CliqueClack TV

30 Rock – Liz meets Agatha Christie

Liz was out on the rebound, Pete and Frank started a band, and there was a climax worthy of Agatha Christie on '30 Rock' this week.

- Season 5, Episode 15 - "It's Never Too Late for Now"

30 Rock has really been on a roll recently. I thought tonight was another case of all three story lines working well. There was Liz, giving in to spinsterhood after her latest breakup, Jack dealing with negotiations at work and at home, and Pete and Frank starting up Sound Mound, perhaps the greatest band in NBC (I just hope Yuki doesn’t ruin it).

This was the first episode that we really got to see Jack dealing with some of the issues of fatherhood. I liked seeing him out of his element, unable to effectively negotiate with his baby’s nurse because she had all the leverage. Try as he might, he just couldn’t sell the notion that he didn’t love his baby. I think we’re going to see a lot more struggles like this for Jack as 30 Rock moves forward. I can’t wait until that poor baby finds itself in the NBC studios.

Jack and Frank’s band, Sound Mound, didn’t get a lot of screen time, but I enjoyed the silliness of it all. Also, the doctored archival footage of Pete in Lover Boy was amazing. It’s almost as good as the old Journey video with Randy Jackson on bass. I have a feeling that we haven’t seen the last of Sound Mound. I can only hope that any future song titles are as clever as “It’s Never Too Late for Now.”

Finally, there was Liz. It was typical Liz, but I loved the Agatha Christie twist at the end, with her dissecting the vast conspiracy that her friends concocted to make sure that she got a one night stand. Hopefully it was enough to snap her out of it, because one week of spinster Liz is enough for me.

My favorite quotes of the night:

“I think maybe I have food posioning.” – Editor
“Really? Because I’ve never  had a problem ordering from ‘American Sub Restaurant Very Clean Come In.'” – Liz

“Yes, if you don’t like it, you can leave. This isn’t Eric Roberts’s teepee.” – Jenna

“I’m giving up, Jenna. I did the math. How many times does a woman meet Mr. Right? I had three chances: Floyd, Carol, and once in an elevator, Tom Brokaw. I blew all three… opportunities!” – Liz

Photo Credit: Ali Goldstein/NBC Universal

Categories: | 30 Rock | Episode Reviews | Features | General | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “30 Rock – Liz meets Agatha Christie”

February 18, 2011 at 8:14 PM

Unfortunately, considering I have a cat with a pop culture name, a love of domestic mystery and watch NCIS, I am either a spinster or in need of a spinster intervention :)

February 19, 2011 at 9:52 AM

But can you fit your cat’s head entirely in your mouth?

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