CliqueClack TV

Liberal Arts are to scientists what science is to us normals

Dale on GreekNot only did Dale (Clark Duke) return this week on Greek, but we got a serious dose of the hilarious Christian. What a way to start your day, with Dale cooking breakfast in the kitchen. Granted, his Bluegrass Scramble sounded disgusting, even before the substitutes (sweet pickle relish swapped in for sweet ham?), but it got me so excited for the rest of an episode that only topped that. Greek is back!

I got an inkling after the early scene in Calvin’s (Paul James) room at the Omega Kai house that he’ll be moving in with Dale and Rusty before long. A bit expected, but I think it could really be fun to have Dale bump into one of Calvin’s male one-night-stands in the middle of the night. The decision to have Calvin be driven out by his oversexed roommate was a little off-color, though, as the writers used the opportunity to expand Calvin’s homosexual identity. I’ve always enjoyed how he wasn’t written as a stereotype; I hope they don’t make the mistake of having him become more TV traditional, flamboyance and all.

For the first time ever, we saw Dale and Rusty (Jacob Zachar) in a non-scientific academic pursuit, and art history was about as perfect a choice as could be made. Dale summed up everything that makes him great in under thirty words:

“Aren’t you a little curious about the verbiage? ‘Liberal Arts’? It seems like it could attract a certain element, you know? Like Socialists. Tree-huggers. General deviants.”

And then he proceeded to giggle at the breasts displayed on the projector. As juvenile as the running joke, that is inevitable, happens to be, I like seeing Dale so out of his element and showing how stunted his growth has been outside of engineering. Hopefully it will help him grow as a person, though God knows, as a character, he doesn’t need to change a thing. He actually located girls in his Christian network named Gena Talia!

And I love how eager Rusty is to please a cute girl. He popped right up to get Jordan (Johanna Braddy) a copy of the class syllabus, and proceeded to flatten the projector. I just wish he’d be a bit more self-confident; his lack of action is largely to blame for Jordan hooking up with Andy (Jesse McCartney) at the mixer. About that: I get that the show enjoys conflict, but I was sad to see Rusty channeling Evan (Jake McDorman) instead of Cappie (Scott Michael Foster) in that one brief scene with him and Andy after Rusty sees Jordan and Andy hooking up. I really hope the writers don’t shove that out-of-character response on a good guy like Rusty.

Meanwhile, Casey (Spencer Grammer) started her own new horizon class, “Sex, Power & Politics.” First of all: what? Again, no surprise that Cappie showed up, though Casey doesn’t know about his taking a women’s studies final last season. I was a little disappointed in the guest casting job here. Greek rarely drops a famous face on us, so when they do, I expect the actor to have really been well thought out. Maybe she was, but I am no fan of Janeane Garofalo. In fact, I’ve hated all the times she’s swooped in to do a spot on one of my shows. I sincerely hope that her stay will be short.

Anyway, the class was in part a setup for Casey and Cappie to walk outside together and bump into new boyfriend Max (Michael Rady). Max and Cappie continue to butt heads, and I think it’s ridiculous that Casey tells them both that they “should” be friends. Seriously, why in the world does it have to be one or the other for her? I’ve had and still have plenty of friends that my girlfriend, now wife, doesn’t necessarily like, and vice versa. Who cares? Plus, Max knocked Cappie’s jewelry; I hate the look, but no one messes with The Cap!

Ashleigh (Amber Stevens) got back to her area of drama: boys. This episode, the writers fused her personality and her new role in the house properly, having her be savior to ZBZ’s much stalked hasher (what the hell is that in a sorority?) I also liked how they flipped the script, having the guy do the slow bend while the girls checked out his butt. I didn’t like the visual, but I appreciate the fact that these women are just as over-sexed as their neighbor fraternities. Although, I’m not sure I noticed any of the frats with hashers, let alone full kitchen staffs; does that really exist?

I am curious to discover what’s going on with Evan, though I’m no worse for the wear without him and Frannie (Tiffany Dupont) playing significant roles on the show going forward. (Also glad that Rebecca (Dilshad Vadsaria) was back to being insignificant!) But I do wonder if Evan isn’t being handed another stereotypical storyline: rich boy who gets into drugs when handed his trust, or rich boy who manages to lose all of his trust and turns to drugs to ease the pain. I have to say that I’m surprised that the show seems to be sniffing around so many stereotypical characterizations and situations. Don’t get me wrong: still loving the show, and I think this was the best one so far this season, but this is the first time Greek has come close to introducing something other than original ideas. Hopefully it’s all misdirection.

Oh! Over a cold plate of Arkansas Shipwreck (leftover Bluegrass Scramble mashed with leftover tuna casserole; CliqueClack Food should get on these recipes!), a drunk Rusty complains to Dale about his luck with women:

Rusty: “I just don’t get how it’s so easy for some guys. Like, all they have to do is exist, and then they get the girl.”

Dale: “It’s a gift. But, you know, heavy is the crown, too.”

Don’t you dare leave Dale out again!

Photo Credit: ABC Family

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “Liberal Arts are to scientists what science is to us normals”

April 14, 2009 at 4:26 PM

I fell asleep before watching it. I forgot about it until 8:20, and then at 11:30 fell asleep before getting the encore. What I realized from last week’s episode is that Max sucks. He wasn’t in the episode at all and I didn’t even realize it until I say the commercials for yesterday’s episode.

April 14, 2009 at 4:54 PM

I agree (though definitely make sure to see last night’s episode!) Max was good as Rusty’s RA; as Casey’s boyfriend, not so much. Obviously it’s the inevitable, but when are Casey and Cappie getting back together already?

April 14, 2009 at 5:34 PM

please please please stop linking the characters to the actors’ imdb page. i can understand it if you do it for the guests (the new girl) but not the main cast. it’s annoying.

anyway, i like this ep. & i disagree with you & think that rusty did channel cappie a little when he pulled the “pledge” card on andy. cappie had done that from time to time when he isn’t getting his way.

i really hope that rusty gets the girl, he needs another one since jen k.

April 17, 2009 at 11:13 AM

I hear you, but it’s good for us. You can always just hover over the link with your mouse to see if it’s anything that’ll interest you, but it helps us draw in traffic. Hope you can live with it! :-)

April 14, 2009 at 5:35 PM

Yeah Casey’s a senior and this will most likely be her last year. However they will probably make this year 3-4 seasons like they did the first year, so we still have a long way to go. :)

How are the ratings for the show? I heard they aren’t that great, like 1.3 million on average. I just hope the show last long enough for Rusty to graduate.

This is probably my favorite show on the air right now, it’s just so much fun and Rusty and Calvin and Dale are great together.

April 17, 2009 at 11:14 AM

Actually not sure where the numbers are, but I’ve yet to hear rumors about the fate of the show since it premiered. I feel pretty confident that it’s secure. It’s awesome!

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