CliqueClack TV

CommercialClack – Dinner and a show

Nice healthy turkey burger ... after-meal Snickers bar ... what's not to like? Throw in some rampaging kids and a social get-together and you have a rather well rounded evening. Or so it appears ...

Tara: Now that is one inattentive babysitter!

Michael: Hello! It’s not an inattentive babysitter — it’s a bird! But come on! Why wouldn’t you want a turkey as a babysitter? I mean after all: Bird is the word.

I love everything about this commercial. From the whining of the cat in the background as we pan ever closer in the dining room to the banana peel hanging off the chandelier in the kitchen right on down to Little Jimmy yelling his guts out while stomping atop the coffee table.

Tara: It’s a cute ad on the first viewing, but I think I’ve mentioned before that yelling and mayhem in commercials just makes me nervous and then I’m all over the mute button. So I usually miss the advertiser’s whole point. I think it’s risky to scream at your audience no matter who you are. That’s why I never understood the popularity of Sam Kinison.

Michael: Yet, I know you share my love of Gilbert Gottfried. Go figure.

Tara: I can’t stand Gilbert Gottfried!

Michael: That’s not true! We did the Shoedini commercial and you never stated you didn’t like Gilbo. Secretly, I think you dig him.

But I’m veering off base. What I really want to know is this: What in the world is in the blender? And I’m not talking about the doll … I wonder what that blue concoction is blending about.

Tara:  Tasty blueberry smoothie? Cookie Monster’s remains?

Michael: Okay … that was uncalled for.

And I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s a message somewhere in that the turkey is watching golf on television.

Tara: I’m ignoring you, Michael. I was struck by the fact that Carl’s considers this a healthy meal and less than 500 calories. I looked it up and it’s 490. That’s a ton of calories in just a sandwich. Half the calories are in fat and it has over 1,000 milligrams of salt! Just in that sandwich alone is your whole daily recommended sodium intake. Yeah. Real healthy.

Michael: It’s not like you eat one of these sammiches everyday, you know.

Before you go into some sort of salt saturation overdose, let’s switch gears and forget about the calories and the turkey and stuff.

Here’s a “low sodium” question for you about the Snickers ad below: 

Is it me? Or … does … this … look … like … the … most … boring … party … ever? No music, people standing around, people walking about aimlessly, nothing but mild chit chat being committed. This shindig looks as if it’s ripe for a rousing game of Twister or Charades, something to get the juices flowing. If not for Joe and Don, this thing would remain the snoozefest it appears to be.

Tara: Now who’s going on and on and on and on?

However, I was at a few of these in college. Glad I don’t have to go back. I always get a good chuckle out of these Snickers commercials. Yes, the premise is the same, but they have me pulled in by wondering which celebrity will show up next. I dig that the stars have a sense of humor about themselves. And I’d buy a Snickers because of it, if I let myself eat candy, which I don’t. Except for a giant Butterfinger every Halloween. But I digress.

Michael: *yeesh* And you say I have rules.

Listen: After watching this a thought came to me: Have I ever gotten grumpy because I was hungry? You know … have I ever needed a pick me up like a Snickers to tide me over? And the answer is: No, I have not. So I really don’t have any point of reference where these commercials are concerned. Food has never been something I’ve needed to quell a sour disposition. I eat because I want to or because food is offered, it looks good or because it’s mealtime. Not because I’m a sourpuss. How ’bout you, Tara?

Tara: First of all, I want to warn anyone reading this not to take nutrition advice from a man who eats wax lips and a smashed up Pop-Tart and calls it a day’s worth of well balanced sustenance. As far as my nutrition, you know me Michael — as long as it’s not beef or pork or animal organs, I’m in.

Or fried foods.

Or processed foods.

Or foods that I can’t pronounce.

Michael: So … water and beer. Is that what you’re sayin’?

Tara: Yes, but on occasion I do chew things.

Michael: That’s right. You did mention the Butterfinger up there. And just the other day you chewed my ass for whatever reason. Does that count?

Tara: I’m ignoring you, Michael.

