CliqueClack TV

Supernatural – Felicia Day, Veronica Mars and Star Wars

As the season winds down, Felicia Day helps Sam and Dean take on the Leviathans while Bobby takes on Dick.

- Season 7, Episode 20 - "The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo"

“Do you have any tattoos? Give him a little sneak peek there. All tattoos are sexy.” – Dean
“Mine is Princess Leia in a slave bikini straddling a 20-sided die. I was drunk, it was Comic-Con.” – Charlie
“We’ve all been there.” – Dean

I really, really enjoyed this episode. Felicia Day simply sparkled as Charlie, and she had great chemistry with the boys. I loved the way Sam and Dean were able to speak to Charlie on her level, both in their own way. Sam’s “Hermione Power” speech was inspired, and Dean flirting with the security guard through Charlie was hilarious. You add in the Veronica Mars reference and this fan was smiling through the whole episode. (Yes, there were even several bonuses for you Star Wars geeks — Charlie’s tattoo and Bobby’s “Let’s Yoda this” moment.)

At the end of the day, though, I have two nitpicks. This first is that last week, we got American Horror Story / Being Human. This week, it was the Supernatural meets Leverage episode, complete with secret van headquarters, earbuds and split-screen shots. They even did the surprise switch ending, with the borax bomb, which was classic Leverage. On the one hand, shout-out episodes are big fun, and I can respect that Supernatural is trying some new formats on for size in their seventh season. However, Supernatural has always been stand-out with their own creativity. I consider what they’ve done ground-breaking, and to see them “borrow” two weeks in a row, though fun, just isn’t sitting quite right.

Now, what they’ve always done right is title their episodes cleverly, and “The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo” is perfect. As a huge fan of Stieg Larsson‘s books, I appreciated the shout-out to the girl hacker, the way they worked in the nerd reference (D&D) and in the episode, worked in the bit about her tattoo. Nicely done.

My other nitpick is that I just can’t get past how lame the Leviathan storyline is after all the big apocalypse stuff. Dick’s endgame is to make delicious, submissive meat-people? Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s going to be fun to watch Bobby go vengeful on Dick, because you know it’s going to happen. I’m anxious to see how they fold Castiel back into the mix and generally how the season wraps up.

How are you feeling about the Leviathan storyline? How is season seven shaping up for you?



Photo Credit: Jack Rowand/The CW

One Response to “Supernatural – Felicia Day, Veronica Mars and Star Wars”

April 27, 2012 at 11:14 PM

I’m pretty certain she doesn’t care about it, but it’s pretty clear Felicia Day and Wil Wheaton get typecast as the hacker geeks in anything they do. In a way I wonder when a time comes when it’s not necessary to typecast someone who’s necessarily considered ultra-nerdy in pop culture (or Twitter culture, or whatever) and you don’t need a high-profile “nerd” to play someone smart in these shows. It certainly sells in their fan camps and Twitter followings though.

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