CliqueClack TV

CommercialClack – Do flat-assed girls make our rockin’ world go round?

Women and their butts. That's the topic in this week's CommercialClack. But! Will Tara and Michael butt heads? Read and see.

Tara: It’s a sad world when jeans (possibly the most casual garment ever) need to be made into pajamas. And what’s worse is these idiots are walking around thinking they’re fooling us all with their jeans that are not jeans.  Or pajamas that are not pajamas. But what they don’t know that we know is that we’ve seen the ad/infomercial, and realize these are a coughed up hairball on the carpet of fashion!

Michael: Wrong, Squirrel Girl! The only clothing that constitutes “the most casual garment ever” is no clothing at all.

Tara: And they’re not even cute!

Michael: Believe you me — if there’s one thing I’ve come to understand it’s that “cute” is a relative term. “Cute” is raccoon eye makeup that looks like someone gave you a shiner. Amazingly, “cute” is a hairdo that looks like rat’s nest. “Cute” can even mean shoes that look like torture chambers. Which leaves me believing that on the right person these jeans would look “cute” as well.

Bottom line: If I was female, I’d probably shoot myself.

Tara: Do you think the likes of Jackie O or Katharine Hepburn would be caught dead (even though they are in fact, dead) in these things? What are people thinking? And what am I even saying? No one under the age of thirty knows who those lovely and classy women were anymore. Now we’ve got celebs who wear as little as possible or wear dresses made outta bacon. Humph.

Michael: Tell me you’re not dissing bacon.

Tara: I say again “Humph.” And yes, I am dissing bacon. As a piece of clothing!!

Michael: Hokay … as a piece of clothing I may be on board with your line of thinking.

But, with regard to the commercial above: “It’s a struggle to fit into ordinary jeans.” Really? Here’s a thought: Get bigger jeans! How difficult can this be … ?!?

Tara: I’m lovin’ the fact that they have a “mock” fly. Really, don’t you just get tired of zipping your jeans sometimes, ladies? Think of the time saved. Why, it probably takes 3.5 seconds to zip your jeans. How much is that over a lifetime? Could be as much as a couple hours! Wouldn’t you love to have those hours back? Hey. I’m talkin’ myself into a pair of pajama jeans! Help me!

Michael: That’s rather chauvinistic, isn’t it? I mean … guys have to zip their flies all the time. Where’s the love? How ’bout the time we lose zipping our jeans? Never mind.

Look … how ’bout that “smooth butt-lifting design” the voice over promotes? Let me tell you something: I’ve seen butts in jeans before. And some of those butts shouldn’t be in jeans, let alone Pajama Jeans with a “butt-lifting” design.

Tara: So true.

Tara: Oh good golly. Butt pads!

Michael: Hey! They turn “… a droopy derriere into a youthful-looking head-turning, booty-licious booty.”

Are we … no, scratch that … are women so possessed with their asses they need to relive their youth regardless of the fact their youth didn’t originally have a spiffy back of their front? I don’t believe I will ever understand the mind of a woman who is taken in by such products.

Tara: Don’t get me started about the pressure society puts on women to not age and look fantastic all the time. We’ve been through that argument. And you lost, as I recall.

Michael: I. Did. Not. Lose. That. Argument. And you know it.

Tara: You. So. Did. But you’ll never admit it.

Michael: Because I didn’t. And these commercials are testament to that argument — women going to insane lengths to recapture their youth in the looks department. And they say men need to grow up.

Tara: It has nothing to do with “growing up” or not.

You simply (as a man) do not get the fact that women are bombarded with messages every single day about their looks. Because men are accepted any ole way they are. Just look at the characters on television. Fat guys, old guys, bald guys, ugly guys. Why, they’re everywhere! Yet you hardly see any women who are not perfect represented.

Look, Michael. Do we really need to get into this? Because the ladies out there will back me up. Especially if you stick to your argument that women can “choose to ignore these messages.”

Michael: Because they can! Dr. Seuss said it best: “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”

Tara: I’m tired. I need to go moisturize before bed to look more youthful-ish.

Michael: You just love to egg me on, don’t you?

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10 Responses to “CommercialClack – Do flat-assed girls make our rockin’ world go round?”

June 17, 2011 at 1:59 PM

The two of you fighting like soooo “cute” !!

