CliqueClack TV

Open Letters: A message for the writers of Dirty Sexy Money

Dear writers of Dirty Sexy Money,

I wanted to take a minute before your show disappears to thank you. First, I would like to thank you for a great first season. It must have sucked for you guys to have to go on strike and cut your very promising first season short. I know if I were in your place I would have been very frustrated. I was a big fan of your series during the first season. Dirty Sexy Money was fresh, had a great cast, and was just over-the-top enough to be a lot of fun. Who doesn’t love an angry, bitter, lying, cheating member of the clergy? It was good TV.

When the second season started just a few months ago I was really optimistic. There was a lot of change behind the scenes at DSM during the summer, but I was hopeful. I even wrote a feature about it. However, as the second season carried on, your show seemed to trip over that thin line between good over-the-top and ridiculous over-the-top that it had been walking so deftly.

I’m not sure exactly where you lost your way. It may have been somewhere in the plot that involved Simon Elder mysteriously holding Nola’s little brother hostage (seriously, WTF?). It may have been Brian suddenly and inexplicably falling in love with his illegitimate son’s mother once he found out she was dying. How convenient for Brian that his actual wife and other children have seemed to disappear. Granted, last time we saw Mrs. Darling, she was asking Brian for a divorce, but apparently he can jet set to Brazil to see Brian Jr, but can’t trek across town to see his other kids. Again, it may have just been the systematic destruction of Nick George and his marriage.

Regardless, it doesn’t matter exactly where you went wrong. I just want to thank you for going into the tank. I want to thank you for this because your ratings sucked so bad even when you were good, that ABC was going to cancel DSM anyway. Now, it’s so much easier for me to see you go off the air. Sure there are a lot of mysteries remaining. Who killed Dutch (I don’t really care, but we’re going to find out)? What’s the deal with Nola’s brother (I couldn’t care less)? Will Nick end up with Karen (That would be a horrible ending)?

Am I sad to see Dirty Sexy Money go? Yes, I am. I was holding out hope that things could turn around, but now I don’t have to even worry about that. So thank you Dirty Sexy Money writers, thank you for sucking!

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Clack | Features | Open Letters | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “Open Letters: A message for the writers of Dirty Sexy Money”

December 15, 2008 at 2:43 PM

Wow Bob! I would say that was pretty harsh, except that I pretty much feel the same way. I thought it would be so fun to watch Nick try to keep his “integrity” intact while working for the Darlings. I’m not sure why I actually thought that was what the show would be about. Next thing you know Karen has more integrity than Nick, who turned into a slug in like half an episode. I’ll watch to the end, but the last several eps especially have just been more and more disappointing.

December 16, 2008 at 12:44 AM

This show sucked from the get-go and I dropped it after three episodes. Sorry but this simply wasn’t any good, at no time at all. I find it hard to believe that they managed to tank it, because for that they must really know a guy who sells some good shovels…

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