CliqueClack TV

NCIS – The wheels on the bus go round and round

I would never have imagined that Bob Newhart would fit in as a guest star on 'NCIS', but after watching him do so perfectly it dawned on me: how great a father would he have made for Jimmy Palmer?

- Season 8, Episode 12 - "Recruited"

I don’t know if it was the moderately interesting case, the team clicking, or the superstar guest, but last night’s episode of NCIS was back to form for me. I mean, sure I missed Mr. Palmer, but I really enjoyed the episode even without him.

Despite having done it before I liked the dead recruiter mystery; it’s a pertinent topic that can be done as many times as it unfortunately occurs in real life, whether those deaths are self-inflicted or not. Plus the added twist with both the recruiter and the kid being gay … how recently was this shot that it’s post-the December 2010 “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” Congressional debate?

I couldn’t decide if it was better or worse that a father would kill someone to protect his son from being tormented for his sexuality. I think I might have preferred to discover that Lance (John Posey) was lonely and afraid to lose his son Paul (Guy Wilson) in addition to his wife. Because otherwise it’s tough to make an argument for Lance that doesn’t include some amount of feelings of shame.

Vance returned after his near-death experience, but I’m not sure what he was going on and on about with regards to the pressure he was feeling from the Secretary of the Navy and elsewhere. Unless, of course, the higher-ups are questioning Vance’s ability to lead after causing his near-death experience himself. Now that would be a good reason to question his competence. But the story there has yet to unfold.

I absolutely loved the guest spot by Bob Newhart as Dr. Walter Magnus, Ducky’s predecessor. First of all you’d think that the trench coat and hat were a professional uniform — the two of them looked so cute together!

But I even enjoyed Abby when it came to her interactions with Dr. Magnus … I know, right? Newhart has the ability to instill childlike wonder in everything that he does, so his amazement at Abby’s lab and all of her fancy toys was fun.

It’s unfortunate that Magnus’ appearance was so self-contained; unlike when fathers have come to visit, Magnus’ illness won’t really allow him to pop back in, or even to serve as a sort of reference for Ducky. But can you imagine McGee setting Magnus up at his daughter’s house with a secure video line back to Ducky’s lab so that he and Ducky could confer on tough cases? How awesome would that not-happening-scenario be?

All-in-all this was a solid episode. I do generally prefer when team member’s lives or families become involved in cases, but their inserting themselves into others’ lives is a close second, too — did you notice Gibbs dressed up all fancy to take Paul to see the recruiter?

And lest I forget two great moments from the episode. First of all, why did it take this long for someone to come up with the idea of calling a bar “The Alibi Room?” That’s great for like fifteen shows currently on network TV. Nice!

And second, if only I could bottle it up and carry it with me: Gibbs singing “The Wheels on the Bus” with Tony! How many times did you rewind to listen to that?

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Photo Credit: CBS

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | NCIS | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “NCIS – The wheels on the bus go round and round”

January 19, 2011 at 4:55 PM

Loved Newhart! I 100% agree there should be some reoccurrence either via linkage or magical mis diagnosis so he may return.

diNozzo is still my least favorite character, after all these years no growth, or so little it died on the vine, he is an Agent former Cop – something should have kicked into his maturity genes by now.

The Probie (aka McGee) has evolved more than diNozzo and though he has family ties to the EP so probably the reason for better character development (peace with the wife and all) there is no reason a character with less time on the show should be more fully fleshed out. Even Robert Wagner couldn’t permanently bring out the mature Tony.

January 20, 2011 at 8:58 AM

The mature Tony is in there. If you watch carefully you see flashes of that every now and then. The brash, breezy, sarcastic frat-boy persona is the shell he puts between himself and the world. Perhaps the upcoming ep showing his back story will give some of the reasons for it.

January 21, 2011 at 6:02 PM

There is in fact a real “Alibi Room” up here in Vancouver:

The moment I heard McGee say it I wondered if it was a shout out, or just a bit of clever writing…

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