CliqueClack TV

Worst long-running show ever – Poll of the Week

facts-of-life-castWhen something sparks an idea in Bill White, watch out! Something set him off, and all of us writers here at CliqueClack had a fabulous time listing our nominations for the worst long-running show ever.

We know there are some shows that are long-running but not on this list. But we could not be party to nominating Cheers or Frasier, for instance, even if some of you out there may have hated these shows (blasphemers!). I guess you’ll have to make them write-in candidates in the comments.

Anyway, once I got researching, I realized we’d have to set a definition of long-running (even though half a season is more than enough for some shows), so we’re going with at least 150 episodes. And I gotta say,  I’ve got a slightly creepy feeling knowing how many of these awful shows actually lasted that long. I had no idea that The Facts of Life was over 200 episodes. And I have nothing more to say about that.

So we’ll do two polls — one for the worst long-running show that was finally put out of its misery, and one for the worst long-running show that is, in fact, still plaguing the airwaves.

Photo Credit: NBC

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12 Responses to “Worst long-running show ever – Poll of the Week”

February 4, 2009 at 5:05 PM

Wait… Power Rangers is still on?!?

February 4, 2009 at 6:30 PM

Yeah … are you a little scared?

February 4, 2009 at 5:55 PM

Wow! Did you really put GILMORE GIRLS on a list of worst shows?

February 4, 2009 at 6:31 PM

There was some controversy … OK, some name-calling … amongst the staff writers on that show, but some people thought it should be included. I am just the messenger man; I’ve actually never seen GG. Perhaps my next Virgin Diary? ;-)

February 4, 2009 at 6:55 PM

Go rent or buy or download or watch or whatever GG season 1. I bet you like it .. a lot. :)

February 4, 2009 at 8:13 PM

It’s definitely been on my list, but I’ve got to finish Supernatural first… I’m beginning to resent new programming! ;-)

February 4, 2009 at 6:53 PM

You really should have added ER to the second poll. While superior in it’s first 7 or 8 seasons, the show should have ended long ago.

February 4, 2009 at 8:53 PM

As much as I hate to admit it now – there’s just too many of these shows I DID watch… Now granted, I gave up on Full House and 7th Heaven long before they ended, but I (being a child then – because yes the last season of 7th Heaven may have actually happened after I graduated college, but I stopped watching before even my last year of high school) did indeed love them in their time.

(And I still have a crush on “Uncle Jesse” and enough of a love of the 80s and early 90s since it was my childhood to occasionally watch an episode – and then of course Bob Saget shows up on screen (or an Olsen twin) and I run screaming from the room…)

February 5, 2009 at 12:25 AM

Oh- how I loved The Facts of Life. I still catch a few on OnDemand. I loved the characters, I grew up with them– they seemed like older sisters. I just finished 8th grade when it was cancelled. I would come home from school and watch reruns. I had hoped they would continue on with Blair running the new Eastland. This is by no means one of the worst long running shows -it was great family entertainment that actually dealt with some issues that helped me learn a little while providing hours of laughs.
And come on BH90210 ummm — love it! I graduated with them. I literally grew up with these characters and can’t imagine my life with out this show. From the calling friends during commercial breaks in high school to having 90210 parties after. It may not be a type of show that won emmy’s but it was a good show.

And I can’t agree with Gilmore Girls or Girlfriends on the list either. Gilmore Girls had some of the best writing and a great cast (would love kelly bishop to find a show). It’s a same GG was never given the credit it deserved by the Emmy’s.
And I think Coach is better than to be put in a worst long running show list. It was funny and had heart.

I’ll give you Baywatch (eyecandy was what it did best) Full House, Family Matters and Step by Step. I’m actually amazed Step by Step lasted that long, really 7 seasons -wow.

just my thoughts

I was never a fan of Married with Children which had 259 show (wow0, but plenty of people liked that show too. And Drew Carey (233) went way down hill in it’s last couple years

On what’s still on the air – I’d have to say The Jerry Springer Show (though it’s a whole different type of show). I never saw the appeal. Just never wanted to watch it.
And I’m one of the few who has never seen an entire episode of The Simpson’s. I guess part of what bothers me with that show is they are the same age after 21 season, after how many Halloween episodes. I don’t get it. I’m sure it’s a good show, plenty like it but just not for me

February 5, 2009 at 2:24 AM

I kind of think that King of Queens gets a bad rap. And maybe it was on too long but it was a good companion to Raymond.

And to echo the last poster, I think that Married With Children was on far too long.

February 5, 2009 at 5:02 AM

It’s sort of like Einstein’s explanation of relativity. There are shows where 20 years isn’t enough, and shows (The War At Home comes to mind) where two years is way too long).

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