CliqueClack TV

Big Bang Theory – Promiscuity Futures

Any time any of the 'Big Bang Theory' parents come to L.A. to visit their kid, it always makes for great shenanigans because they are all so different from their offspring.

- Season 5, Episode 6 - "The Rhinitis Revelation"

It is always a hootenanny when Sheldon’s mother Mary comes to visit the boys and girls of The Big Bang Theory. Her Texas outlook on life is so different from what the gang is used to (and by the gang I mean both the characters on screen and the audience watching at home). Mrs. Cooper is just the right balance of over the top conservative and “Soft Kitty” singing mother. She is the only person on the planet I can imagine that could have survived raising Sheldon Cooper to maturity.

The only real disappointment I had with Mrs. Cooper (again played brilliantly by Laurie Metcalf) was that she had no screen time with Amy Farrah-Fowler. I’m not sure if they’ve even met (commenters, feel free to clear that up for me), but for someone who is playing an increasingly larger role in Sheldon’s life, you’d think pairing the two ladies up would be only natural.

I usually try to provide a lot of quotes when I help cover Big Bang Theory, and this week is no exception. But I didn’t take the time to transcribe the scene where the gang was all praying at Mrs. Cooper’s prompting. Some moments are too damn funny to try to distill down to words on a webpage. But by the time Howard told Raj he only get’s one wish, I just about fell off of the couch laughing.

These were some of my other favorite quotes from the episode; did I miss one of yours?

“That reminds me of another saying: You can lead a chicken to Crisco, but you can’t make your mother fry it.” – Sheldon
“Sheldon, you pester me one more time about chicken and I will put you over my knee right here in this restaurant.” – Mrs. Cooper
“Please pester her? Please? For me.” – Leonard

“Mrs. Cooper, what did you think of the sushi?” – Leonard
“It was good. The only thing would have made it better if it was cooked. And it was beef.” – Mrs. Cooper

“I couldn’t find you guys so I bought six new friends. Sadly three are dead.” – Raj

“I’m not going to get my pecan pie, am I?” – Sheldon
“Want some Oreos?” – Leonard
“Double stuffed?” – Sheldon
“No, regular.” – Leonard
“Nice, kick a man when he’s down.” – Sheldon

“Let me ask you, when you get back out there, are you wearing this?” – Mrs. Cooper
“Look, it’s super cute on. That top has paid for itself in free drinks like ten times what it cost.” – Penny
“Yes, Penny has a lot of money tied up in promiscuity futures.” – Sheldon

“Hun, do you think maybe the reason you’re having trouble finding a guy to settle down with is because you’re letting him ride the roller coaster without buying a ticket?” – Mrs. Cooper
“Oh, they don’t always get to ride to roller coaster. Sometimes they only get to spin the teacups.” – Penny

[Speaking about visiting Rodeo Drive] Well, I can’t afford to spend $12,000 on a handbag, but it’s free to look upon those who do with righteous condemnation.” – Mrs. Cooper

“I am still going out with your friends.” – Mrs. Cooper
“But I apologized, and that was hard for me because I didn’t do anything wrong. “ – Sheldon

“Sheldon, is it possible that your foul mood — or to use the clinical term, bitchiness — is because your mother isn’t making you a priority?” – Amy
“No — or to use the clinical term, na-uh.” – Sheldon



Photo Credit: CBS

8 Responses to “Big Bang Theory – Promiscuity Futures”

October 21, 2011 at 8:56 AM

Those two met early in Season 4 when Sheldon broke up with Amy and bought lots of cats. Mary dragged Amy into the apartment and had them make up.

October 21, 2011 at 9:02 AM

Thanks, Flame. It still doesn’t make a lot of sense for Amy to have not joined them on their sightseeing tour.

October 21, 2011 at 9:10 AM

She was at the lecture with Sheldon.

October 21, 2011 at 9:13 AM

Yes, she was.


It still doesn’t make a lot of sense for Amy to have not joined them on their sightseeing tour.


October 21, 2011 at 12:38 PM

Of the four guys, Sheldon really has the nicest mom. Leonard’s is a cold-hearted, robot-bitch, and Howard’s mom is just nasty in every sense of the word (her only redeeming quality is that she likes Bernadette). We don’t know Raj’s mom very well, but she’s always frowning disapprovingly and glaring into the webcam. I seriously doubt she would sing Raj a lullaby or cook food for his friends. Sheldon, for all his whining, really lucked out in the mommy department.

October 21, 2011 at 4:02 PM

I’m kind of glad they didn’t have an Amy/Mary interaction in this episode. There was enough happening already. An Amy/Mary interaction deserves an episode of it’s own!

November 3, 2011 at 4:13 AM

It was so good to see this episode. Refreshing from the now sorta monotonous they were getting especially with the whole guys vs. girls type shows and stuff.
Speaking of parents, I would love to see an episode where Raj’s parents visit. It would be fun to see how much they play with the stereotype there.

December 5, 2011 at 8:40 AM

My first impression of Big Bang theory wasn’t really good. When I first heard of the title, I thought that it is going to be another stupid show. Therefore, I didn’t show any interest when my boyfriend asked me to watch the show with him when I went to his house. I was so surprised with how much I fell for it right after that. I also started to watch the previous seasons of the show as well. However, right now I am really excited to wait for the next season, Big Bang Theory Season 6. Hopefully it will turn out great as well. I enjoy reading your post about Big Bang Theory as I love to keep track on the shows and the people involved in it. Please keep posting.

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