CliqueClack TV

Big Bang Theory – Bazinga punk, now we’re even

'The Big Bang Theory' avoids going overboard with a Halloween episode by having Leonard get hit on. Which is a scary, Halloween themed storyline in its own right.

- Season 5, Episode 7 - "The Good Guy Fluctuation "

I love a good “theme” episode as much of the next guy, but I always get worried about what’s going to be on television come Halloween each year. Most shows that pay homage to All Hallow’s Eve tend to go a bit overboard, letting the “special” part of the episode get in the way of their narrative or their comedy. Thankfully, this episode of The Big Bang Theory did neither and delivered some great laughs.

Sheldon has to be the dumbest smart guy on TV. I love that his affectations caused him to fail at every practical joke that he played (until the end). It wasn’t that they weren’t well thought out (save the snake in the desk drawer bit), it was just that he telegraphed them so completely. He might as well have worn a shirt that said “I’m playing a practical joke on you” for as good as he was at playing things low key. I love Sheldon, and his attempts to get back at his friends were pitch perfect.

I’ve never much understood the relationship between Priya and Leonard, especially now that she is overseas. His dalliance with Alice proved that he’s got some game, even if it’s the Atari 2600 “The Empire Strikes Back” cartridge version of game. Keeping him attached to a woman 7,500 miles away limits the stories that can be told, because, at some point, we’re going to run out of long-distance relationship clichés to highlight. Full disclosure: I’m totally on the Leonard and Penny bandwagon, but I like that they’re not together at this point. It’s not the time to revisit that relationship either.

As usual, BBT was chock full of great quotes this week. These were my favorites … Did I miss one of yours?

[Reading the words on the wall] ‘See you in Hell Sheldon’ … The most frightening part about that is the missing comma.” – Sheldon

“Hot girl … nine o’clock [everyone looks] don’t everyone look at once.” – Stuart
“What is she doing in a comic book store?” – Raj
“I don’t know, she could be lost.” – Stuart

“Want to see a comic I draw?” – Alice
“You’re kidding. You have your own book?” – Leonard
“Yeah it’s kinda based on my life?” – Alice
“Oh … wow look here’s you having sex with a guy in the top half of a Chewbacca costume … Comic Con?” – Leonard
“You’d think that, but no.” – Alice

“Is it cheating if a guy has a girlfriend….” – Leonard
“Yeah, probably.” – Penny

“Here’s the thing: I’m not one of those guys that sneaks around and sleeps with more than one woman.” – Leonard
“Good for you!” – Penny
“The problem is I want to be one of those guys.” – Leonard

“Leonard, you’re looking for a way to sleep with both women and have everybody be happy with it.” – Penny
Now we’re getting somewhere.” – Leonard

“If it helps, I’ve read all the great moral philosophers, including Dr. Seuss.” – Sheldon
“Oh, what the hell. I’m supposed to go see that girl from the comic book store, Alice? But I don’t know if I should because I’m going out with Priya. But she’s in India.” — Leonard
“Alright, so the topic at hand is sexual fidelity. Probably won’t be relying on Seuss here. Although One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish might be surprisingly applicable.” – Sheldon

“Well, they say at the end of your life you regret the things you didn’t do more than the things that you did. And I’m pretty sure Alice is the stuff I want to do.” – Leonard

[Making out with Alice] I can’t do this.” – Leonard
“Is it my tongue stud? Because if that freaks you out you’re in for a real surprise later on.” – Alice



Photo Credit: CBS

3 Responses to “Big Bang Theory – Bazinga punk, now we’re even”

October 28, 2011 at 11:18 AM

I hope Alice stays around. It’s a nice mix to the crew.

October 28, 2011 at 2:32 PM

I agree. I like Alice way better than Priya.

October 28, 2011 at 2:45 PM

To the good lines, I would add Sheldon stating Nietzche’s “superman” theory to make Leonard feel good about being with more than one woman, and then adding “In the interest of full disclosure, I should add that Nietzche died of syphilis.”

I also enjoyed Stuart’s insistence that he take a picture to put Leonard on the Comic Book store’s hall of fame wall, because he managed to pick up a girl in the store.

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