CliqueClack TV

I’m lovin’ Life … but need a little help

I can’t believe the show Life, now in its second season, slipped by my radar last season, and actually, the beginning of this season too. When I started hearing all the good things about it, I turned it on and it’s been on ever since.

I’ve seen the last three episodes, and I’m hooked. Damian Lewis is spectacular, and the bantering between him and Reese is so unique. She tolerates him and respects him at the same time; they’ve got a fun relationship.

But I need a little help understanding all the intricacies of the relationships and also Crews’s back story. Here’s what I think I get:

  • Crews went to prison for 12 years for a crime he didn’t commit. Enter the conspiracy story arc.
  • Reese is a former alcoholic and substance abuser.
  • Crews has a best friend, Ted.
  • Crews’s wife left him while he was in prison and got remarried. They still love each other but that time has passed.
  • Crews seems to have used his prison experience to find some sort of spiritual acceptance and to learn to live life to the fullest, in a Zen sort of way.
  • Clearly, he won a lot of money in the settlement, since he has a house that no cop could afford.

Here are some questions I am left with:

  • I have no idea who the FBI agent is who talked to Crews in one episode, and I don’t know who the ex-cop is that he kidnapped in the most recent episode.
  • Was Reese ever using during the series, or has she always been reformed? How does it effect who her character is currently?
  • Explain Ted to me. I think we like him, but I can’t quite see how he fits into everything. Do we trust him?
  • I read that the true killer is now imprisoned, thanks to Crews, but don’t really get how that came about or why there is still conspiracy stuff going on.
  • What does Reese see in sweaty Tidwell? Is that for real?
  • Are there any “must see” episodes from last season or the beginning of this season that will help me understand things better, or to catch up? Should I just get all the episodes and catch up fully?

Do you all love Life too?

Photo Credit: NBC

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12 Responses to “I’m lovin’ Life … but need a little help”

November 28, 2008 at 2:13 PM


Go rent the first season… Right now. Its worth every second.

To answer your questions:

– I don’t think the viewers are supposed to know who the FBI agent is just yet, or where he fits in (unless I missed something completely, which, you know, happens)

– Reese became a user as a part of some undercover work. I think she still will have a drink on occasion, but I think she’s probably not an addict, but the department is worried that she might have become one.

– I’m pretty sure the cop he kidnapped was one of the six people he’s discovered were somehow involved with the conspiracy that sent him to jail (While he’s got guy who killed the family, he doesn’t have the people that pulled the strings).

– Totally, completely like Ted. Crews protected him while in prison, and Ted keeps the money situated now. I really LOVE his relationship with Crews’ dad’s wife to be.

– Again, its now all about the why his friends were killed, and it all, somehow, links back to the Bank of LA robbery, and a ton of money that came up missing. I’m pretty sure that we “know” now that six cops were involved with taking some of the money, and that Crews’ friend was laundering money for the six, and became some kind of liability.

– Beats the hell out of me re: Tidwell

– I would suggest watching the whole first run. It kind of shows the path had to go through in order to gain respect amongst his peers. You also understand him, and Reese as characters better.

But if I had to suggest five, it’d be the Pilot, The Fallen Woman (b/c Garret Dillahunt is just creepy), Powerless (More Reese backstory), Dig a Hole, and Fill it Up.

But really. The first season is only 11 episodes.

November 28, 2008 at 3:44 PM

Glad to see interest in Life since it was a show I fell head over heels with. It’s such a fantastic character study and I adored the way the partnership built from mistrust to loyalty and all the while feeling very natural and organic.

1. The FBI agent is Agent Bodner, he was an FBI agent on loan in the Homeland Security. He prevented the arrest of a Russian mob boss during episode 5, The Fallen Woman. This, as you can imagine, did not please the detectives.

2. Reese never used during the series, although while on a raid (episode 1, Merit Badge) she was accidentally covered in cocaine and in one of the iconic and moving scenes Charlie helps Reese shower it off.

It was a scene that could have played gratuitously but wasn’t. Because you could feel Reese’s panic and fear and that impressed me, this show handled women so well in the first season that it miffs me how much they’re dropping the ball so much this season.

Oh, and while Reese has stopped using drugs that did not stop her from drinking. She was a functioning alcoholic but stopped midway in the first season.

3. So far he’s trustworthy. He’s the guy Charlie saved in prison, in turn Ted helps him with his money and the conspiracy. But that’s a new development.

