CliqueClack TV

Vampire Diaries – It’s OK to love them both

A discrepancy in the short trailer for last week's 'Vampire Diaries' and the actual episode left this viewer wondering what would have happened if Rose actually gave her sage advice to Elena within the episode.

Today’s Guest Clacker is Christine, who by day works in publishing, but by night she relishes all things vampires. Blame angsty teenage years and Anne Rice.

“It’s OK to love them both.”

Was anyone else waiting for Rose to say this to Elena as she sat by her sick bed? The previews for last week’s episode of The Vampire Diaries, “The Descent,” promised this tantalizing exchange. Surely it would have come in the scene where Elena first enters Damon’s room and Rose says to her, “You’re lucky you know, no one has ever loved me the way you’re loved.” Interesting. So was this replacement dialogue? Did the other just get cut? Why? It leaves me wondering if the writers are unsure of where they want the story line to go with Elena and Damon. It is interesting what Rose does say — as she doesn’t specifically refer to Stefan. She says it in a way that we know she means both Damon and Stefan.

I would have liked to see that scene. I want to see Elena question her feelings for Damon, or at least be tempted a bit. I understand the writers want to keep up the tension and stay true to the characters, but I think it would be very interesting for Elena to admit her feelings to Damon but then explain that she doesn’t want to be with him. Why would she? He kills people, etc. etc. Could prove very interesting to see the two of them have a secret “understanding.”

What do you think? Were the writers right to cut that line, or would you have liked to see Elena explain her way out of that one?

Photo Credit: The CW

7 Responses to “Vampire Diaries – It’s OK to love them both”

February 1, 2011 at 11:32 AM

I never saw that trailer, so nothing jumped out at me while watching the episode. Great observation though!

If I had to guess, it was replacement dialog (I seem to remember something like this happening before with a VD trailer, and it ended up revealing spoilers or something). I don’t want Elena to be torn between two brothers, but the way they have done it so far has been perfect. We got to see bad Stefan, good Damon and a range of Elenas in-between.

February 1, 2011 at 12:25 PM

I totally agree with you! I couldn’t believe they would cut such important dialogue out:( I think maybe they are setting up for what’s going to happen later..Maybe a dream elena has in the future,since rose is long gone.Who knows really where their going with the storyline; unless your kevin or julie?

February 1, 2011 at 3:43 PM

I like that that theory that it is in Elena’s dream. That would make a lot of sense.

I wondered about that line and just assumed that I somehow missed it in the episode. Glad to know I didn’t.

February 1, 2011 at 12:39 PM

the dialogue was ‘its ok to love them both. ‘i care about damon but i love stefan’. i personally would not have minded if they kept it in but it would have been repetetive. how many times has elena had to repeat she cares about damon? its annoying at this point and its a little tiring to watch other people make a bigger deal of it than it is.

February 1, 2011 at 12:56 PM

i agree from that perspective.

February 1, 2011 at 3:35 PM

i think they took it out because Elena is not ready to admit to herself that shes in love with both. i mean she cant even admit to herself that they both love her. i think it was a smart choice drag it out a little longer. maybe we will get more Delena Action!! =D…cant wait!

February 1, 2011 at 7:35 PM

I totally agree with Natalie ; The dialog was
R: “It’s OK to love them both”
E: “I care about Damon but I love Stefan”

…which is the exact same thing Elena said in the episode 2×01 already, even before Damon tried to kill Jeremy. So it would have been totally redundant. I personally don’t think it was that big of a deal.
I guess the CW wants to keep the DE fans wondering, hence why the multiple misleading promos!

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