CliqueClack TV

Am I the only one who doesn’t care who the mother is?


Don’t get me wrong.  I care about How I Met Your Mother. I think it’s one of the freshest, funniest shows on TV right now.  It has great characters, greater actors, and crisp writing.  It also has, however, this slightly annoying plot device.  We viewers have been getting strung along for three seasons now, and I have to say … I really just don’t care who the mother is.  It’s not that I’m annoyed that we don’t know yet.  It’s not that I’m dying to know and I’m running out of patience.  I just don’t give a crap.  This show has so much going for it, the whole mother mystery just doesn’t matter to me.

It seems, however, that I am in the minority on this front.  Everyone appears to be in a mother tizzy since the seriously awesome Sarah “second Becky” Chalke started showing up.  Everyone is speculating, wondering, and looking for clues.  This ain’t Lost people!  Just enjoy the ride.  It’s a sitcom for crying out loud.

Now I don’t want to be a curmudgeon.  I’m not going to tell you that you shouldn’t care about who the mother is (but if you do, I will judge you and possibly mock you behind your back).  Maybe you just don’t have any other mysteries to ponder.  I’m here to help, though; don’t worry.  I present to you a list of things to think about that are far more interesting than the identity of the mother:

  • If there isn’t a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, what the heck is there?
  • What are the 12 grains in 12 grain bread?
  • How the hell did Knight Rider get on the fall schedule?
  • Is the world going to end when they fire up that large hadron collider in Europe?
  • What the crap is going on with the economy?
  • What were Emmy organizers thinking letting the reality hosts lead their show?
  • How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?
I hope I’ve been able to help.


Categories: | Clack | General |

4 Responses to “Am I the only one who doesn’t care who the mother is?”

September 29, 2008 at 6:41 PM

I don’t care who the mother is either and I’m not in any hurry to find out. If it takes until the very last episode I’m okay with that too.

We all know what happened after we found out who killed Laura Palmer.

October 1, 2008 at 2:44 AM

I care who the mother is. But I can wait until the 200th episode to find out. So long as Nina Tassler doesn’t screw up and cancel it before they reveal who mother is, which she will. I have no faith in that lying broad. I gotta have some show to obsess over until Lost comes back.

October 1, 2008 at 12:19 PM

Yeah, I really don’t care anymore. I think Carter & Bays have crafted such a great show. HIMYM sets the standard for continuity. I love going back and watching episodes from the first season and hearing throw away lines about what would later become full episodes.

The Goat, as an example. Not that we know the story yet.

October 13, 2008 at 12:15 AM

There is no end of the rainbow. Rainbows are circles. Usually when they’re big we only see the top part, but they are circles and have no ends.

Also, I care who the mother is and hope it’s not “Becky Connor 2″ because I want there to be more mystery.

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