CliqueClack TV

Hey Dirty Sexy Money, thanks for not sucking



For me, one of the most pleasant surprises of last year’s TV season was Dirty Sexy Money.  I remember hearing the premise and thinking it was going to be horrible.  Who would really want to watch a bunch of spoiled rich people?  Then the buzz started and I decided to give it a chance.  I’m glad I did.  It very well may have been my favorite new show of the season.  Unfortunately it got beat up by the writer’s strike like so many other shows (luckily that nastiness is behind us now).

Then came news over the summer that the show was getting a new showrunner, Jon Feldman, who had previously run Big Shots.  Having a good show change runners is always a scary idea, so needless to say I was a bit concerned that the show was going to go downhill.  Having the brain behind a show like Big Shots taking over didn’t exactly instill confidence either.  There was all this talk of making the show “dirtier and sexier.”  I was afraid that the show was going to become a parody of itself.

So … Fast forward two episodes into the new season and I am pleasantly surprised.  The show is still working well, all the characters are still doing their thing (except Juliet … hope she’s enjoying her time exploring the world or whatever excuse they’re using today to explain her welcome absence), and Lucy Liu is adding a certain Liuness that I’m enjoying.  With the plot moving forward, tight writing, and what I think is the best cast on television, there is definitely a lot to be excited about. It’s probably too early to call this season excellent, but I will definitely say it’s on the right track and I’m looking forward to more!

What do you guys think?  Enjoying the new season?  Miss Juliet?

Categories: | Clack | General | TV Shows |

7 Responses to “Hey Dirty Sexy Money, thanks for not sucking”

October 12, 2008 at 5:06 PM

A few comments:

– getting a new showrunner would normally be a big deal, just like you write. Except this is a Greg Berlanti show (like Brothers & Sisters and Eli Stone) and in the end, he’s responsible for it. As such, it’s not like Shawn Ryan walking away from The Shield or David Simon walking away from The Wire or David Mulch walking away from Deadwood. DSM fits perfectly into the Berlanti milieu, and it will succeed with whomever he chooses to be the showrunner, in my opinion

– I miss Juliet terribly. She was my favorite character. I look forward to her returns, however brief they may be.

– The show definitely does not suck in season 2. The on-screen dynamism both Peter Krause and Donald Sutherland bring to the show prevents it from ever sucking :)

October 13, 2008 at 11:05 AM

Loving my DSM. Season Two is every bit as good as Season One.

October 13, 2008 at 11:42 AM

I agree. No drop off here. The Juliet question is still TBD for me. It would be good to have her back, but there are so many other fun things going on in season two, though it could have been a real handicap to do without her, I think the show has finessed her absence and not lost steam. Pretty impressive give the changes and the strike. Can’t wait for Wednesday night.

October 13, 2008 at 11:44 AM

It’s not bad, though I do miss the few moments where someone like Tripp would be a little bit nice or sweet. I enjoyed having those moments rather than having every character go full asshole.

I miss Juliet, but what can you do when the actress has some kind of Issues? I actually wish they’d recast the character rather than get rid of her, but…oh well.

October 13, 2008 at 1:57 PM

Isn’t Samoire Armstrong in rehab and not likely to return to the show period?

October 13, 2008 at 7:08 PM

I think she went into rehab for a very short time for “personal issues.” I have no idea what that means, but I think she’s out now. I keep hearing that she’s going to show up now and then this season, but she wasn’t there for the funeral of her sister-in-law… I dunno.

February 1, 2009 at 1:16 PM

Hello. And Bye. :)

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