all singing, all dancing Larry David51vDsx153ZL. SL160 Diary of a Curb Your Enthusiasm virgin Should I or shouldnt I?

Photo Credit: HBO

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