CliqueClack TV

Big Bang Theory – Schrodinger’s Friendship

This week's episode of 'The Big Bang Theory' was set in a bizarro world ... Sheldon made up with Wil Wheaton, Howard might be an astronaut, and Penny actually knows what Schrodinger's is.

- Season 5, Episode 5 - "The Russian Rocket Reaction "

Penny remembers a physics concept, Howard kicks a woman out of bed, and Evil Wil Wheaton is suddenly … not-so-evil? What are these shenanigans on The Big Bang Theory? Rules are meant to be broken, it seems!

I know the cast additions last year weren’t necessarily the most popular move with many fans, but Bernadette in particular has become one of my favorite parts of the show. She is, quite literally, the only person on the planet that I can imagine being interested in Howard, and Melissa Rauch plays her perfectly. I love how she is slowly becoming more like Howard’s mother, which is a scary, scary thing.

If Leonard and Sheldon are starting a sword collection and are going with a Game of Thrones item, I’m surprised they’d go with Longclaw. Personally, I’d go with Ice, but I think Needle would be more their style (despite their hobbit dagger dig).

I wonder what has caused the change in Evil Wil Wheaton’s attitude? Maybe he read his real world counterpart’s mantra: “Don’t be a dick.”

“The Russian Rocket Reaction” was chock full of great quotes. These were several of my favorites. Did I miss yours?

“It’s from Game of Thrones … what do you think?” – Leonard
“I don’t know. If we’re going to start a fantasy sword collection — and I’ve long thought we should — is this really the sword to start with?” – Sheldon
“What did you have in mind?” – Leonard
“Well, off the top of my head, I’d have to go with Excalibur. It gives you the right to rule England.” – Sheldon
“It’s a replica of movie prop.” – Leonard
“Fair enough – It would give you the right to rule a replica of England.” — Sheldon 

 “OK, if you’re going to question the importance of an actor’s signature on a plastic helmet from a movie based on a comic book, then all our lives have no meaning!” – Stuart

 “Oh great! More guys … It will be another Wil Wheaton sausage-fest.” – Stuart

“No, no, I didn’t forget. There’s this cat in a box and until you open it, it’s either dead or alive or both. Although back in Nebraska our cat got stuck in my brother’s camp trunk, and we did not need to open to know there was all kinds of dead cat in there.” – Penny
“Homespun stories, knowledge of physics and a bosom that defies it; you’re the whole package, aren’t you?” – Amy

“Sheldon, I know you’re a bit of a left-handed monkey wrench, but you really have a mortal enemy?” – Amy
“In fact I have 61 of them. Would you like to see the list?” – Sheldon
“Oh, say no, say no, say no, say no….” – Penny
“You just got off the list, would you like to get back on it?” – Sheldon

“Going to Wheaton’s party is not betraying you.” – Leonard
“Oh of course you would have to believe that. Evil always thinks it’s doing right; ‘Excuse me, Stormtrooper, these are the droids you’re looking for.’” – Sheldon
“I’m going to a party, I’m not turning R2-D2 and C3PO over to the Empire!” – Leonard

“If we’re going to get back together she’s going to have to apologize and accept that I’m a grown man who can make his own decisions.” – Howard
“Then she’s going to have to convince your mother to let you go into space.” – Raj
“Oh, obviously.” – Howard

“One day an historian is going to come to you and say, ‘Is it true that you were once friends with Dr. Sheldon Cooper?’ And you’re going to have to choke back a hot sob of regret and humiliation as you mumble, ‘I was, but I chose to go to a party thrown by the one kid from Stand by Me that no one remembers.’” – Sheldon

[Shouted from downstairs] Howard, Bernadette’s here!!” – Howard’s Mother
“Tell her I’m not home!!” – Howard
“What kind of a smart play is that? She can hear you shouting!” – Howard’s Mother




Photo Credit: Monty Brinton/CBS

7 Responses to “Big Bang Theory – Schrodinger’s Friendship”

October 14, 2011 at 12:10 AM

Whenever the gang gets excited about nerd merchandise and the audience laughs, I don’t get the joke… because I find nothing weird about their behavior.

*goes back to browsing ThinkGeek*

October 14, 2011 at 5:25 AM

I’m surprised you have a review of the fifth episode of Big Bang Theory when you don’t have a review of the first four.

October 14, 2011 at 8:14 AM

One could just as easily say that they are surprised we didn’t have reviews of the first four episodes when we have reviews of all of the previous seasons :)

We are doing some behind the scenes shuffling in an attempt to make sure that BIg Bang Theory gets covered each week. We know everyone loves it :)

October 14, 2011 at 11:18 AM

Best part of the episode – Brent Spiner making it onto Sheldon’s list of mortal enemies. How can anyone possibly dislike Brent Spiner? :-D Only Sheldon…

October 14, 2011 at 11:57 AM

You left out some of the better lines:
Spiner as he rips open the Wesley Crusher action figure box: “I haven’t seen one of these things in years. Remember how we used to make these things look like they were masturbating?”

Stuart (about Longclaw from “A Game of Thrones”): “It’s hard to put a price on something that’s a copy of something that’s on pay cable.”

October 14, 2011 at 12:02 PM

Those were great too!


October 17, 2011 at 11:00 AM

I’ve found it a rather weak episode. The jokes weren’t that good.

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