CliqueClack TV

HIMYM – I think we finally met the Mother

Who knew ... Ted Mosby has been searching for the titular mother for six seasons, and I'll bet no one expected it to be his biggest enemy.

- Season 6, Episode 8 - "Natural History"

It is funny how, in a moment, everything can change. While Zoey’s introduction this season has obviously been leading to some type of relationship, it wasn’t until a trip to the American Museum of Natural History that opened my eyes to the reasons that Zoey and Ted are going to work. I’m now officially on Team Zoey, finally sliding out of the Slutty Pumpkin camp, for what its worth.

I’ve always wondered what the perfect girl for Ted would be like…. Would she be brilliant and spontaneous like Victoria? Or perhaps brilliant and backstabbing like Stella? (Sorry, but she deserved that one.) There’s always the chance she’s brilliant and slutty like Trudy (Look, Danica McKeller is brilliant, so just let me have that one, mmmkaythanks?). None of these women worked out for Ted (Though, in my Season One dreams, Trudy was the Slutty Pumpkin), and I think the reason they didn’t is the main reason Zoey just might.

This shouldn’t really be a surprise to anyone, but Ted Mosby is a bit of a douche; much less so today than say last season, but this is a particular condition you never really recover from. So Ted’s perfect woman is going to be the type that will find Ted’s douchey nature to be endearing, or, as I suspect will be Zoey’s approach, knock him down a notch at every opportunity.

No career-oriented woman is going to deal with his … personality, but someone who likes to pick fights — and stand up for causes — will be right up his alley. Did you see the look in her eyes when Ted defended her to the Captain, or in Ted’s when they started to dance? It was almost like the old Batman show, but instead of “Pow!” the words read “Swoon!”

Unfortunately for the two of them — and the millions across the country that just want this storyline to get moving — there’s a new obstacle named the Captain. I’ve got to be honest, though: I was a bit disappointed that we made it through thirty minutes of an episode, and there wasn’t a single Tennille joke!

Notes & Quotes

  • It was difficult not to focus on Ted and Zoey’s storyline, but I couldn’t really care less about Marshal and Lily’s, and the development with Barney (and Robin’s) pretty much warrant their own post.
  • “So, Captain. How’d you get that name anyway?” – Ted
    “I gave it to myself. A real man chooses his own name.” – The Captain
    “Well, pleased to meet you, Captain. I’m Galactic President Superstar McAwesomeville.” – Ted
  • “Oh my God. You have a monocle! Is this real? Is this really happening?! Good luck killing James Bond!” – Ted
Photo Credit: CBS

18 Responses to “HIMYM – I think we finally met the Mother”

November 9, 2010 at 12:13 AM

Maybe I missed something, but isn’t the mother the roommate that played bass guitar in a band, was the roommate of the girl Ted dated for a little bit, etc.? So how can it be Zoey?

November 9, 2010 at 12:14 AM

I guess being married throws a wrench in that, huh?

Well, not like they haven’t changed the rules before :P

February 10, 2011 at 8:37 AM

She ended up being a lesbian and hooking up with her roomate.

February 10, 2011 at 9:50 AM

Cindy ended up being gay, but did not hook up with her roommate………………….

November 9, 2010 at 3:30 AM

I’m pretty sure that Ted and Zoey will develop a relationship soon. But they’ll break up before the end of the season so that Ted can meet the mother at the wedding. My guess is the mother plays in the band at the wedding.

February 17, 2011 at 5:30 AM

Ahh what did I miss? Who’s wedding??

February 18, 2011 at 5:28 AM

Remember at the start of the season when you find out that Ted is the best man at his friend Punchy’s wedding. It should be coming up at the end of this season… Hopefully :)

February 28, 2011 at 12:07 AM

I don’t think its “Punchy’s Wedding” that time. I believe its Barney’s. We are just drove to think it was Punchy’s but in the end it has to be Barney’s since Ted is also his best man…and in my opinion, Barney’s marrying that girl she went to play laser tag with. The next episodes should revolve in Barney’s Girl and in Ted’s relationship with Zoey. We will find out if all these are correct if somehow we can hear a clue from the upcoming episodes.

November 9, 2010 at 7:24 AM

Since I can’t stomach Zoey, I hope she isn’t the mother. She is the most annoying character I have seen in a long time.

November 9, 2010 at 8:41 AM

There are times I even wonder why I still watch this show, but not last night. I loved the whole Robin/Barney storyline, from touching the artifacts to discovering Barney really did ruin the whale skeleton to finding out who his dad was. And Ted got some awesome zingers in there — great quotes! Even his poopy talk across the building was funny.

Not funny = Lily and Marshall. When are they going to get a storyline, or even a line, that is funny? Can’t stand them, and it’s a shame.

November 9, 2010 at 9:00 AM

The best part of the “poopy” talk was how it permeated the episode, and then suddenly became an interesting plot point.

November 9, 2010 at 3:00 PM

Best episode in 5 years. Marshall and Lily had a good storyline! *gasp* It wasn’t so much about the funny but rather about that FINALLY they had something compelling. Something I could believe, that had substance. I didn’t need to laugh about their story (although I did, there were a couple of chuckles with exibit-Marshall). Don’t understand you there Deb. Just because you didn’t laugh? At least they did something that wasn’t so out of character it made me want to throw stuff at the TV like it’s been the case for the last hundred episodes…

Too bad Dorv didn’t write about that. I actually thought you didn’t like their story Ivey – looking at it more closely you don’t say anything about it like Marshall when Lily asks him about his future at GNB. Tell us your thoughts. The real ones. It’s your duty as a blogger. Or do you fear to loose Deb’s respect because you didn’t hate it? ;-)

All three stories were good this week, I can’t remember when that was the case the last time… too bad this is all about sweeps but I don’t mind. Finally the show managed to get across again why it is not in its 6th season.

November 9, 2010 at 11:10 PM

I hate to disappoint you, sir, but no, I didn’t care too much for the Lily/Marshal story (Other than the “sandwich” reference … Those never get old). And that’s the reason I didn’t write about it. I had more than enough to say about the A storyline, and enough about the B storyline that I’ll probably write up on Friday, but could give a flying flip about Lily/Marshal (Which is par for the course). I watch Sitcoms to laugh (Or more specifically sitcom, as this is the only one on now that I watch), not to watch unrealistic, out-of-character drama.

And yes, I call it unrealistic, out-of-character because I find it so incredibly hard to believe that Marshal, who exists in a relationship where they tell each other EVERYTHING kept this a secret as long as he did? I think not.

Nor do I agree with the assessment that this was the best episode in however long. There’s been a lot of great HIMYM, but there’s been a lot of inconsistent HIMYM.

And not for nothing, Deb and I have been disagreeing about HIMYM since the day CliqueClack opened.

November 9, 2010 at 9:44 PM

I really like Zoey, and in these episode Ted was on fire!!! i LOL many times with him, specially with the monocle bit, and when he wispers stupid words across the room. Nice episode indeed!!! :)

November 10, 2010 at 6:06 AM

I am pretty sure that Ted said in the narration a few episodes back that Zoey was not the mother.

November 16, 2010 at 9:44 PM

Zoey is a terrible character but the actress who plays her is even worse. Why is that woman doing comedy? She makes me cringe. The show is going to jump the shark if this crap doesn´t end soon.

January 19, 2011 at 12:58 PM

I really hate Zoey. Why did they put her in the show in the first place? She is the worst character ever.

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