CliqueClack TV

Idol’s Top 36 — really? – Open Letters

american-idol-logo1Dear Simon, Paula, Randy and Kara,

Apparently your producers value weirdness more than talent. I say producers because I can’t possibly believe that you are responsible for three people making the top 36 that just plain shouldn’t be there.

First, Norman Gentle, or whatever his real name is. I swear, they had to have put your laughter in after the fact, because you couldn’t have really been laughing at his performances. Perhaps at him, but not his shtick. He’s not funny, and his voice isn’t good enough to make it to the top 36. I can only believe that he is there for the personality factor, or should I say spectacle factor. There are lots of unique personalities behind the actual singers, if you actually give them the spotlight once in a while.

And do we really need the emotional roller-coaster that is Tatiana del Toro? There were better singers than her that didn’t make the top 36. Am I really to believe that you,  Simon, wanted Tatiana over the “attractive girl” who was pitted against Kristen (Jennifer maybe?)? Not only is she certifiable, but she’s annoying, unstable and far too high maintenance to make it to the top ten, so why give her the chance?

Nathaniel Marshall is under the false impression that he’s participating in some sort of high school musical theatre experiment. Hey Nate, this isn’t “Up with People,” so pull it together. The contestants who actually have talent will not be signing your program, so there’s something else to cry about.

Do you find this letter mean spirited, Paula? Well, I found you all to be cruel in the way you strung along the contestants vying for the top 36 spots. Why not just tell them they’ve made it, or let them down easy? Do we really need to fake them out and make them think they haven’t made the cut? And how do you think they felt when they found out Norman, Tatiana and Nathaniel were moving on? Don’t you think that was punishment enough? And pitting the contestants against each other? Just bad form.

My heart goes out to all the truly talented contestants in the top 36, and I know that you’ll be fair in ensuring that American Idol, season eight is about talent, not spectacle. So judges, talk to those producers and remind them that no one wants to see Norman Gentle and the likes in the top ten, except maybe Vote for the Worst, and we don’t want to give them any power, do we?

Thank you,


Photo Credit: FOX

11 Responses to “Idol’s Top 36 — really? – Open Letters”

February 12, 2009 at 4:07 PM

I completely agree. I saw who they let through today and was VERY disappointed. There was a guy on Tuesday, darker skin, green jacket, white collar shirt and a thin red tie. He was good, he didn’t make it. Instead we have several “singers” who act like they already won the show, others who forgot their words (even when the judges went “you forget the words you are gone”), and a joke contestant!

I can’t believe that out of all the talent this year the group is this mess! There were some truly great singers and great personalities behind those singers. It seems they got kicked to the curb for made up teen drama.

They just lost one viewer, I hope they lose 20 million more.

February 12, 2009 at 4:14 PM

I know just the guy you mean — he was the friend of the guy who did make it (the one whose wife had passed away) and I was really hoping they’d both get through.

February 12, 2009 at 7:34 PM

I think the gentleman’s name was Jamar…? He was sooooo good, and likable. I was shocked he did not make it.

February 12, 2009 at 4:24 PM

I’ve known my share of annoying bitches, but Tatiana takes the cake. She is a brand new level of obnoxious. And I have a sick feeling she’ll be around a while longer. Ugh.

February 12, 2009 at 5:08 PM

I think my exact comment about Tatiana Del Toro was: WTF?
She should get voted off early, but I’m afraid we have another Sanjaya on our hands. The people at have already said that she’s their girl. DAMN!!!

February 12, 2009 at 5:16 PM

This is the first time I’ve seen the Hollywood round. I never watched AI at all until halfway through last season when we were flipping channels and my two year old started dancing to a Kristy Lee Cook song. By the end of the season we were pretty happy to see David Cook win. So I thought we would start from the beginning this year.

So far it has been ridiculous. I really don’t see the logic behind sending home good singers so you can keep really crappy ones. Even my daughter (3 now) thinks Norman Dorkman is a “joke with no funny”. And somebody please tell me they did not really put Tatiana through. I have to say I’m surprised by just how disappointed I am. I thought this was a singing competition, but apparently it’s just about popularity instead. Sad.

February 12, 2009 at 5:45 PM

I couldn’t believe they didnt pass the black guy through who Oreo and Debbie are discussing in the first two comments. I was counting on him to try and WIN the competition. I had him in the top 36 as a given.

The choices of Nathanael, Tatiana, Norman Gentle, and anyone else of this ilk who I’m forgetting are a clear sign to any viewer that this isn’t a show about singing; it’s a show about a show. Ratings and $$$ is what it’s all about.

That said, I have no idea what the producers were thinking when they chose Tatiana. It won’t make any of us eager to watch. She’s a whack job, and not in a good way.

February 12, 2009 at 7:19 PM

When they cut Jamal and kept Norman and the guy who walked away from his keyboard during Hollywood week, I turned the show off and deleted it from my DVR. Goodbye, American Idol. I have better things to watch.

February 12, 2009 at 8:06 PM

Ouch! That stings…I heart Normund. Don’t worry, he’ll be off soon enough I’m sure. :..(
So much of the show is BS you just have to kind of brush it off, otherwise it’ll make you crazy. I learned the hard way when Michael Johns got the boot last year. Anyway, I’m willing to bet all or most of the decisions are made my the producers as to who gets through and who’s cut, based on what will make for good ratings, be it in the form of scandal, inspiration, teeny-bopper crushes, etc.
As for Jamar, don’t forget about the wild card round. He just might be back, you have to wait and see…

February 12, 2009 at 8:09 PM

Oh, the Michael Johns incident of 2008… it cuts me deep…. ;-)

February 12, 2009 at 8:33 PM

I can’t believe they let the drama people in either. I don’t remember her name, but the blonde who was married that was cut over the one that dressed bad as Paula put it… I think the married one was way better. And if Jamar was the one that sang “what you do to me” I thought he was horrible with that song. I think the AI people are just trying to keep everyone pulled in to accept the sob stories and people with drama rather than the ones that can actually sing with an exception to the blind guy. I actually like Norman though he’s funny, but he can sing as well. We need less Sanjya and more real singers.

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