CliqueClack TV

Weeds – The visual of the floating penis was a bit much

If Shane and Andy were sitting in the living room watching TV, who did Mr. Schiff see on the surveillance camera messing with his mail truck? And where did he get the money for the plane tickets?

- Season 6, Episode 12 - "Fran Tarkenton"

This might possibly be the best season of Weeds yet. It’s been kind of all over the place, both literally and figuratively, but the plot lines are dovetailing beautifully with one another, and just about everything that’s happening is of interest. Even Shane, who might appear to be stuck babysitting Mr. Schiff (Richard Dreyfuss), is actually getting an education in what crazy can do to a person if it’s not monitored. And their relationship is hilarious.

Doug headed back home to pick up his passport, and he got a rude awakening — his wife Dana (Judith Hoag) got remarried to a guy named Wilfred (Beau Billingslea), who tackled Doug when he was stumbling around the house in the dark. I find it interesting that Doug would see some sort of challenge in the incident, but he did — he’s vowed to win Dana back. I’m proud of him, but that better not affect his presence on the show.

Andy’s decision to videotape a mock execution of Hooman (Assaf Cohen) in order to satisfy Daoud Mahmud (David Diaan) was wild, crazy, and lots of fun. Sorry for anyone who found it a bit too violent, but that’s the world that Weeds lives in … as is Andy and Hooman’s trip to the morgue to pick a penis up off of a John Doe. I think the fact that Daoud knew they were lying based on the penis was most alarming of all.

I couldn’t help but feel as if Nancy was whoring herself out when she sold her story for cash to Ellis (Eric Lange). There’s no plausible explanation for how he could have guessed that Shane killed Pilar — how did he even know that Shane was at the party, or that he was still there at that point? — but I don’t imagine that Nancy told him a story that dissuaded him of that theory. So why not just drop it, despite her need for cash?

The side tale of Mr. Schiff and the stolen mail was funny as well. It kind of reminded me of Newman on Seinfeld, although that was more incompetence that led him to have a storage unit full of undelivered mail. But since we already knew that Mr. Schiff stole mail — Lars’ (Rick Ravanello) Sky Mall orders, for one — the only original thing was that Hooman found his college acceptance letter in a bag. Now that’s some creativity on the part of the writers.

Silas staying behind seems to be somewhat of a theme on the show. There’s already been some establishment of his being different from the rest of the family — intentional or not — since the show premiered. But that doesn’t mean he should turn out to be Lars’ son; is there a reason that all of Nancy’s kids need to have been fathered by different men? There might yet be more to it, but I was kind of disappointed that Silas seems to not be Judah’s kid.

The episode ended with a bang and a surprise — Guillermo and Esteban were waiting for Nancy in Ellis’ motel room. I didn’t see it coming, but I also didn’t want to see it happen. I’m enjoying that the Botwins are running from something, but I was hoping that that something was behind them. I never really liked Esteban, and when Guillermo went from being Nancy’s boss to someone’s employee he got mean. I’m not wild about them being back in the mix.

That being said, I’m psyched for next week’s finale. It’s going to be awesome!

“You married Uncle Phil from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air; that’s an obvious cry for help.” – Doug to Dana, about Wilfred

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Photo Credit: Showtime

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