4. Crews caught Hollis (the real killer) but not the people behind the killing. Hollis was just a smack head, a tool.

5. What does Reese see in sweaty Tidwell? Is that for real?

I have no bloody idea and wish she’d stop seeing whatever she’s seeing. Yes, she’s a screw-up in her personal life but if there was one thing consistent about Reese during season 1 is that she kept her private life private. She already had a disastrous run when she mixed work and her private life (pre-series) I don’t know why the writers are pushing for this to happen again

6. Are there any “must see” episodes from last season or the beginning of this season that will help me understand things better, or to catch up? Should I just get all the episodes and catch up fully?

I honestly recommend that you watch the whole full season (if you could get the original broadcast with the original music the better) since its only 11 episodes. And almost everything in the 11th episode builds on the 10 episodes before it. Throwaway dialogues and gestures suddenly gain extra meaning. But if I was persuaded by gun point I’d say go for Merit Badge (pilot), The Fallen Woman, Powerless (this is the tour de force Dani Reese episode, this is an episode not to be missed because of the pure fierce badass that Reese shows herself to be and proves she doesn’t need a gun to be tough), A Civil War, Farthingale, Serious Control Issues… Y’know what actually episode 5 onwards are all unmissable episodes… so, uh, yeah, you have to watch all 11 episodes.

I admit, the first four episodes were a little rocky but everything after builds on that, there’s not a character moment that’s off base. It’s why the second season is frustrating me so much because they were so brilliant at depicting the characters and relationships but the second is inconsistent and frequently OOC.

All in all, I think you’ll have a fun ride watching the first season.

November 28, 2008 at 6:35 PM


Thanks, I had forgotten if we’d seen the agent before!

November 28, 2008 at 4:00 PM

1. The FBI agent. He showed up in a season one episode that I can’t remember (have to get out the DVD set) but “Black Friday is only the second time we’ve seen him, so we really don’t know what his role is.

2. Reese hasn’t used drugs during the series. In fact that’s part of the reason why her relationship with Crews is as strong as it is. In the pilot episode they hit a dealer’s place and in the ensuing gun battle she was literally coated in cocaine and Crews got her to a shower immediately and washed her off. She does sometimes drink (and was shown to be a bit promiscuous in the pilot) but goes to AA.

3. Ted was a white collar criminal that Charlie befriended in prison and protected. Now that they’re out Ted manages Charlie’s money, acts as a sounding board for him. Think Alfred to Charlie’s Bruce Wayne.

4. The true killer is in prison, but the conspiracy goes way deeper and includes Reese’s father Jack, the Bank of California robbery and a secret that some of Jack’s “friends” want desperately to keeps secret. This is one of the reasons why you should watch the DVD set!

5. Reese and Tidwell. Personally that’s one of the things that rings untrue for me. I mean I like Donal Logue (though not as much as I liked last season’s boss Robin Weigert) and the comedic possibilities of Danni and Tidwell aren’t lost on me, but really it seems like something that someone got in network notes: “We need a love interest for Reese. It can’t be Crews, so let’s make it a new character – maybe the new boss because Weigert comes across as too cold – and let’s make him someone that no one in their right mind would expect her to be with.”

6. Get the DVD set and watch the whole season. If you watch nothing else though, make sure you watch the pilot episode and maybe the last couple of episodes. But really you need to see the whole thing (not really a bad thing though).

November 28, 2008 at 4:50 PM

I really can’t add much – I want to think about it some more. I don’t like Tidwell and Reese together but I can see a reason for her attraction. Her father is an absolute control freak who does not respect her. I think this led to her addiction problems. Especially since he was so powerful in the police force and she was trying to start out. She would want to avoid a control situation or someone who did not understand her job. I think Tidwell is a good cop so he understands her job and I believe he respects her professionally. He doesn’t hide anything – I like you – let’s go out. I think that honesty appeals to her. I don’t think she has been appreciated by an honest, nothing hidden person before, so I can see where that appeals to her.

I also don’t know the story about Reese’s father. The murdered friend of Crews (the reason Crews went to jail) had a daughter who the conspiracy group said was gone the night of the murders. Crews proved that she was there and witnessed the murders. Her drawings then led to the discovery of the actual murderer. Crews found the daughter and wanted to take care of her but Reese’s father stole her away and hid her. Crews found her again but in the meantime questions arose whether Reese’s father hid her from his co-conspirators to save her or hid her to prevent suspicion on himself. So I don’t know if he will end up being part good or not. Just like Ted – Charlie saved him in prison but would he do something underhanded to Charlie – i don’t know.

