CliqueClack TV

Heroes – Chapter Seven: Eris Quod Sum



(Season 3, Episode 7)

“Alright, Dorothy, we’re off to see the wizard.” – Elle to Claire, on going to Pinehearst to see if they can be fixed.

During Kona’s live-blog on this episode of Heroes, we all agreed that maybe it’s best if we don’t think too hard about the timelines and plotholes. I tried it last night, and it really does help with my viewing enjoyment.

So overlooking these things, here are my thoughts on this episode:

– Arthur and Angela Petrelli are the worst parents in the world. I won’t go into all the mistakes they’ve made along the way, but talk about your family dysfunction.

– How fun to see Elle back, and yowza, too bad about the out-of-control electrical surges and getting doused with water. That’s gotta be painful. I like seeing her and Claire work together for the greater good. But doesn’t it seem like they would have thought about the electrical currents messing up the plane ride? Oops, thinking about the plotholes again. Never mind.

– I just can’t get past the fact that Arthur Petrelli sounds like Andy Sipowicz. Honestly, if I closed my eyes for a second, I expected to open them and see Arthur up close and personal with a perp, just like Andy would have done. Oh, how I miss Andy.

– Matt and Daphne make the cutest couple on the planet. I just hope she doesn’t screw him over by following Arthur like a blind puppy. Daphnatt (the name-merge coined by CliqueClack‘s own Bob Degon) could work together, too!

– I refuse to believe that Adam Monroe is indeed gone. I mean, really, the guy is resurrected from a grave and now we’re supposed to believe he’s been cut short by a measly power-robbing incident? I think not.

– I wish Sylar would make up his mind. Good or bad, Sylar, what’s it gonna be? I kind of liked his little bonding thing with Peter, but then he goes and pushes him out a window. And about that, Peter survives after falling seven stories? Oh, wait. Plothole-itis is sucking me in again. But since several characters mentioned the unlikelihood of his survival, Peter must still have some healing powers lurking in there.

– Hiro and Ando in Africa, and Hiro says, “I’m ready to begin my journey.” Uh, hate to burst your bubble there, Hiro, but I think your journey started about three seasons ago.

– Buh-bye, Maya. See ya.

Your thoughts?

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

11 Responses to “Heroes – Chapter Seven: Eris Quod Sum”

October 28, 2008 at 2:35 PM

“Peter survives after falling seven stories? ”

I thought it was pretty clear that Sylar had helped him escape. Arthur mentioned it being strange to Sylar, and Peter mentioned it to Claire

October 28, 2008 at 5:35 PM

Yeah, I thought it was pretty clear thats what happened.

October 28, 2008 at 5:42 PM

Yeah, I don’t buy Sylar going back to being bad so soon. I think he’s going all sleep agent.

October 28, 2008 at 5:46 PM

Ah, thanks for the note on that. I kept thinking they were doing the good-evil-in-all-of-us storyline, but that makes sense that he’d be helping Peter escape. And I like seeing some of the original heroes coming back together, like Claire and Peter.

October 28, 2008 at 7:36 PM

I’ve been trying to ignore the timelines and plot holes all season, but Elle and Claire riding on the plane drove me batty! The whole time I just couldn’t stop thinking, “seiously, you can’t control your electricity and you think it’s a good idea to board a plane?!?!?” WTF!

October 29, 2008 at 10:14 AM

What were they supposed to do, walk there? Drive? It was obvious that Elle needed attention to take care of the issue she was having at that moment. They probably thought it was worth the risk with all things considered.

And yet again the Cliqueclack review is all about “plot holes” that are easily explained. I mean almost every character can do something that no other human can do, but the reviewer continues to cling onto the dumbest things. Falling seven stories? They made a point to say that he didn’t die and then went back to even show Sylar and Arthur’s conversation to imply he made sure Peter didn’t die, yet that is a plot hole?

I’m no fanboi, but I don’t think I can read these reviews anymore, the reviewer is either not into the show or just doesn’t get it. Maybe it’s because I read comic books as a kid but the show isn’t as bad as it is made out to be every week here, especially since there are glaring “plot holes” in the reviewers own reviews.

And for the record I don’t think Heroes is even remotely the best show on TV. It’s adequate at best, but seriously lets do actual reviews rather than pointing out things that everyone else seems to get but the reviewer does not.

October 29, 2008 at 4:10 PM

You won’t even come here for the entertainment of seeing what completely obvious things the reviewers didn’t understand this week? That’s my entire purpose for reading these Heroes reviews…then my roommates and I laugh hysterically about it. Good stuff I tell you, good stuff.

October 29, 2008 at 4:23 PM

Oh man, you guys are giving me a complex! And, uh, well, I like to leave a few things for you guys to fill in. :-)

October 29, 2008 at 11:54 PM

Don’t take it too harshly. When you are watching as part of a review your mind focuses on different things than if you were just watching.

Mind you I’ve watched a lot of Chinese martial arts movies in which you have to pick up the plot and relationships as you go along while you are trying to read massively long subtitles that flash up on the screen. So I have no idea what people are talking about when they talk about the supposed “complex” plot or convoluted timelines of Heroes. It’s really basic.

November 3, 2008 at 11:21 AM

I don’t think it’s that complicated either – I think there are many things to consider and remember but once you do it all makes sense and what doesn’t make sense will be revealed with time… that’s what these shows are for… to wonder and make theories about what’s happening or will happen… to know it all right now has no magic, no mystery… there’s things I don’t get (yet) but I’m happy to wait and see what is still to come…
Chill out and enjoy!
By the way – I like Peter and Claire together, it’s a shame that they’re family :P Plus, isn’t it curious that Nathan always ends up with the same woman (Nikki, Tracey…)? He sure has the same taste… will he end up with the third sister too?)
B x

November 3, 2008 at 1:02 PM

I feel like a need a score card after this episode to keep track of who is in league with whom. So many alliances were formed, broken and double crossed in this episode that I’m not sure who is on whose side anymore.

The best line of the whole night was when Mohinder asks Arthur how he could put his son through his fake death. Arthur replies “Have you met their mother?”

The episode title Eris Quod Sum means “I am what you will be” and I understand that it’s a motto often used on gravestones. Does that mean there will be more deaths?

I loved when Lyle doused Elle with water – apparently it not only put a damper on her power, but her chronic bad mood. Unfortunately, I’m not impressed with Elle’s latest storyline.

I can’t believe Jeph Loeb and Jesse Alexander have been fired. I think it could be the beginning of the end for the series.

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