CliqueClack TV

Is Vince of Entourage unnecessary? – Guest Clack


Aryeh S. is back guest clacking for us again today ….

Generally, one would use this type of column to arrive at a conclusion by making points to support a theory. In this instance, I will answer my posed question and then work backwards, so as not to leave you all thinking that I’m crazy: Absolutely Not!

Four years ago, HBO introduced us to movie star Vincent Chase (Adrian Grenier) and his three-person entourage. This group of lackeys and mooches include Vince’s brother Johnny Drama (Kevin Dillon), his manager and best friend Eric Murphy (Kevin Connolly), and his friend and driver, Turtle (Jerry Ferrara). This crew of uncouth 20-somethings from Queens have taken Hollywood by storm, and are ready to launch Vince and his career into superstardom.

Along the way, we’ve watched Eric grow into an authentic Hollywood manager. Johnny Drama, a typical out-of-work actor, finally landed a hit of his own, a network TV show. And Turtle? Somehow he’s dating Jamie-Lynn Sigler, better known as Meadow on The Sopranos. The evolution of these characters has taken place around Vince, leaving open the possibility that the central figure in this foursome is superfluous.

Vincent Chase is a star who’s never had to be the best actor in the room to draw the most attention. It’s his star power, his looks and personality, that have driven him to the top. Never have we been left to ponder whether the man can act. And it’s precisely for that reason that this past season saw Vince floundering, driving him home to (a very soundstage-looking) Queens. At this point, Vince could drop out of the biz, and his crew would still have fulfilling lives to return to in California. So isn’t he just a drag on the show?

Not even a little bit. Adrian Grenier plays his part perfectly. Vincent Chase is exactly who we see popping up all across the Hollywood landscape every single year. The kid with the face who can sell tickets. The actor who played a key supporting role in a movie, launching him to the lead in the next. Eventually, every actor is asked to show what they can do when the bright lights are dimmed. George Clooney as superstar? Not while he was a regular on ER. Will Smith helming the fantastic Pursuit of Happyness? Not as long as he was better known as the Fresh Prince.

It’s not that Vince has become an afterthought. Rather, it’s that we’re getting a behind-the-scenes look at what makes a great actor. We never stop and think how actors make that transition, but the intensity with which Vince is attempting to prove himself shows us exactly who the entourage continues to be on this riveting show, comedy or not. Give Vince a chance next season … you won’t regret it.

Photo Credit: HBO

Categories: | Clack | Features | General | Guest Clack | TV Shows |

7 Responses to “Is Vince of Entourage unnecessary? – Guest Clack”

December 31, 2008 at 7:39 PM

The answer is no.

Sorry that I didn’t read your post at all because I find the question ridiculous.

December 31, 2008 at 7:46 PM

Let me elaborate a little more: the net on a tennis court doesn’t do anything either.

Try playing without it.

If you remove Vince, the show becomes pointless. I don’t even have the energy to further that opinion because, again, and sorry for being so absolute, the question is really really strange. It’s as if you ask whether you need meat for a Burger, and then say “sure, it’s a Veggie-Burger”. No it isn’t. It’s something with vegetables but not a burger. A burger contains meat. Entourage without Vince isn’t a show anymore.

God I could really tear into you about this but it’s New Year and I don’t feel like cursing…

December 31, 2008 at 10:02 PM

Sebastian — Vince is a horrible actor. Whether or not he’s purposely played that way, I dunno. But it’s possible he’s going to take a back seat to the rest of the “entourage,” as I think was suggested in this post. Vince has taken too many things for granted, while the rest of his posse has worked their fucking asses off to rise up higher on the food chain. Vince may have helped everyone get their start, but he’s starting to have to rely on them a lot more than they have to rely on him.

Obviously the show wouldn’t be the same without Vince, but I could totally see the show taking a turn to him being one of the minor players, with any one of the others taking the driver’s seat for a while. I don’t see why the question is so absurd, especially for a show that isn’t supposed to be deep anyway.

Then again, it’s NY Eve and I’ve had a wee bit o’ wine, so I may be talking completely out of me my arse.

January 1, 2009 at 4:14 AM

Keith, if you look at the show closely, then you’ll find that it is not about Vince. It’s not about Turtle, it isn’t about Drama. It’s not even about E.

Think Emmys.

See that is why I find the question so ridiculous. It’s like asking whether you could film “Love Boat” without the boat.

December 31, 2008 at 11:07 PM

The shows name is Entourage afterall, so the show, in my mind, has always been about the people around the star (Vince) that build the star up.

But there HAS to be a star for the entourage to orbit around.

I do think there is something odd about this article. (But I can profess a different opinion if it would avoid a fight :)

January 1, 2009 at 12:26 AM

Why couldn’t there be an entourage around one of the others and not Vince? Not saying it will happen, but it’s not out of the question.

January 1, 2009 at 10:04 AM

Eric is too self sufficient to need an entourage, Johnny Drama is not cool enough, Turtle is not important enough, and Ari already has an entire staff to abuse.

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