- The entire fantasy sequence with Bob showing Linda how to work the soft-serve machine — complete with Tom Selleck spooning the both of them — was just wrong. And thanks to Debbie I couldn’t get the Magnum P.I. theme song out of my head every time Tom appeared during the episode.
- Everywhere I go lately, I bump into knitters. In real life, on social media sites, in the news. Now? I find school councilor Mr. Frond (David Herman) is into knitting as well. Is there something I should know?
- Sometimes, being a mother is all about saving your kids’ asses. But … every mother knows this, including Linda. (And by the way: Prenatal exercises and jazz hands … brilliant.)
- Again, Ollie and Andy are two of the funniest sideline characters on Bob’s Burgers.
- Louise just rocks. (Anthrax, Caddyshack reference and her vitriolic response when asked to take off her bunny ears were just three examples.)
- While Tina isn’t the sharpest pencil in the drawer (“Synchronized swimming!”) it’s all part of her charm. Remember however that she has offered some pretty innovative ideas and sometimes leads Louise and Gene in time of need.
“Louise! Guess which one of us ate catfood!” — Ollie to Louise as both he and Andy blow their breath on her
“Marco!” — Tina calling out in the pool
“Walberg!” — Gene responding
“Oh! Last night I drempt I was breast-feeding Gene again and he had a long white beard like Santa Claus. Oh, it was freaky!” — Linda
“That could be our next Christmas card!” — Gene
“No.” — Bob
“Pleeeeeeeeeeease?” — Gene
“Noooooooo.” — Bob

Photo Credit: FOX
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