CliqueClack TV

NCIS – The one that stretched all bounds of the imagination

How ridiculous was Ziva talking to the two girls in, what, universal Arabic? Because such a thing exists? I’m guessing Afghanistan alone has hundreds of dialects, most derived from Persian. So, same difference?

- Season 9, Episode 9 - "Engaged Part 2"

I loved seeing Gibbs all decked out in camouflage and armed to the teeth, but was the latest case on NCIS a story worth two hours? I suppose it all depends on how you look at it. Let’s take it in pieces.

The Tony piece I’m a DiNozzo fan (Junior and Senior), and Tony making a bucket list last week was funny, but I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at first his religious struggle, and then his “greatest fear.” While I enjoyed his smile-filled Josiah Bartlet-like chapel chat with God (complete with pacing up the aisle), it also lent doubt to the seriousness of Tony’s feelings, or at least made them harder to take seriously. Could it have been a powerful moment? Sure, if in any of 200 episodes we’d known him to exhibit a relationship with God. But it was kind of cheesy. Shame, too.

As for the kids? I laughed when the little girl left paint handprints on the back of Tony’s suit pants, but again: where was all of this coming from right now?

Gibbs’ flashbacks Okay, so Gibbs was friends (maybe more?) with a fellow Marine who died as soon as she landed in Okinawa. Sad, sure, but worth all the time put into it between the two hours? Did it enhance our picture of Gibbs the man?

The terrorists Could Asa (Satya Bhabha), Soraya (Aliah Whitmore), and Usman (Michael Benyaer) have been any more cliched and unimaginative? Their entire portion of the story was laugh-worthy, which I suppose was worthwhile just for having something to laugh at. Tony’s initial interrogation of Asa was one of his worst yet. And why did Soraya take off the face portion of her Hijab after Gibbs captured her? Did modesty no longer matter at that point? Meanwhile, the whole idea of a woman being at the center of a plot to bomb a school that taught girls to read was hilarious.

The little play that Gibbs and Vance put on was done poorly. Gibbs’ torture tools were fun, but why would his family being “dead” convince Asa to tell the truth about his and his siblings’ plot? And speaking of the plot — Gibbs’ command to the team to find kids trips was absurd. A) Is there suddenly some central database of all field trips? Wouldn’t one assume that schools wouldn’t want to publicize that sort of information out of safety concerns? And B) He knew it was the third one they identified with the three hundred kids? No need to check the other thousand field trips going on in and around DC that day? Sure. Gibbs is good, but give me a break.

The rescue Gibbs’ scarf was great, as everyone said, but I had trouble with the idea of two NCIS agents pretty much leading the charge on a rescue mission against armed insurgents in a war zone. One was a Marine and saw combat … long ago; the other saw combat in a foreign army. You think maybe they should have been in back, like Castle on Castle? Them and the BAU team on Criminal Minds … sure, send the profilers in first against armed unsubs!

And why update Joseph Flores (Alex Fernandez) that they might have located his daughter? Could there be a worse idea than getting his hopes up while there was still such a large possibility that they’d find her dead?

Then there was the sight of the coffin in the opening moments. If they had come out and said that someone other than Flores (Sofia Pernas) was in the box it wouldn’t have made that fact more obvious.

It was cool to see Gibbs in country in Afghanistan … I just felt like so much of the story was told poorly.

Some other funny moments:

  • Tony telling McGee that libraries smell like “lonely smart people.”
  • Gibbs asking the siblings if they’d last seen one another at the terrorist convention in Toledo.
  • Ziva saying that “I grew up in this region” and so therefore was prepared for anything. Right, because Israel and Afghanistan are the same….

Couldn’t they have done better for Cold Case’s John Finn?

NCIS I hope riding a ferris wheel naked is a metaphor for something [51eRnHz2DHL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)NCIS I hope riding a ferris wheel naked is a metaphor for something [517viGC516L. SL160 ] (IMAGE)NCIS I hope riding a ferris wheel naked is a metaphor for something [51yRekuK3tL. SL160 ] (IMAGE)

Photo Credit: CBS

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5 Responses to “NCIS – The one that stretched all bounds of the imagination”

November 16, 2011 at 5:05 PM

Hated this episode and thought it was one of the worst NCIS eps ever. Whenever NCIS does Horrible-Hateful- EVERY SINGLE – Arab-Muslim-Terrorists-DuJour I want to make the writers, producers and actors get a reality check. When Gibbs says he isn’t a coward “Just Better” than the terrorist I want the NCIS corporate totality to stop the propaganda machine or be forced in front of a firing squad. I don’t think it’s an amusing scenario and I don’t think the “cliche terrorist” is funny. I do think it adds to the “cliche American ass#### persona the world is rapidly believing we are – every single one of us.

The Tony humor was misplaced and stupid this time, Ziva and Gibbs directing on the ground operations in Afghanistan was ludicrous and Gibbs’ sad eyed forever grieving father routine was also irritating, although I usually like Gibbs Angst.

And if the two little girls had been as injured as was described they would not be having a smiley “Gabby” chat with Ziva, they would have been screaming in pain in the nearest medical facility.

Ugh for this episode, just gag-worthy.

November 16, 2011 at 7:48 PM

don’t like the show? don’t watch it.

November 16, 2011 at 9:38 PM

I love NCIS, this episode was just awful. I can love the characters, the humor and the mysteries and not love the politics and watch the show. The idea that being pointedly critical of an episode does not mean I must give it up and change the channel.

November 16, 2011 at 11:55 PM

I agree with MWK, I think this 2-episode arc would’ve been a fine story with just the 1st episode wnding with showing the army ready to go get the woman. I don’t understand how two girls that have been traumatized (really, they take the time to supposedly treat and dress their wounds but nobody could wash their feet or give them sandals? Or maybe they were treated en route and nobody cared enough to send them to the medical bay right away?) like they were seem so amazingly happy and don’t shy away from others or Gibbs who is physically imposing. They just all smiles and happy to babble away…

And then the Tony thing I still don’t know what the heck was going on there about God and kids. It kinda came out of the nowhere.

This season so far has been disappointing.

November 17, 2011 at 7:56 AM

finally! A review of this episode that I can agree with! I felt like NCIS was hitting me over the head with a frying pan that had the word propaganda emblazoned on it.

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