I don’t know why they have to make pajamas look like jeans because the teens and 20 somethings go out now in their pajamas and think nothing of it. I always see young women in a t-shirt and pajama bottoms out doing errands and they gladly admit that ..yes..they are their pajamas..and everyone’s does it!!

June 17, 2011 at 2:50 PM

Toni– my sister recently visited me here in Michigan and was FREAKED out at how many teens were walking around in slippers and pajamas at the mall. I’m so glad this wasn’t a trend when I was that age. You know because of the pressure by society to be fashionable and all. *wink*

June 17, 2011 at 2:13 PM

I’ve always had a flat butt, so my jeans never looked “booty-licious.” Didn’t stop me from living, though. Contrary to commercial-land, I have never felt like an outcast because of my flat rear. And my jeans have zippers. I guess maybe I’m too old for pajama jeans–or wearing pajamas in public.
Now you kids get offa my lawn.

June 17, 2011 at 2:29 PM

Hey aren’t those bootylicious underwear the ones Ralph M. wore on DWTS?

OK, pj jeans are just another word for stretch pants.

I have to say Michael is correct about going out and buying larger jeans BUT Tara is right about the whole “society (including men) making Women feel they have to be perfect” thing.

June 17, 2011 at 2:31 PM

Tara I have to agree with you the product is stupid and any woman that would go out in public with them on is stupid too.

As for being bombarded with look younger products or look better products that goes without saying. I mean they even have Ellen doing make up ads for goodness sake. It is crazy.
And men get to look older without any one saying a thing……except when you see the 50/60 something guy pull up in the fancy sports car with the young almost tween in the extra seat. He gets out and thinks he is so very cool when in fact he just looks plain stupid to me.

So lets see Pajama jeans $31.00 (about)

Sports car—-$30,000.00 Young chic $anyone’s guess

At least we look stupid cheaper!!!! lol

June 17, 2011 at 2:45 PM


June 17, 2011 at 2:55 PM

**sigh** my behind is now flat flat flat…seems years of sitting on it …! But I still wear my jeans, bell bottoms, etc. And do I go to the store in my p.j. bottoms? Yes I do….in fact, I wore them to the dining car on the train. Did I also mention I have been known to wear my fuzzy slippers to the store….. At my age I can just call it Senior Moments.

June 17, 2011 at 4:09 PM

Oh, man, I’m so about comfy clothing. I have severe scoliosis, _and_ I’m … well, let’s say ‘pleasingly plump’ in the middle. I’d give pajama jeans a try, but then I’m all about the elastic waist. *hangs head in shame* Did I mention I’ll turn the big 4-0 in September? Sorry, Tara!

June 17, 2011 at 4:44 PM

But the point you both seemed to have missed is the “pressure” to DO jeans. Okay, I’m old, I admit it. But I have never gotten into the whole jean craze. My grandpa wore denims overalls because he worked on the railroad. My dad wore denim overalls because he worked on cars. Truck driving uncles wore jeans. Farming cousins wore jeans. Going to college on a shoestring, I even wore jeans. All of these jeans served the same purpose: they were relatively inexpensive, they lasted forever, they didn’t wear out in the washer, and they didn’t have to match anything else you wore.

But fashion? You have got to be kidding! If they got holes in them, they were patched or thrown out. In the late sixties, some of the patches were large flower appliques, but they were still patches! Holes were not fashion statements. Faded was faded, not “pre-washed”. And faded was earned!!

Jeans were also not made for comfort. Stretch pants, leisure suits [another comment some day, I’m sure], and, yes, PAJAMAS were comfortable. Jeans were rugged to provide working clothes, and you weren’t supposed to be comfortable while working. [Which is why leisure suits really never worked except on used car lots.]

As someone who spent much of her life stuffing a “bountiful booty” into Playtex girdles, I’m glad to see some of the brave [and stupid] women today flaunting their abundance. However, don’t expect men to understand that getting dressed is a competition and the firmest asset wins.

June 18, 2011 at 12:33 AM

Hey you can name a ton of old actors but try to name a few of the actress’ that made it after 40. You didn’t hear about Meryl Strep until the last few years. Susan Saradon one of the lucky ones that has made it through middle age and is still making movies. For guys it’s distinguished to be gray. That’s what I love about Broadway. Actress are looked up to if they’ve been around a long time and have had a successful career. But hollywood, different story. You see a lot of actress that were popular when they were younger doing Broadway and they are still sooo talented. Kathleen Turner to name at least one.

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