CliqueClack TV

Rules of Engagement – Audrey wins the anniversary

Realizing that continuity is not this show’s strong suit, what hippie parents would raise a son who was All-County Junior Men’s Bowling Champion, Division I? Am I the only one who thought Adam grew up on a commune, far from fancy things like bowling alleys?

- Season 5, Episode 18 - "Anniversary Chicken"

Last night’s episode of Rules of Engagement was the show back in fine form. From a solid opening with Russell, Adam, and Jeff in the diner, to a great Jeff and Audrey story — with Adam and Jen used appropriately as supporting members of that tale — the whole thing worked wonderfully. Well, almost everything did.

Russell and Timmy didn’t carry their story for me again. I just couldn’t get into Timmy serving as Russell’s translator on his date (great Italian, by the way). It was also kind of creepy throughout, but I did enjoy one part: understanding that this was probably the creepiest thing of all, Timmy sitting on the couch translating “Oh, yes” while Russell and his date were kissing was hilarious. Sorry!

But back to the good. I don’t think I would have minded if Audrey had stayed for the opening scene, but what the three guys did there was great. In fact, most of what I walked away from the episode with came from those few minutes. Adam’s riddle wasn’t new, but I loved how well it fit with his dimness this season; his reaction to Audrey’s assurance that one pound of feathers is the same as one pound of lead was awesome: “Remind me not to come over to your place for a pillow fight.”

Next was when Jeff asked if Russell and Adam were ready to hear something good, and Adam let him know that “I can’t take on another riddle right now.” I know I’ve complained pretty loudly about how dumb Adam’s gotten, but that was funny. The exchange when Jeff told the boys that he’d finally remembered his and Audrey’s anniversary for the first time in sixteen years was fun too. I loved when Russell said “I think she [Audrey] lost sixteen years ago” when Jeff started talking about winners and losers in the game of wedding anniversaries. Like Adam, I’ve got to say to Jeff that “Your relationship is different than mine.”

But be that as it may, I enjoyed how terribly Jeff must have felt when Audrey surprised him at the bowling alley with a cake. I think the most offensive thing, as far as Audrey should be concerned, is that Jeff figured she’d forgotten the day; don’t think so. I didn’t think she’d be hurt by the fact that Jeff canceled his plans but instead printed out receipts as proof that he’d remembered — she has known him for close to twenty years, after all — but I do get how insulting that must have been. Still, if it’s not me who had to be party to the incident, I can get in my laughs … and that was funny.

And lest I forget, I also loved Adam’s throwaway line about a squirrel beating up a possum — I’d love to watch that happening — and that Adam calls bowling groupies “alley cats.” It was a great episode!

“Tomorrow’s my anniversary.” – Jeff
“Hey, congrats man. How man years?” – Adam
“Sixteen.” – Jeff
“If your marriage was a girl I could date it.” – Russell
“That would be eighteen.” – Jeff
“It is? When did they change that?” – Russell

Rules of Engagement Did Adam expect Jeff not to open the cooler? [51bZuNReLHL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)Rules of Engagement Did Adam expect Jeff not to open the cooler? [5177UJDKvAL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)Rules of Engagement Did Adam expect Jeff not to open the cooler? [51ZUnS94ALL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)

Photo Credit: CBS

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