Photo Credit: Theaters’R’Us

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10 Responses to “CommercialClack – Dinner and a show”

June 10, 2011 at 12:05 PM

I’m not a fan of the Turkey Babysitter commercial… I guess they were hoping to appeal to moms with this one, as opposed to Miss Turkey in her Turkeyburger-dot bikini. Apparently that ad didn’t work for my hubby, either. He remembered the girl in the bikini when I mentioned it, after he wondered aloud where he could get a fast food turkey burger.

On the other hand, even though I don’t like Snickers (don’t care for peanuts in my candy), I enjoy the line of commercials. I think Joe Pesci is looking pretty good, for J.P. He’s slimmed down a lot from his Home Alone days. I bet he doesn’t eat many Snickers bars! And no, I’d rather have a handful of pistachios or pumpkin seeds when I’m feeling snacky. Or a Milky Way Midnight, though I’ve had to kiss those goodbye with the new diet. *sniff*

June 10, 2011 at 2:50 PM

Heck that’s one turkey watching another, wasn’t it Tiger making that shot? And is that Tara in the blender? :-)

June 10, 2011 at 10:20 PM

I think the turkey commercial is stupid. Don’t see why that would encourage anyone to go to Carl Jrs. Why would anyone want to go there anyway?

I have to admit that a snickers or any chocolate makes me feel sooo much better!!! Love those commercials.

June 10, 2011 at 10:29 PM

A man capable of My Cousin Vinny and the viewing public only mentions Home Alone? We do not do you justice, Joe Pesci.

Michael, I know you have never met Hubby, but SOME people do need to be kept out of interpersonal situations when hungry. Daughter was probably only 4 or 5 when she learned to ask Daddy for something only AFTER a meal, and never before. Just as some women know spandex is not for them, some men should never be seen in public while in a low blood sugar.

Tara, you should never chew Michael’s anything. Lean pork is much healthier, and you won’t eat that.

June 12, 2011 at 2:02 AM

That Carl’s Jr. commercial makes me want a drink…and a rarely drink! I do enjoy these Snickers commercials for the same reasons as Tara, namely wondering which celebrities will show up in them.

But the best part of all this was, “…a man who eats wax lips and a smashed up Pop-Tart and calls it a day’s worth of well balanced sustenance.” Were I drinking at the time Tara would owe me a new monitor because of liquid spew shorting mine out. Then I got really sad when I realized I’ve been known to consume a very similar diet. Truth be told I’ve forsaken wax lips for Nik-L-Nips. Much more refreshing!

June 12, 2011 at 10:32 AM

. . . . .

Dear Comrade-In-Arms Tom:

I don’t believe Tara has ever had the pleasure of some of the features of choice a kid partakes of such as wax lips, rock candy or their ilk.

Now you know why I’m often of the mind to be nice to her.

June 12, 2011 at 1:04 PM

But, but…you haven’t had a childhood until your collar gets wet from the candy necklace you’re wearing and snacking on at the same time. Please tell me she’s at least “smoked” some candy cigarettes after a fine meal of circus peanuts and orange slices, or at least pop rocks and a chick-o-stick!

Tara. Say it ain’t so!

June 12, 2011 at 2:00 PM

Alright, look you two. When I was a *child*, I had plenty of candy. In fact, my father was a rep. for candy companies! So the garage was always full of Jolly Ranchers, Ju Ju Bees and Cracker Jacks. And I consumed giant pixie sticks like they were … um, flavored sugar! I had candy necklaces, sucked on huge fake candy ruby rings, and overloaded on Clark bars.
When I was a *child*!
Michael eats that sh#% as a grown man. There’s the difference.
So don’t cry for me, Argentina.

June 12, 2011 at 6:22 PM

“Michael eats that sh#% as a grown man. There’s the difference.”

Yep, big difference. If you calculate the mass ratio between a child and the candy he/she eats and extrapolate that to the present, then as larger people (I won’t lie by saying “adults” okay?) we can eat even MORE candy goodness!

Naturally, over time I’ve learned a thing or two about nutrition so I no longer consider candy to be the only building block of my food pyramid. I eat a wide variety of meats and vegetables on a daily basis. The most surprising thing I’ve learned is that every one of those items tastes even better when coated in chocolate (or sometimes injected with fudge sauce. I like to mix it up, ya know?).

Broccoli bonbon, anyone?

June 12, 2011 at 10:22 PM

Tom, you need to write for CC Food! That’s genius!

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