CliqueClack TV

CommercialClack – Dizzy fun … or doom?

This thing is terrific! Play with it once and you'll never suffer from neck pain ever again in your life! This just might be the greatest, self-propelled retro toy ever!

Tara: Holy smokes! Why is this fun? Why would any kid want to do this to themselves? Does it make you dizzy (also known as a little kid version of a buzz?) I’m perplexed!

Michael: Are you kidding me? Let me ask you this: Were you ever a kid? Come on! Kids do crazy things! They jump off walls! They blow things up! They pour liquids that shouldn’t be mixed into buckets! And you think a simple little thing like a streamer on a wire atop a hat is going to stop them from realizing this is not fun … ?!? Do I know you … ???

Tara: Well duh. Of course I admit to being a child at one time. However! I was a very cautious and responsible little one who never blew up a thing, except bubbles with my Bubble Yum.

Michael: Then I don’t know what to tell you. Because this thing is terrific! It’s outstanding! I want one! “It’s a new thing! It’s a fun thing! It’s a now-at-my-favorite-store thing!” Are you listening to the singer in the video … ?!?

Tara: Yeah, I distinctly heard the singers say “It’s a whiplash thing! Where’s your chiropractor? Do you have one? Well, you’ll need one!”

Michael: Pish, posh! Just watch the video. Those kids are having a blast:

Michael: But wait! There’s more! If the commercial above wasn’t enough to turn your crank, my buddy “SFEZ” below has put together a super edit of the above Swing Wing commercial with creepy, odd and eerie music that smacks of heretofore unrealized drama! And you know how I love the drama.

There’s something sinister within this “remix” … some underlying harbinger of doom, just a head twitch away from something sinister, don’t you think?

Tara: The way this remix is shot and scored it’s very Twilight Zone. As in, when the kids are shot from far away in groups. It’s scary. I heard a voice in my head telling me to drink the purple Kool-Aid. “I’m frightened Auntie Em. I’m frightened!” By the time these young’uns got to high school, they were most likely walking with canes and unable to comprehend what time second lunch period started.

Michael: You’re so dramatical.

Michael: Ooooooooooooo … I just watch that video again — I have goosebumps! Now, I’m off to scour eBay and CraigsList and see if I can find one of these puppies!

Tara: My final thought? You’re weird enough. You do NOT need to shake your brain in your head to make matters worse.

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7 Responses to “CommercialClack – Dizzy fun … or doom?”

May 13, 2011 at 1:02 PM

haha. I think I have to agree with Tara on this one. That just plain looks painful. I couldn’t see your video so I googled it. It is very twilight zone-ish. A hula hoop was at least a good waist reducer! This just looks like future neck problems.

May 13, 2011 at 1:51 PM


Give me one of those babies and about a pound of Panama Red for an afternoon to remember, or maybe to not remember :-)

May 13, 2011 at 2:07 PM

Doooom! The long shots in the remix make it look like the kids are having seizures.

May 13, 2011 at 2:45 PM

Sloshing of the brain. Wonder how it would work playing with Clackers while using the Swing Wing.

May 13, 2011 at 3:44 PM

Mikki, you may have just described a new Olympic sport. Swingwing with clackers, Swingwing while patting belly, Swingwing while jumping rope … each with their own difficulty level and scoring system. [Points deducted if clacking is not in beat with swing.]

May 14, 2011 at 2:37 PM

I see me in the hospital if I ever used one of these!!!

May 17, 2011 at 12:28 PM

Clearly the precursor to the use of canibus. And we all know what that lead to.

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