CliqueClack TV

Heroes – Save the characters, save the show – Guest Clack


Ivey’s back Guest-clacking for us again….

So, if we are to believe the NBC promotions department, the fourth season of Heroes began this week. I guess I’m just a bit old school, and think that season four is scheduled to start in September. But that could just be wishful thinking, and they could just be saying that for us fans that want to believe in a fourth season.

Also, it was the beginning of yet another reboot. Our show has definitely seen better days, and the producers and writers are starting fresh to regain some of the “X Factor” that the show has been missing since season one.

What is the show missing? Many fans point to straightforward story arcs instead of the convoluted layers we’ve been seeing, especially the time traveling aspects. I think you can easily point to shows like Terminator and Journeyman (tear…) that time travel can be done very well in a 43 minute format.

I think they need to get back in touch with who these characters are, and why they do what they do. We know these characters well, but many of them seem to have motivations that switch week to week. We’ve lost touch with these characters, and for the most part, they’ve lost touch with themselves.

What we saw this week could have been the return to that. But instead I don’t understand why Nathan is doing what he’s doing, nor do I expect a real explanation will be forthcoming anytime soon. Different with HRG … His motivations are unclear, but I’m sure he’ll explain them to Claire (again) after she confronts him whining (again).

Believe it or not though, I’ve got faith. I can forgive a lot, and I actually enjoyed a lot of last season. To be honest though, tequila helps.

Photo Credit: NBC

14 Responses to “Heroes – Save the characters, save the show – Guest Clack”

February 4, 2009 at 7:12 PM

O.K I’ll say it. I liked last nights episode. The plane scene was exciting. And the fighting to be free, let’s band together sort of thing works for me.

February 4, 2009 at 7:33 PM

I also have hope that Heroes will turn around after this episode. I would say I’m “cautiously optimistic.”

February 4, 2009 at 7:33 PM

I am not really sure what the new direction is other than it seems very X-men like. It does have potential so I am hopeful, especially with the new..old…showrunner. I was a little bored with the episode.

My biggest complaint, which is mentioned above, is why oh why is Nathan doing this. It just doesn’t make any sense. I kept thinking of him as a Hitler like character.

The end cracked me up because of this parody of Lost and Heroes.

February 16, 2009 at 9:46 AM

I’ve just watched this and it’s HILARIOUS – I’m still laughing to myself haha

February 4, 2009 at 8:39 PM

It’s funny really. It’s exactly because the characters are so terribly written, and the story arcs are a jumbled mess, that Heroes has become exactly what it set out to be: a comic book in TV format.

I held out hope through all of last season. This season I’m all out. At this point I hope it gets canceled and leaves room in the market for someone else to come along and do the general concept — ordinary people with super powers — justice. It’s in that very concept that all of the show’s characters were created, and they can never go back at this point.

February 5, 2009 at 6:59 PM

I liked the episode. Hopefully they’ll explain who the heck is a good guy, although I’m inclined to assume that HRG will end up as much of a good guy as he can be.

Although one thing did bother me: Why didn’t they go after Daphne? Did they forget that she has abilities too?

February 5, 2009 at 8:14 PM

AlexK: Just because we didn’t see her on the plane doesn’t mean that she wasn’t on the plane.

mister_d: I would disagree with the idea that comic book characters are terribly written. Now, the retconning and changes and such are a by product of an ever changing landscape, but I think comic characters are as well (or not) written as any other medium.

cj: Fuller’s involvement supposedly won’t be noticed until very late in the season, based on when scripts were written.

I’m glad more people liked this episode… I’m hoping that it continues to rebound.

February 5, 2009 at 9:46 PM

Dorv: Actually that’s a good point. I guess I just assumed that since we didn’t see her taken and that we didn’t see her on the plane, she wasn’t there. It would’ve been must easier if Claire had de-hooded (not a word) everyone… she must have awesome luck if she finds who she’s looking for and is right on every try.

