CliqueClack TV

Five reasons I’m not watching Mr. Sunshine anymore

Did I just have a tooth pulled? No, I watched 'Mr. Sunshine' for the last time. And I'm done. Here's why.

Although my husband chuckled three times during this episode of Mr. Sunshine, I just can’t take it anymore. So he’ll have to DVR it to watch on the weekends with Hawaii 5-0′s. Hey, to each his own. I blame my love for Friends on my dislike of Mr. Sunshine. So here’s the reasons I’m outta there …

5. Too many characters are hateful people. Ben (Matthew Perry) is an admitted egoist. Crystal (Allison Janney) is so into herself she gave her show dog a heart attack by upsetting it, and then pulled it dead around the ring. Alonzo (James Lesure) and his girlfriend Alice (Andrea Anders) routinely plot and plan on how to make other people miserable. There’s no one to root for. …

4. Except Roman (Nate Torrance). And ever since one of you pointed out he looks like the “now” version of Chastity Bono, I can’t take him anymore.

3. Unoriginal story lines. Last week it was about double dating. This week: same thing. Also, did anyone notice that the main plot line of Ben’s co-workers hating him was a direct rip off of a Friends episode? The one where Phoebe goes to work temporarily for Chandler and confesses to him that everyone hates him? Because he can’t remember their names? Uh huh. No lie.

2. I’d rather do dishes than watch. I don’t really enjoy the dish chore. Therefor, Mr. Sunshine feels like a chore.

1. Matthew Perry employs so many of Chandler’s mannerisms and facial expressions it makes me miss him. This is like an older and meaner version of Chandler; like if Monica had divorced him, taken the kids, and married Joey or something.

Will you still watch? Why or why not?

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Clack | General | TV Shows |

8 Responses to “Five reasons I’m not watching Mr. Sunshine anymore”

March 2, 2011 at 11:52 PM

I enjoyed the pilot, hated the second episode, didn’t think the 3rd was much better than the second. It’s a goner for me. I really wanted this to be good, but Matt LeBlanc is doing so much better on “Episodes” that if I have to watch one of the old “Friends” bunch, it’s him.

March 3, 2011 at 6:21 AM

From the start I thought that the funniest thing is that Andrea Anders has worked on “Joey” and now this. She has a history of ruining comedy shows. I don’t understand why they keep casting her. Every single one of them had two seasons max. She just isn’t likeable. I laugh at the stuff she says but in a “uh huh ok ha ha thanks now go someplace else” kind of way. I really think if she weren’t on the show that the whole vehicle might work.

Oh and the reason why you should keep watching is Jorge Garcia. He’s cool. Go read his blog :-)

Another reason I watch the show (and it’s an absolute silly one): I love the vanity card for Matthew’s production company at the end.

“Meh” :-)

Anyway, Mr. Sunshine really isn’t good but it’s not really worse than “Episodes” or “Joey” and I watched those two as well. It’s certainly not worse than “Perfect Couples” or “Better with you” which are horrible horrible shows. And “The Middle” is getting so repetitive it hurts. And it certainly isn’t worse than “Chuck”. God how I loathe the “Buy More” grunts. If that show can stay on the air, “Mr. Sunshine” can as well. It’s certainly not worse.

March 3, 2011 at 6:37 AM

Watched the first episode …DONE!

What a Bomb

March 3, 2011 at 6:40 AM

I don’t think the dog was dead just that it had a nervous condition and would collapse when it got too stressed out.

As for the show I enjoyed bits of this episode but as you say there are far too many negative characters.

March 3, 2011 at 10:36 AM

I didn’t like Andrea Anders on ‘Joey’, and that could have been influenced by the behind the scenes personal history going on at the time. But she was aces in ‘Better Off Ted’. I just wish that show was still on instead.

As for this? There’s nothing else really to watch at that time, which isn’t a thumbs-up, not by a long shot. Oh well.

March 3, 2011 at 12:48 PM

This list is a bigger joke than the show.

March 8, 2011 at 1:13 AM

i like the first 3 episodes, the fourth was a little lame, the fifth was boring, but i´m still going to give Chandler Bing a chance

March 29, 2011 at 3:04 AM

i cant believe u ppl…..u all hating Andrea Anders…..shes the blonde one right”? if so then why you all hating i think shes not that bad actress and she is hot….

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