CliqueClack TV

My new write-in campaign: Save Christian Kane!

It seems that it has become super-trendy these days to start campaigns to save things on TV. Any show that gets canceled seems to automatically see a save-our-show campaign pop up. With the exception of Jericho, these things rarely work.

I have been feeling a bit left out, however, and decided to jump on the bandwagon. Now, I’m a little more practical than the average campaign starter, so I wanted to save something that I had a good chance of actually saving. That’s why I propose saving… Christian Kane, from TNT’s new show Leverage.

What are we saving Mr. Kane from, you may be asking yourself? The answer should be obvious: that wild animal on the top of his head that is trying to eat him!

Seriously, I’m no fashion expert or hairstylist, but what the hell is with that do?!? Who thinks it’s alright to have that hairstyle? I’m loving Leverage so far and I’m hopeful that they can keep up the fun sense of thievery and quality banter. In fact, I don’t think I want to see them change anything… except for Christian Kane’s haircut.

I’m wondering what Christian was even thinking growing his hair out that long? Has he been really busy, doing charity work in the wilds of Africa where there were no scissors? Did he swear not to cut his hair until he avenged the murder of a lost loved one? There must be some kind of reason. I just can’t believe it was a choice.

So here is where I ask for your help: if we all write letters to TNT to let them know that we love Leverage, but would love it even more if Christian Kane cut his hair, we can make this happen! We have the power!

Am I way off base here? Do you have an interesting theory as to why Christian is sporting the Terri Hatcher look?

Photo Credit: TNT

10 Responses to “My new write-in campaign: Save Christian Kane!”

December 11, 2008 at 1:14 PM

I don’t know, but seeing him with that hair makes me feel like I’m back in 1993. All he needs is a flannel shirt. I will argue that the look is better on him than Mark-Paul Gosselaar on Raising the Bar. At least Christian’s hair looks clean and shiny, Gosselaar looks like he uses burnt fryer oil for conditioner.

December 11, 2008 at 7:05 PM

My guess is that he was hedging his bets. If Leverage would have bombed right out of the gate, he would have been perfectly positioned, and coiffed, to take on the roll of the Beast in the ABC Fables project.

December 11, 2008 at 7:10 PM

You make a great point about leaping to Fables Doc, but not even graphic novel homage can salvage the hot mess that is his head.

December 11, 2008 at 9:10 PM

Didn’t he have long hair in the last season of Angel?

I mean, I like it, as much as I like other dudes’ hair.

December 12, 2008 at 1:45 PM

Chris isn’t going to cut his hair, period. Letter writing campaign or not, his hair is not the idea nor the property of TNT or any of the Leverage producers/directors. He has had long hair for a while now and he liked it that way.

February 2, 2009 at 5:36 PM

i disagree i love chris with his long hair i hope it stays that way he looks way better then the short hair

February 17, 2009 at 2:09 AM

I also love his long hair! He looks great! The long hair is his trademark!!

February 19, 2009 at 12:29 AM

Personally I love the way Christian looks with the long hair, and would even love to see him in a flannel shirt… just my opinion, but the man is not only phenomenally talented at so many things, but good looking and seems to be personable as well. And he cooks! What more could you ask for????

March 3, 2009 at 7:45 AM

I like it a tad shorter
The pilot length was good for me
still like to run my hands through it though
bad girl!

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