CliqueClack TV

Katie Schenkel

Twitter: JustPlainTweets
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Bio: Katie lives in Indianapolis and has an English degree from Butler University. Her day job is as a copywriter for a website developer. She's also an admitted film and TV junkie who makes an average of 20 Arrested Development/Futurama/Simpsons quotes a day. She writes and runs the movie website

Posts by Katie Schenkel

The League – Eggmas miracles, and a champion is crowned

The second season ended with two big episodes. We learn more about Ellie’s vocabulary, Taco starts year two for his thousand year-old eggs, and things get dark by the end of the last episode.

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia – We finally know who knocked Dee up!

For almost two months, we’ve wondered — who is Dee’s baby daddy?! Thanks to the season finale, we have an answer, and a surprise tender moment before the big reveal.

Top Chef – Jennifer goes postal and the producers make a nerd faux pas

This week, the contestants cooked for Joe Jonas, Katie Lee Joel and a museum full of kids. The only thing more surprising than the tempers flaring at judges’ table is the frustrating error I saw within the rules of this week’s challenge.

The League – RIP Ramona Neopolitano: Fake wife, real cappuccino machine

A lot of funny stuff happened in this episode, but we got to see Pete be accidentally heroic and Ruxin be apologetically horrible. And Taco predicts how his friends will die, to the delight of me.

It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia – The gang actually leaves Philadelphia

Granted, they only took a trip to Atlantic City, but this is the first time I know of them actually leaving the city of Brotherly Love. Charlie and Dennis meet two pro-athletes. The others meet a rabbit.

Top Chef – All Stars is definitely an improvement

Last season felt like a decline from what has been a strong show and competition. I’m glad to see this season started off well … thanks to competitors who have been there before and the right challenge.

The Venture Bros. – Season four had one epic hourlong ending!

With the boys being thrown their senior prom, the writers could have gone in many different directions. They made great use of the longer episode, which makes my job hard — I want to talk about it all!

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