February 16, 2009 at 5:38 AM

I thought it was a bit boring, and I do love Heroes so I’d watch even if it was this boring all the time, just to see what happens….
I don’t understand though several things you’ve already mentioned:
a) WHY on earth is Nathan so evil suddenly? he used to care for his brother above everything else, he didn’t trust their Mum and hated their Dad’s memory. WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS WIFE AND KIDS TOO? they disappeared??? I think Arthur Petrelli is not dead and he’s controlling his mind (or is living in his body) – it’s the only explanation that will save Nathan from being hated by all fans, and me!!
b) why does Claire keep getting angry/hating her Dad for all the strange things he does (honestly, Noa, choose a side, stop jumping from one team to the other, you’re driving me up the wall!) and then he says one word ‘I will explain Clairebear’ and it’s over? if I was her, after trillions of unanswered questions and unresolved doubts, I would just be really angry or completely ignore my Dad. AND WHERE IS CLAIRE’S BROTHER? another disappearance…
c) Why is Mohinder still strong but doesn’t look like a monster anymore? I thought his ability was gone (with the cure) but now it’s back in another form? please explain…
d) why did no one go back to Daphne, she might not be dead!
e) what happened to Nikki’s son, and the cousin that could mimic anything? third disappearing act…
f) why is Sylar so interested in finding his parents? who cares anyway?
g) why does Peter keep having this endless conversations that get nowhere (which remind me of Clairebear and her Dad) with Nathan when they obviously don’t agree and are now (and maybe forever) enemies?
Well…. maybe one day I’ll find all this out….
PD. I say bring Nikki back, she was more interesting than Tracy…

February 16, 2009 at 9:11 AM

Beatrix: I have no problem that the show has left so many characters in the dust. I think its better off without a lot of these ancillory characters you mentioned. Nathan’s family, Micah, Monica, etc are not central to the plot, and keeping them around would just slow things down more. We’ve only had one scene with Claire’s mom recently, and they’ve mentioned her brother, so I don’t think he’s gone completely.

Sylar’s looking for his dad, not his mother. I think he’s trying to understand himself, and talking to his real father is a big part of that. I’m actually pretty interested to see where it goes.

If Nathan’s being controlled by Arthur, I might just puke. Once you kill someone, leave them dead.

HRG’s motivations have always been consistent. He has always acted to defend Claire and the rest of his family. When Claire sees that, she’ll stop asking questions.

Its because Peter cares… Its in his DNA (ha!) to want to save everything, including his brother, who keeps flirting with the dark side.

February 16, 2009 at 9:50 AM

Mmm… thanks Dorv! I like your answers. Still, I think if you bring characters up such as Micah, who we saw a lot of in past seasons, why abandon them like that? I want to see Monica use her powers or see who’s taking care of poor Micah – it’s not fair to introduce us to this little boy and his Mum and Dad and all the can do and then just get rid of him. However I agree there’s no time (or mind space!) to deal with so many characters/storylines.
I honestly think Nathan might be controlled by Arthur Petrelli, think about it – the old man always finds a way to stay alive and Nathan has undertaken this radical change since his Dad was shot was Sylar. I think Peter is too good and Clairebear and her Dad bore me. He never explains anything and she never does anything in the end.
I am interested in Sylar too and want to see where he’s going…. oh, and I’d like to know why Mohinder isn’t knocking on Maya’s door now that he’s handsome and ‘normal’ again – guess she’s out of the plot now as she has no powers!

February 16, 2009 at 11:02 AM

I guess when it comes to Micah, Monica, and Maya, that the writers have realized that no one cares about underdeveloped, younger characters (No offense, just my opinion). Characters come and go, especially on this show that tells such a global story. I’d much rather see what’s happening with Caitlyn, Hanah Gitelman (I know of her fate in the Graphic Novels, but thought she was a character worthy of screentime), or the Hatian than these pointless characters.

Arthur was such a truly boring character (not saying the role wasn’t acted well, I’m just saying the character was so… cliched), that bringing him back would be a cop out.

Welcome to Clique Clack, BTW. Check back tonight, as the website generally does a Live Blog during the East Coast airing of the show.

February 17, 2009 at 6:24 AM

Thanks for the welcome. I love this web – I check it all the time. I’m in London BTW. B x

March 26, 2009 at 7:26 PM


Well I guess you didn’t see Micah being rebel by a long shot then huh? It was actually pretty obvious, also Beatriz I to share your thoughts on Arthur being in Nathan. Think about, in season 3 Arthur is trying to round everyone up, now yes he was doing it with business cards and not by force and rounding them up like criminals, but they both still want all the Heroes rounded up none the less.

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