Complex story, superb acting, fantastic imagery and zen. Fabulous must see for me.

November 28, 2008 at 4:54 PM

Actually, the whole firs season is on Hulu along with the most recent five episodes of this year. SO you could catch up in a weekend from last year – highly recommend this. Also it is Damian Lewis not Damien – you know those Brits.

November 28, 2008 at 5:00 PM

Some thoughts:

Reese started using while undercover. She went to rehab and was allowed back on the job, but partnering with Crews was part of her “punishment” for screwing up. When Crews rejoined the force as a detective, a lot of people resented him. Partly because it seemed unearned, since he was a beat cop before prison and only became a detective as part of his settlement. Partly because he also won a huge sum of money in the settlement, which sets him apart from other cops. And partly because he was a con – some people were unconvinced that he was really innocent, and plenty of others though that his time in prison made him a convict regardless of his guilt or innocence.

Anyway, in the first few episodes, Reese is seen drinking or around alcohol, and engaging in risky behavior. She sleeps with a stranger while drinking, and goes to a bar when she tells her boss that she’s going to a meeting.

My read on the fact that Reese is now officially clean (she definitely doesn’t drink now, given her behavior on the date with Tidwell) is that her time with Crews has made her more hopeful about herself. Crews story (and Life in general) is one of second chances and redemption. Virtually all the major characters are given a clean slate at some point: Crews after being released from prison; Ted gets a clean slate from Charlie even though his white collar conviction and prison time appeared to ruin his life; Reese gets a fresh start after rehab; Rachel gets a fresh start after Crews locates her.

I think that theme also sheds some light on the Reese/Tidwell relationship. Tidwell is getting a new start in LA after moving from NY, apparently after several failed relationships. I also wouldn’t be surprised if we find out at some point that something big happened to prompt Tidwell’s move. And it’s established in Season 1 that Reese has created a very lonely existence for herself (Charlie’s prison was physical, Reese’s prison is psychological). It makes sense for Reese to start letting someone in now that she has dealt with some of her personal issues. And I kind of like that it is someone as unexpected as Tidwell. Reese feels like a broken, flawed person, even though she’s attractive. Tidwell looks like a broken, flawed person, and probably is. I think their relationship will be about how much they have in common, or how good they can be for each other, despite outside appearances.

Also, Damien Lewis (Crews) has said in interviews that Life is very much about wish fulfillment. For Tidwell, dating Reese would clearly be a dream come true. And for Reese, being in a relationship with a man as optomistic and kind as Tidwell with fulfill a wish she has had about her relationship with her father (who is somehow involved in the Bank of LA conspiracy and has a somewhat parental relationship with Rachel).

Get all that? Really, watching Season 1 and checking out the first part of SEason 2 online is worth your time. Though show is formatted as a procedural, the reason it is compelling is Charlie’s story and the way it is reflected in the people around him. It’s hard to understand all that without going back.

Enjoy! I’m jealous that you’re just discovering the show now! It’s one of the few bright spots in network programming lately.

November 28, 2008 at 7:53 PM

Life is an excellent show and you really need to see all of the Life episodes. All of the season 1 and 2 (so far) episodes are available at the site below (in English with Spanish subtitles)

November 28, 2008 at 8:21 PM

All episodes also available on the always excellent Hulu.

November 29, 2008 at 12:59 PM

The first season was only 11 episodes, so there’s really no reason you shouldn’t pick up the DVD set right now. It will take you no time at all. Nothing other than watching the first season will get you as up to date as you can be, nor will anything be as entertaining.

December 1, 2008 at 7:52 PM

I saw some episodes of Life last season but while it was okay, it didn’t really grab me. I’m catching up this season now.

I like Charlie, hate the ex-wife bit and can’t figure out what’s going on with Jack Reese and all that stuff. I’m jumping in because hardly anyone seems to like the Reese/Tidwell thing or understand what she sees in him. I’d like to say to all the guy, the dating scene is really bad out there and if you find a kind guy who is fairly intelligent, don’t knock it. Also, while theirn interactions in the early episodes were forced, I loved them in Badge Bunnies and think they could be a really good comic pairing on the show.

December 18, 2008 at 8:28 PM

I agree that you should rent the season1 DVD. This is an excellent show.

As far as the Reese/Tidwell relationship I am all for it. Dani needed to stop sleeping around and Tidwell respects her and shows genuine care about her wellbeing, something she hadn’t gotten from her dad or felt she deserved from anyone else.

Powerless, Badge Bunny and Trapdoor are my favorite episodes.

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