CliqueClack TV

Jon Hamm shows you 46 different ways to say “what”

Jon Hamm is better than you. Case in point: he can even make saying "what" over and over again seem riveting.

This video has been making the rounds the past couple of days, but I can’t stop watching it. The fact that Don Draper is often confused by his life is something that hasn’t escaped me. During this season of Mad Men, I actually started noticing how much he says “what.” Luckily, someone brilliantly compiled a crapload of times in which he does just that.

What I love about this is how each “what” is different. Jon Hamm used to teach acting classes: couldn’t you see this as a teaching aid? In any case, the clip is 1:36 minutes long, and it’s truly a journey. It starts out interesting, then gets confusing, but at about 1:20, the absurdity of it will make you start laughing uncontrollably.

Fair warning: if you watch it before bed, you may have dreams that you slept with Jon Hamm. Warning #2: the dream won’t actually be about you sleeping with Jon Hamm. It will be about you having slept with Jon Hamm at some point in the past, you telling everybody, “Hey, Jon Hamm and I totally did it,” and a long time of him not calling you back.

So I’ve heard.

Photo Credit: AMC

Categories: | Clack | General | Mad Men | TV Shows | Videos |

2 Responses to “Jon Hamm shows you 46 different ways to say “what””

November 5, 2010 at 7:02 PM

Pardon me?

I’m not going to dream about him! No way!

December 3, 2010 at 9:18 PM

I’ve been catching up with the series this week and my boyfriend and I have been trying to guess when he’s about to say that word.

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