CliqueClack TV

HIMYM – Check yourself before you Trebek yourself

When everyone takes a second to look at where they are in their lives, Ted the expert shows them how it is done right.

- Season 6, Episode 12 - "False Positive"

When a friend experiences a game-changing, life altering moment, it is only natural to do the kind of self-reflection that Barney and Robin did on this week’s How I Met Your Mother. It was a bit odd that Ted himself, master of the not-so-positive self-reflection, didn’t jump in on the action. His role, though, was to make sure that each of his friends ended this week’s particular journey where they should have. Too bad he had to suffer through watch It’s a Wonderful Life all by his lonesome (and sans-Christmas movie snack).

I don’t buy Marshall and Lily supposedly freaking out how they did. I’m sure couples in this particular situation are freaking out across the planet right now as they find out that they’re soon to be parents, but couples across the planet right now are not Marshall and Lily Eriksen. For one, they’ve had their freak out moments before, and two, they are Marshall and Lily. It isn’t like they didn’t have an idea of what they were in for. And, frankly, if they didn’t know, then it wouldn’t have come rushing in at that particular moment.

The subtle hints that I’ve been picking up on all season long still point to the idea that Robin and Barney will be back together, hopefully sooner rather than later. Little stuff, to be sure; tonight it was the symmetry of both realizing they were still single after Lily and Marshall shared their news. To be sure, their reactions were completely opposite, but it was just another way to connect the two of them. Sooner or later, they’ll realize exactly how many of these connections they still have.

The biggest lingering question of this season, at least to me, is whose wedding did we see during the season premiere? The obvious guess at this point is that it is Punchy, Ted’s high school friend who has asked our favorite narrator to be his best man. However, noticeably absent from those scenes in “Big Days” were Barney and Robin. I’m sure this was done on purpose to allow the audience to wonder if either of them, or both, were to be wed that particular day. I’ve shared my opinions in the past, but, you tell me … Who do you think are the mystery bride and groom?

Notes & Quotes

  • “I know what you’re thinking … ‘I wish I was a dude.’” – Ted
    “I do wish you were a dude.” – Robin
    [ignores her response] Because if I was a dude, I could have Ted Mosby as a best man.” – Ted
  • “Robin, you better check yourself before you Trebek yourself.” – Ted, providing the coolest post title ever
  • “Kids, when your friends have great news, you’re happy for them … for like a millisecond. And then you start thinking about yourself.” – Old Ted
  • Regis, Bob Barker, and now Alex Trebek … Who’s next?
  • The only words I have for tonight’s coda: That’s one to grow on….

Photo Credit: CBS

3 Responses to “HIMYM – Check yourself before you Trebek yourself”

December 14, 2010 at 10:21 AM

Could someone pleeease explain what does this phrase mean “Robin, you better check yourself before you Trebek yourself”. I’m noat a native speker, I just don’t get it.

December 14, 2010 at 10:28 AM

Juz: It is a reference to a song by Ice Cube:

December 14, 2010 at 11:16 AM

What, no immediate songtext post?

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