CliqueClack TV

CommercialClack – Donuts

Donuts. Sure ... breakfast food staple (for many) worthy of a knock-down drag-out ... especially if they're Krispy Kremes. I'd go so far as to 'rassle for one of 'em.

“iHola! How’s about an éclair? How’s about an éclair, por favor?
Éclair… ain’tcha got an éclair? Anywhere an éclair in this store?
Okay … how’s about a Long John? How’s about a Long John, por favor?
Long John … you know you want grande.
Why you no comprende, por favor?”

- “Hearty Drinking Men,” Andy Prieboy

It’s been a while. A long while.

Cripes … I’d say it’s been three years or more since the last time I had a Krispy Kreme doughnut. I can at least remember that the thing gloriously melted in my mouth when I bit into it. Heaven by the dozen in a box.

So … it goes without saying that a commercial like this would make its way to the airwaves:

But … I have questions. Many questions … some of which are:

  • Where are these guys at? Looks like the middle of a California desert to me.
  • How’d that last doughnut wind up in the box? They usually come in even numbers. What gives?
  • Why aren’t their coffees opened? Hello! Police officers! Known to swig a cup or three while on duty!
  • Personally, I think whoever brought the doughnuts should automatically be the owner of the last one … and that person would be the officer driving the vehicle. I don’t see the motorcycle cop toting around a box of doughnuts on his bike … do you?
  • Hear that screeching eagle in the background? Natural question: Why?

“Takin’ that party to the donut shop.
Donuts, donuts … they’re en masse.
On the racks and behind the glass.”

- “Hearty Drinking Men,” Andy Prieboy


Photo Credit: Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corporation

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3 Responses to “CommercialClack – Donuts”

August 19, 2011 at 11:14 PM

I keep telling you they have them down here in Orange County. There’s the one at The Block at Orange, and one you can see from the 5 down past Mission Viejo just a bit. Looks like there’s one up in Industry, too, so you wouldn’t have to drive that far. ;)

August 20, 2011 at 12:50 AM

The driver of the squad car was just getting ready to finish the last of the box of four. The cups are empty, but just have their sipping lids on. If they were full they would be steaming. The motorcyle cop had been exiled to the donut free desert for far too long, and pulled over to find the squad car cop had no compassion or understanding. Ergo the fight.

Okay, once in a blue moon these donuts are guilty pleasures. But air, sugar, and fat can only take you so far. And only if the sign says “Hot Donuts NOW”!

August 21, 2011 at 12:10 PM

Only you could work Andy Prieboy into any blog post. Swoon.

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