CliqueClack TV

In which I coined the term “getting Buck Rogers-ed”

There you are, driving down the highway at night, and some idiot in front of you does something that takes you back to the 25th century.

Let me take you way, way back … to the late-’80s. I’m in my last years of high school. Oh yeah, there I am. Rockin’ my mullet, cruising the scene in my ’81 Camaro with the self-tinted windows. Fear the six cylinders, baby. It’s a late August night, and my friends and I decide to hop 93 northbound to the beach. Just as Eddie Van Halen was about to finish “Eruption” on the casette deck, that’s when it happened: The jackass driving in front of us flicked his cigarette out the window, and it smacked my windshield. Sparks, flying all over, obstructing my view! “We’ve been Buck Rogers-ed!”

“…We’ve been what?”

Yes, I say we were Buck Rogers-ed. You, too, have been Buck Rogers-ed if you have fallen victim to the cigarette-to-the-windshield. Of course, anyone I’ve said this to in the many years that followed simply responded with blank stares. Hadn’t anyone watched Buck Rogers in the 25th Century before?! The ending credits! It’s right there!

So, as I was driving home tonight, I was again Buck Rogers-ed. It was then that I decided to finally find the previously elusive video clip of the ending credits to Buck Rogers. And so, now I have somewhere to point people to:

Oh, people can still call me crazy and weird all they want, but they can’t call me wrong.

Photo Credit: NBC

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3 Responses to “In which I coined the term “getting Buck Rogers-ed””

January 5, 2011 at 1:50 PM

. . . . .

Hmmmmm … mayhap “I’ve been Buck Rogers Ending Credited!” would garner a more distinctive flavor and understanding.

Unwieldy to blurt out, but …

January 5, 2011 at 2:43 PM

Well you’re right, only if you make the same ooooooooh sound as the credits, just as it expodes.

Loved Buck Rogers. Wanted to be Wilma Deering. She had the best jump suits, which would have worked well in Cannonball Run as well.

The alien-vampire episode terrified me for weeks.

Self-tinted windows? – Brave.

January 7, 2011 at 9:51 AM

God, I loved this show. Liked Season 2 even better.

Why hasn’t NBC “reimagined” this series yet? It couldn’t be worse than Bionic Woman or Knight Rider.


Never mind.

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