CliqueClack TV

House’s leap of faith

Does House have faith in his own ability to heal? Does he have faith in Cuddy's ability to forgive? In Wilson's ability to stick by him through thick and thin? Why is George Michael playing a soundtrack throughout my head?

- Season 7, Episode 16 - "Out of the Chute"

Did you all hear Cuddy admit that this was her fault? I am vindicated for my comment to last week’s post by the woman herself! And I quote:

“This is my fault.” — Dr. Lisa Cuddy

I knew Cuddy was solely to blame.

I jest a bit, but the dialog was so well-written and I’m thinking that Wilson must have read my post from last week, because we both sounded a bit like enablers of our anti-hero, telling Cuddy that she knew he was an addict and an ass when she told him she didn’t want him to change. I suppose no one can blame her for changing her mind, but c’mon! He really does deserve another chance, and she admitted this which just makes it more real and heartbreaking … because she’s being honest and you can’t hate her for being the bad guy because there really isn’t one.

House and the hooker parade should have been funnier than it was (although the faked arrow piercing was hard not to love) to me; it was just so hard to watch House go backward after his infectious character growth for the last season and  a half.

I like that they didn’t get all worried that House was back on the Vicodin because they knew his judgment was just as good (if not better) when he was high, but it was kind of interesting to watch it through Masters’ eyes. She was in complete awe of his brilliance when he had the patient sing to diagnose his mini-blackouts, after pulling her goody-goody stuff through the beginning of the episode.

So what was with the leap? It can be interpreted in so many ways. I’m thinking the patient’s “I can always find something else to love” had something to do with it, as well as the bartender’s dialog about the young guys without a care in the world and nearly their whole life ahead of them. I didn’t for a moment think that House was suicidal, but he’s definitely a stimulus seeker and needs to find what excites him, and fast, or he won’t be able to get over Cuddy. I don’t think he’s found it yet, and where once I would have thought it would be fun watching him try, now I just wish he and Cuddy would fix things and he could continue making the strides as a person and a man that he’s made all season long. Watching Cuddy and House navigate their relationship has been far more interesting than the hooker antics of past season and this episode.

Masters and her flirting was a bit off-putting for me; she’s just so unappealing. I felt bad for her at the end when the patient rejected her with silence. I thought for a moment he was having another mini-blackout, it was so uncomfortable. But I still didn’t care for this story line, and the only thing that saved it was Taub’s relentless teasing. He’s really grown on me since the billboard episode.

I’m anxious to see where the writers are going with this, and I just hope that it isn’t backward, with House’s character growth erased. I don’t want to watch him think he doesn’t deserve love and happiness, so he and Cuddy need to figure something out, and fast.

Photo Credit: Michael Yarish/FOX

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | House | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “House’s leap of faith”

March 15, 2011 at 12:53 AM

This should have been the series finale of House.

Last week Chuddy should have died, and that should have lead to House killing himself this week.

In my mind i think that is what I will have happen, this episode was so bad I’d like to live in my dreamland.

March 15, 2011 at 1:20 AM

Ouch! Can’t say I’ve ever seen a harsher response to an episode of television that wasn’t intentionally trollish.

March 15, 2011 at 9:25 AM

You’ve been dissatisfied with House for a while now, if I’m remembering correctly. It wasn’t my favorite episode of the season, but I have loved watching Cuddy and House grow as a couple this season. It’s been very interesting and entertaining and it could have gone the other way. I can’t give enough kudos to how the writers have handled everything … so let’s hope they follow through and redeem this episode! ;-)

March 15, 2011 at 11:42 AM

House still has decent episodes every once and awhile, more so when the soup opera BS doesn’t take over the episode, like it did this week.

Two things that really pissed me off, the exploding aorta. Your aorta rips you have a 5% chance of living after HOURS AND HOURS of surgery, they fixed him in 10 seconds, it was ridiculous, even for House.

When the new doctor asked the patient out and he just kind of laid there. What the hell was that? An attractive doctor is asking you out, why would it matter if she was your doctor for 3 days? I mean really, who cares, she will never be your doctor again.

Let’s be honest, House can’t end up happy, it’s impossible. Chuddy dying would have been perfect for bringing him back down and leading to his death. Why does everyone on every show need to end up being happy? House has never been happy and should die sad and alone.

March 15, 2011 at 1:09 PM

I kind of liked this one… thought Masters was finally showing some signs of normalcy for a young woman that age… and her consternation about it was great.
One gripe: re the two ‘ big moments ‘ ( arrow shoot and leap), you knew right away neither of them could actually be what they seemed, so some of the suspense was gone. Loved the visuals, though, especially the cannonball.
Huddy: either fix it or forget it. This teenage angst doesn’t belong in an adult
drama. Same for the Vicodin relapse. I don’t have another rehab for House in me.
(As an aside: Oreo sounds like a very unhappy character…. probably shouldn’t watch any more House).

March 16, 2011 at 2:20 AM

Liked the episode. The arrow moment freaked me out in a “did that really just happen?!” kind of way. Damn glad it didn’t. I liked Carnell.

I’ve been enjoying House pretty much for its entire run, but this episode did make me think about how groundbreaking it would be if the show ended in the main character’s suicide. Not saying I necessarily want to see it happen, but I do think it would have fit thematically at this point, and if they went out that way it would be talked about forever.

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