CliqueClack TV

News, episode reviews and commentary for USA's Royal Pains

Latest episode clacks for this show:

Ratings Clack – Talkin’ baseball… Carew and Michael Westen

Okay, I did edit the original “Talkin’ Baseball’ lyrics just a bit for the title, for context. While the All-Star game was the big deal in ratings this week, there was some great news over on cable for Michael and the gang. And really, most of the exciting stuff, where ratings are concerned anyway, was […]

by Brett Love

Mazel tov, Royal Pains

Here’s the thing about Royal Pains: it really shouldn’t be that great a show. The premise, as my best friend likes to remind me, is inherently flawed. Hank is drippy, holier-than-thou, and, well, my feelings on Jill are well-documented. And yet I still sort of love it, because I just find the secondary characters so […]

by Julia Hass

Jill I am

I do not like you, Dr. Jill In fact, I think you are a pill. You are so boring and so bland If you shut up that would be grand. Couples should make characters more endearing But when Evan interrupted you and Hank, I felt like cheering. And let’s not even discuss your message on […]

by Julia Hass

Jon Hamm, Royal Pains and a Burn Notice marathon – Daily rerun roundup

We’ve got your standard 30 Rock/ Office block, but tonight on the menu you also have your choice of the Royal Pains pilot or a Burn Notice marathon! It’s almost like TV is good right now, right? Just squint your eyes and you can see it, I swear. USA is airing a Burn Notice marathon […]

by Kona Gallagher

The Royal Pains redemption (this time, with sharks)

I’ve got to say something for Royal Pains – they sure know how to take a note. After my complaining last week (to which most of your replies were “so stop watching the show“), I was very nervous about this week’s episode, wondering who I could rope into reviewing this for me, et cetera, et […]

by Julia Hass

The royal pains of Royal Pains

Something that never fails to annoy me is entitled, rich, snobby people. People who drop millions for their own selfish gain and don’t spare a second thought for what that could mean for anyone else. These sorts of people tend to be paired with another characteristic that drives me batty: senseless ambition, especially projected on […]

by Julia Hass
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