CliqueClack TV

Supernatural – RIP, Casa Singer

Deb and I once again play Friday night quarterback to 'Supernatural,' discussing what we liked and didn't like about the episode.

- Season 7, Episode 2 - "Hello, Cruel World"

Deb: So far this season’s really creepy, and those leviathans are everywhere. And now the boys are rendered helpless, and the leviathans are unkillable. It just doesn’t seem right! They were able to stave off the Devil, and not these guys? Is it good writing, or is it so dramatic because they’re just trying to outdo the apocalypse, trying to make them seem larger than the Devil? It just seems they’re making the brothers seem vulnerable, and it feels awful!

Keith: It certainly doesn’t feel like the comings of what would be a final or near-final season to this series, with these odd creatures coming into play and not something that seems more significant. Yeah, the writers are making the leviathans out to be pretty bad-ass, but in a way I sorta feel like it’s lame.

Deb: I want to think it’s brilliant, but I just can’t see where they’re going yet.

Keith: It’s early yet, though. The season’s just started, and this storyline could easily wrap up in a matter of a couple more weeks, and then we’ll see the “real” big bad sometime later. I just can’t see the leviathans being the theme for this entire season.

Deb: Yeah, we thought Eve was the big bad last season, and what did she last, two episodes? I will say that I’m glad we know Sam’s visions of the Devil are hallucinations, and that he’s not really down in the Hell box. I’m glad that didn’t wind up dangling all season and it wound up being the “is this all a dream?” season.

Keith: Right with you there. So at one point one of the leviathans mentioned “the boss.” So, any ideas who that might be?

Deb: Right … yeah. No, I don’t. Maybe whoever it is is still inside Castiel’s body. I know it can’t be Crowley, since he was basically castrated by Castiel.

Keith: But we were wondering earlier if maybe this was the last episode for Misha Collins…? I know he’s supposedly not contracted for this entire season. But I don’t think it’s only for two episodes.

Deb: That would be a really, really lame way to go, don’t you think so?

Keith: Yeah, if he’s not sticking around, he has to go out with a hell of a lot more style than that. There’s word Misha Collins didn’t return to the Supernatural set after the second episode, so … that would suck.

I think I’m pretty devastated that Bobby’s place is a pile of charred ruins. I mean, it’s one thing to rebuild a beloved car, but to piece together Bobby’s place, all the books and stuff it held? It’s gone!

Deb: I don’t want it to stay this dark. I won’t want the boys to stay this vulnerable.

What do you think, readers? Did your couch talk resemble ours at all? How’s the season going for you so far?

“Of course, if at any time you want to decide that’s utter horse crap, well I’ll be where I always am. Right here.” – Bobby
“What, you want to do couples yoga or you want to get back to hunting the big bads?” – Dean

“Shut up! I said SHUT UP!” – Sam, to Satan, whom Bobby can’t see
“Hey Sam. Having a bag lady moment?” – Bobby


Photo Credit: Jack Rowand/The CW

4 Responses to “Supernatural – RIP, Casa Singer”

September 30, 2011 at 11:58 PM

I love Cas. I had heard rumors that Collins wasn’t long for this season (his cryptic tweet over the summer sent fans into a tizzy), and his status as Special Guest Star kinda confirms that (unless he’s going the Cloris Leachman route). But, as far as I know, this isn’t being planned as a final season … as far as The CW is concerned, at least not unless the ratings take a tumble. I thought last week’s episode was pretty good, so I’m looking forward to seeing where all this is going.

October 1, 2011 at 9:23 AM

Yes, I completely love Cas, but I was thinking about why they got rid of him and I may have a theory. I read somewhere (maybe Keith’s ComicCon coverage?) that Sera Gamble said this season would be a return to the boys fighting the good fight, a call-back to the beginning seasons, only with the boys choosing it, not being forced into the life by their father, etc.

Well, it can’t really be that with help from Cas, healing them every time they die or saving them every time they get into trouble. And Bobby’s increased presence as their mentor is a natural progression toward this as well.

October 1, 2011 at 12:12 PM

Supernatural is my favorite TV show since watching television (which is many years back now) and I will watch til the end of the series but I have to say, since Kripke bowed out, it just isn’t the same show. To me, the 5 year arc ending with Sam throwing himself into the pit seems like one series and then last season is kind of like a “remake” for lack of a better word. Sort of like Star Trek and then the Next Gen but with the same characters.
I loved Cas and I am sad that he will no longer be a permanent fixture in the SPN world. I think Misha played of Jared and Jensen wonderfully.
BTW… I am from the Dakotas and I go to Sioux Falls quite a bit and it is not at all the bumpkin town that SPN made it look like… lol.

October 2, 2011 at 8:00 PM

Even though it’s only the second episode of the season, I like how this season is going: a bit darker and relying more on the brothers. I liked Castiel too, and hope he returns during the season. The series continues to evolve and change, which will piss off some and delight others. However, I don’t understand the “if Castiel is dead I’m not watching anymore” crowd.

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