CliqueClack TV

Teenage Dreams, ass, Brett Favre’s penis – Things that didn’t suck this week

It's a hormonally-charged week on television. We have talk about ass, skin-tight jeans and more in my favorite clips from this week in TV.

Glee does “Teenage Dream”

This week’s episode of Glee was kind of a mess. It had great potential, but the storytelling was completely sloppy and ham-fisted. Plus, the big number was a Katy Perry song, and I can’t stand her. It’s not her boobs that I find offensive, but her self-proclaimed gay icon status (there’s a great article about it here). However new cast member Darren Criss, who plays Kurt’s new boyfriend, Blaine, did such a fantastic job that it made me overlook my hatred of her.

Adam punches grocery store douche on Parenthood

I’m a giant sap, and nothing gets me more than someone being mean to a kid. So when the asshole in the grocery store called Max a retard, it felt like a slap in the face. As much as I hate people being mean to kids, I love a good TV punch in the face. So when Adam came back and belted that guy in his jerk face, I cheered.

Shirley talks about your ass on Community

In an episode filled with amazingly funny moments, it was a short one that really got me. Shirley is so nice and quiet, but it’s great to see her get to have a moment. Usually her ire is directed toward the younger girls as was the case in this episode. “I’ll make your ass linear” is the same kind of ridiculous thing I say to people all the time, except instead of “your ass,” it’s “your face.” It makes just about as much sense as Shirley does. “I’m going to go to the grocery store,” “Your face is going to go to the grocery store!”

Conan’s first monologue

The long-awaited debut of Conan’s new TBS show was this week, and while he’s not breaking any TV barriers, it was comforting to see him back. The monologue was decent, but my favorite part comes at the very end when Conan’s telling the joke that incorporates all of the big news events from the summer. It’s silly, but “comma, Brett Favre’s penis” will still make me giggle unexpectedly randomly throughout the day.

Photo Credit: NBC

3 Responses to “Teenage Dreams, ass, Brett Favre’s penis – Things that didn’t suck this week”

November 12, 2010 at 7:00 PM

Like her or not (and for a non-pop fan like myself, I’m surprised at how much I do), the cover was pretty darn good :)

November 13, 2010 at 7:50 AM

I know. It’s been stuck in my head all week. Apparently it’s selling like crazy. I’m excited about Criss joining the show.

November 13, 2010 at 5:43 PM

“It had great potential, but the storytelling was completely sloppy and ham-fisted.”

Shhh… you say that here you will be called a bully.

The cover was great, I still stand by the fact that it was a weird song to sing, but not nearly as bad as Poker Face was last year. I was wondering what that song was and I went looknig it up. Wow… I wish I didn’t. The original song was horrible.

And I recently just started watching Community on Hulu. I love it, the show is so ridiculous.

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