CliqueClack TV

Ben has a complete and total TV meltdown on Parks and Recreation

Ben has a beautiful meltdown on this week's 'Parks and Recreation,' proving that Adam Scott has become invaluable to this show.

- Season 3, Episode 5 - "Media Blitz"

Adam Scott is a genius. I loved Parks and Recreation before, but his addition to the show has put it on an entirely new level. His repeated meltdowns, first on the radio show and then on Ya Heard with Perd, are some of the funniest things I’ve seen this season. Scott does awkward painfully well. I’m pretty sure I didn’t breathe the entire time he was doing his TV appearance. My skin crawled and I felt like I was watching a car crash in slow motion. In short, it was spot-on.

I also think it’s interesting that for the second episode in a row, Ben is kind of becoming the new Jerry. Leslie and Tom ridicule him relentlessly on a regular basis. Last week, it was about the calzones, and this week it was everything from his math skills to his suit (although I’m on Tom’s side with this one — that new suit is nice).

Even though Leslie and Tom both admit Ben is a wreck, it’s nice that when it matters, Leslie still has his back. I’m sure the same could not be said for Jerry. Leslie, who has proven to be more than capable at her job ever since her unfortunate season one female Michael Scott characterization, so I loved seeing her swoop in on Pawnee Today and save the day by just getting all of the “Kid Mayor” stuff out there. It was great seeing Ben regain his confidence and his voice by the end of the segment.

We’ve seen a lot of evidence of Ben’s crush on Leslie this season, but we haven’t gotten a whole lot of insight into how she feels about him, other than her making fun of him. However, we did get a little glimpse when she was talking to the reporter and got all flustered after saying that he’s easy on the eyes. Plus, her “colleagues with benefits” comment made me snort with laughter.

While we may not be getting a whole lot of action on the Ben and Leslie front, the April and Andy storyline that’s been going on forever is finally picking up steam. Apparently it almost took Andy being arrested for being a child molester to thaw April’s heart and made her forgive him for kissing Ann, because it was only after that that she realized she can’t let him get away. After waiting so long for this to actually happen, I’m looking forward to actually seeing where this relationship goes — and whether or not it’s worth the wait.

I don’t have a whole lot to say about Chris and Ann, because I accidentally saw a future episode that reveals a lot about their relationship. However, I will say that while it’s funny to see Ann take on more and more of Chris’s interests and mannerisms, it’s certainly sad on some level. She seems like she’s completely losing her personality to him. Although, considering how boring Ann has been at times, that may not necessarily be a bad thing.

What do you think the fate of Pawnee’s favorite couples and almost-couples will be?

Photo Credit: Chris Haston/NBC

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