CliqueClack TV

30 Rock – Liz is an RA and Jack is the voice of the internet

This week's '30 Rock' brought the discovery of Jack's voice being featured on the internet which led to a lot of laughs and an epic prank.

- Season 5, Episode 8 - "College"

If you haven’t heard yet, there was some good news and bad news this past week for 30 Rock. The good news is that the show was picked up by NBC for a sixth season. The bad news? Beginning January 20th, the show is going to be moving to 10 PM. I feel like the renewal, along with the move was NBC’s way of saying: “Hey, 30 Rock, we know that we’re moving you into a death slot, so we’ll just renew you now before your ratings tank.” At the end of the day, though, I’m just excited to know that we’re going to get more 30 Rock next season, especially after a strong episode like tonight’s.

In my opinion, this episode was one of the funnier of the season. Did you notice there wasn’t any big guest star? I’m wondering if there is any connection there. While I have come down hard on the stunt casting in the past for being a distraction, I think it has worked for the most part this season. With no guest stars to deal with in this episode, though, it seemed like there was more time for all the regular players.

My favorite story of the night was definitely the discovery of Jack’s voice on the internet pronunciation site. I thought it was a great bit and the show got a lot of laughs out of it. There was embarrassing Liz, harassing Jack, and pranking Pete. As if that weren’t enough, Jack’s voice even ended up on GE’s fancy new microwave.

Liz’s attempt to recapture the two weeks of being popular in college didn’t work quite as well for me, but I still thought it was a strong story, if not a tad predictable. Was there anyone not thinking “lactose intolerance” as soon as they saw the ice cream bar? I know I saw it coming from a mile away. It was all worth it for Liz’s reversion into the “RA” that Jenna dubbed her at the end, soaking in the boos and grumbles of the crew after she threatened to kill a dog with a smile on her face. That’s the Liz I know and love.

My favorite quotes from the episode:

“Liz, men wearing men’s watches is so over, the new thing is to get an adam’s apple” – Jenna

“What is this, Jabba’s pleasure skiff?” – Liz, on the crew gambling (you have to love a woman who throws out Star Wars references)

“Your boos are not scaring me. I know most of you are not ghosts.” – Tracy, being booed after winning the crew lottery

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | 30 Rock | Episode Reviews | Features | General | TV Shows |

5 Responses to “30 Rock – Liz is an RA and Jack is the voice of the internet”

November 19, 2010 at 4:22 PM

“You have to love a woman who throws out Star Wars references.”

Yeah unfortunately Tina Fey is the only woman who does such a thing. I believe this why nerds are currently working on cloning her.

November 19, 2010 at 11:29 PM

Liz folding up the pizza at the end was surprising, creepy, and hysterical. Definitely one of the best episodes of the season.

November 20, 2010 at 7:21 AM

“They treat me like Hitler every day but for the first time I feel like Hitler in Germany”

*giggle* *snort*

Awesome joke :-)

Oh and you should change the quote to “women wearing men’s watches” because it doesn’t make sense right now :-)

November 21, 2010 at 12:00 AM

What does R.A. mean??

November 21, 2010 at 7:21 AM

In a college dormitory there is usually one older student who serves as the resident advisor (ra), who makes sure people follow the dorm rules, don’t cause trouble, and generally get along with each other.

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