CliqueClack TV

Does Human Target have its ’80s vibe back?

That's what's been missing in season two -- the unrealistic '80s action vibe.... Did this holiday episode bring us back to season one?

“You know, I always wondered what it would be like, you know, to grow up in the ‘burbs, with a normal family.” – Ames
“All I know is I’d rather be tortured, by, uh, well — by me, than ever have to go back there again. The suburbs blow.” – Guerrero

Put aside the fact that there were about a gazillion holiday episode cliches in tonight’s Human Target (yeah, yeah — Chance is The Grinch, we get it). Pretend you didn’t feel like you were watching Scarecrow and Mrs. King or Riptide (although does that mean Human Target has its awesome ’80s vibe back?). Forget for a moment that you weren’t yearning for the darker days of Christopher Chance and his trio.

You kind of enjoyed tonight’s episode, didn’t you?

I sure did. As goofy as it all was (and not really representative of the series as a whole) it was huge fun. Some of the great moments were completely random (Applebaum being impressed with Winston’s and Chance’s whistling) and others were brought to us courtesy of Guerrero being Guerrero (stapling the boss’s head). Other things that made this episode fun:

  • The soundtrack — A Run DMC Christmas song? Really? And kicking bad guy butt to “It’s a Wonderful World” — inspired.
  • Watching the team infiltrate the suburbs, or Hell, as Chance called it.
  • “I put a tracker on him when we shook hands.” – Chance to Guerrero, over the ear bud
    “I just lifted his keys.” – Guerrero
    “I’d kinda like to think a placed tracker beats lifted keys. Don’t you?” – Chance
    “No I don’t … while we’re sharing our opinions.” – Guerrero
  • Winston reading The Secret Life of Bees (an amazing book, by the way).
  • I always knew Winston and Chance bickered like a married couple, but Winston talking trash about Chance with the wife was hilarious.
  • The parents thought the neighborhood gossip blog was a cause for murder.
  • “Stay off drugs. I’ll be watching.” – Chance
  • “You Nick, are what we in the custodial arts call … a douche.” – Guerrero
  • You know I was going to mention Chance riding Santa’s sleigh to get the bad guys.
  • Chance and his ever-present quote: “You have to trust me.” Admittedly, it’s not as cool as, “How do you like me so far?” but I’ll take it.
  • Guerrero and The Plumber.
  • Guerrero as a janitor … twice.

And thank you for that nice — non-flirty! — moment at the end between Chance and Ilsa. Please keep it platonic.

Even though tonight’s episode probably didn’t give you what you expected, did you still have some fun?

Photo Credit: Michael Courtney/FOX

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One Response to “Does Human Target have its ’80s vibe back?”

December 23, 2010 at 11:01 AM

It was a fun ep, lots of laughs for me, but still Ames has to go and thank gawd Ilsa was only in it for a small bit. I fear the series has lost it’s first season vibe and may never be back, unless, in the season ender, they kill off both Ames and Ilsa. Now that is my Christmas wish.

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