CliqueClack TV

Law & Order Wrap-up – We’re in a recession; I get it!


Law & Order: SVU – Lead

Big things were afoot this week on SVU: Alex is back, and boy, did hilarity ensue with that one. Actually, I’m not sure if this was actually as funny as it seemed to me, but I sure got a kick out of it. The episode started off normally enough: The new DA was all frosty and fired up in that monotone way of hers. Then we come back from the first commercial break and Alex is showing up at the crime scene instead of her. And it goes a little something like this:

Benson: “Uh, hey Alex. It’s kind of weird seeing you here.”

Alex: “Oh, hey Liv.”

Benson: “Hey, remember when we saw you get shot, and were really sad, but it turned out you faked your own death and went into witness protection? Those were crazy times. ANYWAY, I heard that all of the dudes who were after you are dead now, and you’ve been out of witness protection for like 3 YEARS.”

Alex: “…Yeah, sorry about that. I meant to call.”

Stabler: So where’s that bitchy DA no one likes?

Alex: Gone. Let’s never speak of her again.

Seriously. The DA was there and then she wasn’t. Alex kept stressing throughout the entire episode that she was just there on a temporary basis, but for real. I did not like the new DA, and if they want to bring Alexandra Cabot back for good, you’re not going to get an argument from me.

What do you guys think about the recent development in the DA’s office?

Law & Order – Bailout

If the state of the economy didn’t already make me want to kill myself, this episode of L&O certainly would. It had to do with greedy CEOs and the misuse of government bailout money. Basically, you can totally kidnap people and cause their death if you got personally screwed by a guy who ran a big bank.

Other than the main dead lady victim, there was of course a group of orphans that totally got screwed over. They were like a busload of puppies who were told that they were going to a farm where they could run and play and hang out with Derek Jeter, but when they got up there, they all got put to sleep. Okay, maybe it wasn’t that bad, but the farm was a dump, and even though all the banker did was not give the money that would allow the orphans to buy that craphole (which was probably doing them a favor), he still deserved to have his mistress killed. Or something.

The point is, the economy is leading to the breakdown of the social order and pretty soon it’s going to be martial law and that’s when the zombies are going to get us, so you better stock up on water and buy your rifles now!

At least that’s what I got out of this episode.

Photo Credit: Will Hart – NBC Via Associated Press

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

One Response to “Law & Order Wrap-up – We’re in a recession; I get it!”

March 14, 2009 at 12:47 AM

Yeah that was a true “WTF?!” moment for me too. Wikipedia explainsit a bit. They are really jerking that character around…

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